Jiang Qinxin also has a villa, but unlike Jiang Yeli's Zombie King Villa, Jiang Qinxin's villa is a bit deserted.

But it is quite luxurious.

"Qin Xin, do you have any food at home?"

Jiang Cheng was a little hungry. He needed to have a midnight snack first to replenish his energy. He had to replenish his energy before a fierce battle.

"Yes, in the refrigerator.……"

Jiang Qinxin was somewhat puzzled.

"Ah Cheng, can you cook now?"

Jiang Cheng was a little speechless. He had just told Jiang Qinxin that he was a top-notch chef, but now Jiang Qinxin had forgotten?

"I am a special chef, have you forgotten?"

Jiang Cheng's words brought Jiang Qinxin back to her senses. Her mind was now full of being with Jiang Cheng... and she had always prepared several surprises for Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng had asked her to change into them before, but she was embarrassed at the time.

"Well, then, Cheng, you go cook. I'll go take a shower first.……"

Jiang Qinxin blushed slightly, wondering what would happen if Jiang Cheng saw her outfits.……


As Jiang Cheng walked into the kitchen, he was thinking about Jiang Qinxin's taste. Having too many ex-girlfriends is not a good thing. He can't remember the preferences of each ex-girlfriend.

I should have used a small notebook to remember it, but who knew there would be a second stage task?

"Qin Xin seems to like heavier flavors?"

She likes spicy food, I have some impression of her, and she prefers hot and sour taste, which is a bit like him.

"Let's make some spicy and sour dishes."

Jiang Cheng simply finished a few dishes. When he walked out of the kitchen with the dishes, he found that Jiang Qinxin still didn't seem to have finished her bath.

But for women, bathing usually takes time. It's possible to stay in the bathroom for an hour or two.

""Qinxin, are you done washing?"

Jiang Cheng called out, and Jiang Qinxin responded. Then when Jiang Qinxin came out of the bathroom, Jiang Cheng was a little stunned.


Jiang Qinxin was wearing something a bit like a maid outfit, but it was very close-fitting and a little transparent.……

"A Cheng……"

Jiang Qinxin's pretty face turned slightly red. She was a little bit afraid to look directly at Jiang Cheng, but she knew that Jiang Cheng was staring at her.


Jiang Qinxin actually... wasn't she very willing before? Jiang Qinxin has really changed a lot

"Hum... Does it look good?"

Jiang Cheng swallowed his saliva.


Who can eat now?

"I still have several sets, I don't know what to wear."

Jiang Qinxin prepared a lot of sets for Jiang Cheng. She thought Jiang Cheng would come to the horror world to be with her soon, but he waited for two or three hundred years.

"A Cheng……"


Villa of the King


After returning home, Jiang Luozhi found Jiang Yeli as soon as possible. She wanted to tell Jiang Yeli everything she knew.

Jiang Yeli was lying lazily on the sofa, but unlike last time, she wrapped herself tightly in a thick pajamas.

She had a lot of marks on her body now. If someone found out, Jiang Yeli would be so embarrassed.

"You should know that Teacher Jiang killed Liu Xue, the son of Liu Pang, the school director of our school?"

""I know."

Jiang Yeli nodded. She had heard Butler Ying tell her about this matter. She had asked Butler Ying to investigate Jiang Cheng.

But in the horror world, she didn't know much about Jiang Cheng.

But now it seems that Jiang Cheng is not only the man who scumbag Jiang Qinxin, but also the man who scumbag Lin Sixue.

"Fatty Liu is back today, and the principal is back too. Jiang Luozhi said seriously,"Fat Liu brought a few school directors to cause trouble for Teacher Jiang.……"

"That Liu Haibo, is he already a mid-level evil spirit?"

If Liu Haibo wasn't a mid-level evil spirit, he wouldn't have attacked Jiang Qinxin. And looking at her daughter's expression, she knew that Jiang Cheng wouldn't be in any danger.

"Well... he was looking for trouble with Teacher Jiang, and you know what happened? Teacher Jiang seemed to have found a high-level big sister, who could be said to have killed Liu Pang instantly.……"Jiang Luozhi's eyes flashed with admiration.

And Jiang Cheng was also very manly at that time.

"A high-ranking big sister? Is she from our Tiantang City?"

Jiang Yeli was stunned for a moment. How could Jiang Cheng have so many women... Lin Sixue and Jiang Qinxin were members of their"Women's Avengers Alliance" in the past, but the scumbag who had a relationship with them was the same person.

"Definitely not, I don't know"

"Mom, Teacher Jiang said he will come to our house in a while, so you should wait."

"Mom, do you want to see Teacher Jiang so much?

Jiang Luozhi looked at Jiang Yeli curiously.


Jiang Yeli recalled what happened in front of her daughter. She felt a little embarrassed.

She must have completely lost her dignity in front of her daughter. She was completely embarrassed.

But who could say that kind of thing was really a little bit fun?

"Luo Zhi, don't tell anyone about those things!"

Jiang Yeli snorted.

"Jiang Cheng, that little bastard……"

However, Jiang Yeli recalled her daughter's reaction in front of Jiang Cheng, and she looked at Jiang Luozhi seriously.

""Luo Zhi, what's going on between you and Jiang Cheng? Tell me, tell me the truth."

Luo Zhi's face instantly turned red. She lowered her head and whispered,"You should treat me the same way that Teacher Jiang treats you."……"

"you also……"

Jiang Yeli was a little stunned. What was going on? Her daughter was the same as her...

Could that kind of thing be inherited?



Opening Community

""Mom, where's Jiang Cheng? Didn't he come back with you?"

Su Xiaoxiao looked at Su Yingxue with some doubts, and she found that Su Yingxue seemed a little depressed.

"What's wrong? Did you have a quarrel with Jiang Cheng?

Su Xiaoxiao was a little curious.

"Jiang Cheng bullied you?"

But Su Yingxue did not answer Su Xiaoxiao's question, but glared at Su Xiaoxiao.

"Little kids, no age difference, should call him Uncle Jiang, what's the big deal about calling him by his name?"

She and Jiang Cheng certainly didn't have any conflicts, and she found that Jiang Cheng was really outstanding and had great popularity with women, so should she take the initiative?

"The principal is also Cheng's girlfriend……"

She mainly discovered that Jiang Qinxin was also Jiang Cheng's girlfriend, and she was a little overwhelmed now.

"Ah? Aunt Jiang is also Jiang Cheng's girlfriend?"

Su Xiaoxiao has met the principal of Jinghun Middle School, Jiang Qinxin, a very gentle woman.

And now Su Yingxue actually told her that Jiang Qinxin is also Jiang Cheng's girlfriend...

Doesn't that mean that Jiang Cheng is now related to Lin Sixue, Jiang Qinxin, and that Jiang Yeli?

At least three...

No wonder Su Yingxue was depressed.

"Jiang Cheng is such a jerk, the worst that can happen is that I just don't like him."

Su Xiaoxiao looked at Su Yingxue. She wished that Su Yingxue didn't like Jiang Cheng and let her suffer!

How could she let Su Yingxue suffer?

"What do you know? Go to bed."


The next day.

When Jiang Cheng opened his eyes, he found that Jiang Qinxin had already gotten up, and he was really sore in the waist and back.

Jiang Qinxin was a mid-level evil spirit, and his Yang Qi was only enough to support him for a while. Fortunately, he bought a little bit of supplements from the system mall, otherwise it would not be enough to satisfy Jiang Qinxin.

"My old waist is going to fail.……"

After Jiang Cheng walked out of the bedroom, Jiang Qinxin looked at Jiang Cheng with a smile on her face.

"Ah Cheng, are you awake? Come and have breakfast.

She regained her virtuous look, completely different from when she was in combat.

"I asked someone to buy a red-class abalone... to nourish you, and stewed a can of abalone and wolfberry soup, would you like to try some?"

Jiang Qinxin virtuously brought a bowl of soup from the kitchen. She was very satisfied now.

But Jiang Cheng looked quite weak.

"Do I need that kind of person?"

Jiang Cheng coughed lightly.

"But the strange abalone, I want to try what it tastes like."

Well... he had never tasted the strange abalone soup before, so he was not just pretending.……

"It tastes good...Qinxin, your cooking skills have improved a lot."

He remembered that Jiang Qinxin's cooking skills were only average before, and they were edible.

"Not as good as you"

【Congratulations to the host for completing the second stage of Jiang Qinxin's mission. Jiang Qinxin's favorability has reached 95.

The battle was very fierce, but the fruits of victory also appeared. He finally raised Jiang Qinxin's favorability to 95.

The main reason is that Jiang Qinxin's basic favorability was 85, so it was not difficult to reach 95.

"Qin Xin, I have a marriage certificate for you……"

Then Jiang Cheng directly took out a Netherworld Marriage Certificate. When Jiang Qinxin saw the Netherworld Marriage Certificate in Jiang Cheng's hand, she was a little surprised.


Netherworld marriage certificate! Where did you get it from?���Xin knew about the Netherworld Marriage Certificate, but she had only heard about it. If they signed the Netherworld Marriage Certificate, it would mean that they were destined to be together, and that He had approved of them.

However, the Netherworld Marriage Certificate was usually only issued by Him, and it was a very rare item in the horror world.

"I got it from the copy after the horror game was over."

The Netherworld Marriage Book in his hand, part of it came from the horror world, and part of it came from his son.

So it would definitely be better to say that it came from the horror world.

"It turns out that it was a reward from Him."

Jiang Qinxin smiled. She had to sign it. She believed that she and Jiang Cheng were destined to be together.

"I'll sign it for you……"

As Jiang Qinxin wrote her name on the Netherworld Marriage Book, the Netherworld Marriage Book floated into the air. A blue fire appeared from it, and the Netherworld Marriage Book was completely burned up.

"The contract is done... and those who break their promises will be punished with salt……"

A crisp voice seemed to appear beside Jiang Cheng's ears, which made Jiang Cheng stunned.

Shit... That voice sounded very familiar to him, was it her?

"Qinxin, did you hear a sentence just now? The contract has been finalized. Jiang Cheng then looked at Jiang Qinxin.

"No? Ah Cheng, you are not hallucinating, are you?"

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