"Mengqiu, now that you feel good, you have to help me, right?"

Jiang Cheng certainly didn't massage Wang Mengqiu for no reason.

On the one hand, he was doing it to fulfill his professional mission, after all, he only massaged weird women, but on the other hand, he wanted Wang Mengqiu to help him, so he gave Wang Mengqiu a little sweet taste first. If he asked Wang Mengqiu to help him, he certainly couldn't give her nothing.

"How can I help you? Just tell me what you need. Ghost Coins? Just tell me how much you want."

Wang Mengqiu's pretty face was still a little rosy and shiny, like a ripe red apple, very delicious and tempting.

"Come with me to collect rent. I don’t know those tenants by myself.

Jiang Cheng’s goal was to get Wang Mengqiu to collect rent with him. If Lin Sixue was the big boss of Kairi Community, then it meant that the most powerful person in Kairi Community was Lin Sixue, a red-clothed person. There shouldn’t be anyone more powerful than Lin Sixue in Kairi Community, but Lin Sixue wouldn’t collect rent with him.

If he wanted to collect rent… the other tenants in Kairi Community would probably���……Evil ghost, fierce ghost level.

But he is just an ordinary person, and an ordinary person with [Tang Monk's physique].

What if he encounters an unrestrained female ghost?

If Wang Mengqiu goes with him to collect rent, he will definitely be much safer, and he can also find some female tenants to complete his professional tasks.

"Collecting rent?"

Wang Mengqiu looked at Jiang Cheng in surprise, with confusion flashing in her eyes.

Why would Jiang Cheng ask her to go with him to collect rent? Could it be that Jiang Cheng had received another task?

Then Wang Mengqiu found a document in Jiang Cheng's hand.

Looking at the contents of the document, Wang Mengqiu was a little dumbfounded. The document was a transfer contract for the property rights of the Kaili Community.

"How did you become the owner of Kaicai Community?"Wang Mengqiu was really dumbfounded. She looked at Jiang Cheng in surprise.

A human being...

Jiang Cheng actually got 50% of the property rights of Kaicai Community? Now Jiang Cheng is the owner of Kaicai Community and the boss of their Kaicai Community property company.

"Do you know the big boss?"

Could it be that Jiang Cheng knows the big boss? But Jiang Cheng is a human, how could he know the big boss?

Could it be that Jiang Cheng ran into the big boss yesterday? After all, the big boss lives next door to 603, and the big boss fell in love with Jiang Cheng at first sight? So the big boss and Jiang Cheng?

Hiss... Wang Mengqiu took a breath, don't tell her that the big boss likes humans.

No wonder there were so many weird people pursuing the big boss in the past, the big boss would directly solve them all

"Jiang Cheng, you don’t really know the big boss, do you? What is your relationship with the big boss?"Wang Mengqiu was a little confused.

The big boss's new favorite?

"Of course I know him...Don't worry about how I became the owner of Kaipi Community. The property rights of Kaipi Community were indeed transferred to me by Lin Sixue."

"In a word, will you help me or collect rent with me?"

Jiang Cheng was too lazy to explain to Wang Mengqiu why Lin Sixue gave him half of the property rights. Some things did not need to be explained at all, and Wang Mengqiu must understand.

"Help... Of course……"

Not only because Jiang Cheng had just given her a massage that made her feel so good, but she also liked Jiang Cheng very much.

The key point was that Jiang Cheng was now the owner of the Kaili Community and her big boss.

Of course she had to help Jiang Cheng complete the work. How could she refuse if the big boss asked her to join?

If Jiang Cheng wanted to"hidden rules" her, she would definitely not say anything.


After saying that, Jiang Cheng and Wang Mengqiu walked out of the office together. After they went downstairs together, Jiang Cheng found that Lao Li was looking at a magazine seriously at the moment, but he was holding the magazine upside down.

"Old Li, you hold the magazine upside down. Jiang Cheng kindly reminded Old Li, but he complained a few more times.

"You can't have your eyes backwards, right?"

Old Li was a little panicked, but he pretended to be calm. When he put down the magazine, Jiang Cheng found that Old Li's eyes were really backwards.

Jiang Cheng:"……"

Is it really growing backwards? He has learned a lot. It's amazing. Old Li


Old Li knew all the movements in the room upstairs, and he was very confused now.

After all, as a security guard in the Kairi community, he, Old Li, had very sharp ears.

How could he, Old Li, not compare to the human boy in front of him? Not only Manager Wang liked Jiang Cheng, but even their big boss Lin Sixue liked Jiang Cheng.

Just now, the big boss directly supported Jiang Cheng and killed He Youde.

He, Old Li, is a real man! How come he is still single? Old Li was very confused.

Of course, he could only hide his doubts in his heart, and he, Old Li, did not dare to say it out loud.

How did Minister He die? He knew it clearly!

"Manager Wang, Boss Jiang."

Old Li can only respect Jiang Cheng now! He originally thought that Jiang Cheng was just a temporary deputy manager, so... his attitude was not very good.

But now Jiang Cheng is not a temporary deputy manager. Even if Manager Wang does not become a manager in the future, Jiang Cheng will still be his leader.

He, Old Li, must respect Jiang Cheng and must please Jiang Cheng.

"Hey, how do you know I'm the boss of Kaili Community now?"Jiang Cheng found the key point.

Lao Li:"……"

Wang Mengqiu glared at Lao Li. How could she not know that Lao Li was eavesdropping at the door?

But Wang Mengqiu didn't care. Her relationship with Jiang Cheng was pure, right?

"Jiang Cheng and I are going out for a while. If someone comes to see me, you want him to wait in the office until I come back, okay?" Wang Mengqiu looked at Lao Li with a cold face.

""I understand."

Wang Mengqiu was still pretending to be calm. She and Jiang Cheng were innocent.

What could it be?

Jiang Cheng followed Wang Mengqiu out of the property management department.

When they arrived at the community, Wang Mengqiu said to Jiang Cheng seriously,"There are three units in our Kaili community. Each unit has seven floors, and there are three tenants on each floor."

"The tenants living at the bottom are the weakest, while the tenants at the top are the strongest. Most of the tenants at the bottom are wandering souls, while the tenants at the top are evil ghosts."

"Anyway, they dare not not pay the rent because the boss is here."Wang Mengqiu sincerely introduced the specific situation of the Kaili Community to Jiang Cheng.

"The rent for every house in the Kairi Community is the same, 2,000 Weird Coins per month. Of course, some Weird houses are shared, and some are rented alone."

"Then he could collect about 100,000 yuan in rent every month?"

100,000 yuan in rent doesn't seem to be much. Of course, at present, he doesn't know the purchasing power of the currency. Anyway, he is penniless and has nothing in his pocket.

"No, the rent is 2,000 per month, and the property fee is 3,000 Gui coins per household per month."Wang Mengqiu explained it to Jiang Cheng again.

"Property management fee... 3,000 Gui coins per household per month?"

The property management fee is actually higher than the rent? That really surprised Jiang Cheng a little.

"Yes, so the monthly profit is about 200,000, which is already very good. It is a relatively high profit in Tiantang City."

Wang Mengqiu nodded.

"How come the property fee is higher than the rent?"

Jiang Cheng was really confused... I couldn't tell him that there was also a Li Jiacheng in the horror world, right?

Only Li Jiacheng could afford such a sky-high property fee, right?

"You can think of the property fee as protection money. Your life outside is not guaranteed."

Wang Mengqiu nodded.

"Oh, that's how it is."

It turns out that the property fee is the protection fee. If there really is a Li Jiacheng in the horror world, it would be a hell of a joke.

"Well, is there anything else you need to know? I can tell you everything."

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