(Purely refreshing, Shura field, a little bit of daily life, but also with battles, a place for brain storage)




"Tongzi, what about what you said at the beginning that you only need to successfully conquer 200 girls and then awaken?"

"Where's my ultimate reward? Where's my incredible grand prize? Do you want me to send you to heaven?"

"It's been more than ten years! Tongzi, do you know how long I have been waiting for this day?"

Jiang Cheng could never have imagined that after he completed the system task and successfully captured the 200th girl, the system disappeared out of thin air.

Yes, it really disappeared out of thin air.

No matter how he called, he could not get a response from the system.

It disappeared completely.

If it weren't for the fact that the items that the system had rewarded him with were still there, Jiang Cheng would have even thought that he had been mentally ill all along and the system was a product of his imagination.

But no, the system really appeared.

So... is it now that the system has dumped him? Abandoned him? The system lied to him.

It has always been the case that he, Jiang Cheng, is a scumbag, but the system actually dumped him at the critical moment?

He really shouldn't have believed what the system said, two hundred girls, now his kidneys have been refined into gold.

Yes, Jiang Cheng is a time traveler, but he was a time traveler. After the system appeared, he awakened his past life memories, which can be called wisdom.

After the time travel, he found that the world he was in changed from Earth to the Blue Water Planet, and his country became the Great Xia Kingdom, the country across the ocean became the Ugly Country, and the Great Xia completed the unification. After all, there was no dynasty with three drops of water, and the combat effectiveness of the Great Xia was very strong.

Of course, at the same time, the names of celebrities in the world have also changed.

However, since the previous history is the same as Jiang Cheng's previous life, Jiang Cheng has some sense of substitution.

Anyway, the changes are not small.

Now it is 2033, and he found that he has become an ordinary person in this life. You know, he was the CEO of a listed company in his previous life... a successful person.

Fortunately, the system gave him a considerable reward every time he successfully captured a girl. For example, the first girl he captured ten years ago, he received a reward of 100 million from the system.

The kind of direct payment.

For example, a while ago, after he captured an ancient style girl, the system rewarded him with a villa worth hundreds of millions.

In short, as long as he successfully captures a girl, he will get a generous asset reward.

But Jiang Cheng clearly remembered that the system told him at the beginning that as long as he successfully captured 200 girls, he would get a world-changing award, so what about the award?

"You rotten system, you actually scumbag me!"

When Jiang Cheng was cursing, the doorbell of his villa rang.

Could it be that Lin Sixue came to the door again? He just found a random reason to break up with the girl some time ago, and the girl came to the door every day in the past few days.

But he had to be cruel, he had already broken up with Lin Sixue, how could he get back together?

However, when Jiang Cheng opened the door, it was not his ex-girlfriend Lin Sixue who came to meet him, but two security guards in police uniforms.


Why did the security guard come to his house? Could it be that he dumped Lin Sixue? Jiang Cheng was a little confused.

Moreover, his property was all obtained legally. If the security guard wanted to find him, he should have found him when the system gave him the first small target.

"Hello, you are Jiang Cheng, Mr. Jiang, right?"

One of the slightly fatter security guards looked a little serious, and both of them looked at Jiang Cheng.

"Yes, I shouldn't have done anything wrong, right?"

Jiang Cheng was a little confused. He had always been law-abiding. He would only pursue one girl and break up with her after the success. He never played with two girls at the same time. He was a good citizen who followed the law and even paid taxes normally.

"Are you Lin Sixue's boyfriend?"

The slightly fat security guard looked serious. He carefully examined Jiang Cheng.

"Yes, but that was in the past. We have broken up now. We broke up a few days ago."

He and Lin Sixue just broke up some time ago. Lin Sixue came to him and asked for reconciliation a few days ago.

It shouldn't be illegal for him to break up with Lin Sixue, right?

""Mr. Policeman, is there something wrong with Lin Sixue?"

Jiang Cheng saw the two security guards' serious expressions, and he was a little confused. Is there something wrong with Lin Sixue? Otherwise, why would the security guards come to him for no reason and ask him about Lin Sixue?

"Mr. Jiang, please accompany us for a while. We have something to talk to you about."


So, what did he do wrong?

Is it wrong to have two hundred girlfriends? But he was sincere in all of them. He admitted that he was a bit of a scumbag and that he was a bit broad-minded, but that was not illegal.


He obeys the law. If an old lady falls on the roadside, he will really help her. He is not afraid of walking straight and sitting upright. He got into the police car with the two security guards. The atmosphere was a bit depressing. If the two did not put the silver bracelet on him, he would really think he had committed a crime.

The two security guards were silent along the way. Seeing this, Jiang Cheng was not very good at speaking. The atmosphere was a little tense.

Public Security Bureau, interrogation room


"Jiang Cheng"



"Where were you on August 22nd?"

The two security guards interrogated Jiang Cheng like a criminal. Jiang Cheng already had a guess in his mind that Lin Sixue might have really been in trouble.

"I was at home that day. I was always at home."

That was probably the day when Lin Sixue came to his house for the last time to get back together? He was a little unclear.

"Officer Chen, has something happened to Lin Sixue?"

The security guards who interrogated him were not the fat and thin ones who brought him to the police station, but a beautiful female policewoman, and the other one was the fat security guard just now.

Officer Chen was naturally the security guard in front of him, a policewoman who looked pretty in his eyes after seeing countless women.

The name tag read Chen Jingwan.

At least she was a woman with a system score of 90. Yes, the system required him to capture girls with a score of more than 90.

So now Jiang Cheng's vision is very high and his experience is extremely rich.

For the so-called"heaven-defying" prize that can change the world, he has worked hard to travel to every city in Daxia. After all, it is really difficult to find a girl with a system score of more than 90.

He even found a few big mares abroad, but unfortunately, big mares don't count.

He knows that his system is a patriotic system that does not worship foreigners.

"Is there any evidence to prove that you were at home at the time?" Chen Jingwan did not answer Jiang Cheng's question, but continued to examine Jiang Cheng. She was watching Jiang Cheng's micro-expressions.

"There is a surveillance camera at the entrance of the community, which should prove that I was at home at the time. Jiang Cheng answered Chen Jingwan's question truthfully.

"Um... Lin Sixue was murdered. She died on August 22nd. The cause of death is unknown. Her last phone call was to you, so we……"


Jiang Cheng was stunned. Lin Sixue was murdered? He was completely silent for a moment.

After all, he loved all his ex-girlfriends, and he used his heart to conquer each of them.

He admitted that he was a little broad-minded, but was that wrong? When they broke up, he left a huge amount of compensation for each ex-girlfriend.

The breakup fee was enough to allow each ex-girlfriend to live a good life.

"Mr. Jiang...Excuse me, what did Lin Sixue say in the last phone call she made to you?" Chen Jingwan looked at Jiang Cheng seriously.

"Let me think about it……"

The last time Lin Sixue called him was a week ago.

At that time, she seemed to say something about her love for him? She begged him to get back together? That should be it.……

"She was begging me to get back together with her, and she kept saying she loved me and stuff.……"

"She shouldn't commit suicide."

Lin Sixue is a very lively and cheerful girl. Jiang Cheng doesn't think that Lin Sixue would commit suicide.

But if Lin Sixue really committed suicide, Jiang Cheng would feel guilty about it... He just broke up with her... But Lin Sixue committed suicide.

"She has always been cheerful and lively, she will definitely not commit suicide.

Jiang Cheng looked seriously into Chen Jingwan's eyes.


"Mr. Jiang, you can go back first. If we find anything, we will call you then. Chen Jingwan nodded.

"If you find anything, please call us."


After Jiang Cheng left, Chen Jingwan seemed to be thinking about something, and then murmured to herself:"He... is not the murderer."

"He is not the murderer?"The fat security guard at the side was a little puzzled,"But we checked all the surveillance cameras where the deceased lived, and we didn't find any suspicious people."

Chen Jingwan was sure that Jiang Cheng's reaction and performance were enough to prove that he was not the murderer, and the surveillance cameras in the community where Jiang Cheng lived could also prove that Jiang Cheng did not leave his house that day.

But the police have investigated Lin Sixue's social relationships. The most important person to Lin Sixue should be Jiang Cheng.

She is an orphan, and Jiang Cheng is her first boyfriend and also her last boyfriend.

"He definitely can't be the murderer!" Chen Jingwan was sure that her judgment would not be wrong.

Jiang Cheng, who came out of the Public Security Bureau, was a little confused. Lin Sixue was in trouble?

If Lin Sixue didn't commit suicide, then she was murdered... So, what happened? What happened to Lin Sixue?

Did someone know that he gave Lin Sixue millions? Did they kill Lin Sixue for money?

It shouldn't be!

Jiang Cheng was a little confused, and his heart ached. His girlfriend, oh no, ex-girlfriend, was killed!

And he might be at fault.

"how could be?"


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