"You really have become a master-level weird masseur?"

Isabella looked at Jiang Cheng with interest. It must be said that Jiang Cheng really gave her a big shock. He is actually a master-level weird masseur.

"Can't you see it?"

Jiang Cheng didn't believe that Isabella couldn't see that he was already a master-level weird masseur. When he was just promoted, even George could see that he was already a top-level weird chef.

She must be looking for an excuse to get him to serve her. Women are really cunning.


Isabella snorted softly, her beautiful eyes full of admiration,"You should have a good rest. When the boss wakes up in a while, I will ask you to serve her."

"As for the bet we made, we can do it anytime, even now."

Isabella winked at Jiang Cheng playfully, which was a little different from her usual aloofness.

"I want to go back and rest."

He had just dealt with a thousand female monsters and cooked a big pot of rice for them. How could he have the energy to……


"You go and have a rest."

She had been watching Jiang Cheng work all day, so she knew that Jiang Cheng was a little tired.

But Isabella was very happy, because after Jiang Cheng became a master-level weird masseur, the boss's injury... at least there would be no problem.

Jiang Cheng slept well for a day, and he became energetic again the next day.

The next day, Jiang Cheng directly activated the power of the weird teacher and taught George the skills and knowledge of the weird chef.

George did not become a senior weird chef, but his cooking skills were much more sophisticated than before.

At night

"Brother, should we go out for a walk again? For example, go to the 21st or 22nd floor to have a look?"

Chu Xuan always remembered what Caroline told them when they first arrived at the Scarlet Hotel.

She thought that was the secret of the Scarlet Hotel and there must be side quests there.

"Chu Xuan, you really don't want to die."

Jiang Cheng was a little curious about what happened on the 21st and 22nd floors, and what Vivian looked like.

But the boss of the Bloody Hotel was a high-level red-clothed... If she was injured, she was at least a red-clothed

"The boss of the Bloody Hotel is a red-level vampire. If she attacks you, I can't protect you."

"Red clothes?"

Jiang Cheng then explained to Chu Xuan the strange levels in the horror world, and Chu Xuan looked like she knew it.

"All right……"

She is too weak

"Why don't you come with me and take a look on the 20th floor?"

She couldn't sleep.


The corridor was relatively quiet, but Chu Xuan was a little close. It can only be said that women are really afraid and playful.

Obviously, she is afraid of the outside world, but she wants to go out again.

Jiang Cheng moved his nose slightly, and he seemed to smell a foul smell.

"What a stench!"

Chu Xuan also frowned. The corridor was filled with a foul smell. The smell was a bit like the smell of something rotting, and a bit like the smell coming from the sewer.

"Brother... it seems to be coming from the toilet." Chu Xuan frowned, the smell seemed to come from the toilet.

As the two approached the toilet, the stench became stronger.

"The smell coming from the women's restroom?"

Jiang Cheng had smelled that smell a few days ago, but he ignored it at the time.

He had to work hard on his mission.

"Brother, let's go in and take a look."

Chu Xuan thought there must be something in the women's restroom, otherwise why would it be so smelly?

The smell was particularly light during the day.……

"I won't go into the women's restroom."

He is a decent man, how can he go into the women's restroom? What happened in the women's restroom has nothing to do with him.

"Let's go and have a look... maybe there are some secrets in there?"

Chu Xuan was looking for side quests to do. They had been in the Bloody Hotel for nearly a week, but she hadn't completed a single side quest yet.

If the score was too low, the reward would definitely not be very good. She had to become powerful.

Okay, he was also a little curious. He had never been to the women's restroom in his life. Oh no, he remembered that he seemed to have been there when he was cleaning in elementary school.……


As the two of them walked into the toilet, the stench became stronger and stronger, and Chu Xuan couldn't help but vomit.

"There is no such smell during the day."

Chu Xuan remembered that she did not smell such a strong smell during the day.


As Jiang Cheng and Chu Xuan walked into the women's restroom, Jiang Cheng finally understood why there was such a strong smell inside.

At this moment, there was a creature covered with pus, with a strange shape, and dark green in color.

It was covered with mucus... At this moment, it was staring at Jiang Cheng and Chu Xuan with its dark green eyes.

"What is that?"

Chu Xuan was a little surprised. How could there be such a disgusting creature in the Bloody Hotel? It looked a bit like a giant slug... but it was very disgusting.

"Nurgle Beast."

A crisp voice came from behind, and the voice startled Chu Xuan.

However, Jiang Cheng was very familiar with that voice.

Yes, that voice was Lin Sixue's voice. Lin Sixue actually appeared in the Bloody Hotel.

As Jiang Cheng and Chu Xuan turned around, he found that it was indeed Lin Sixue behind them.


He happened to come out with Chu Xuan and ran into Lin Sixue. How could there be such a coincidence?

""Brother, what are you going to do in the ladies' room with a little girl?" Lin Sixue's smile was a little weird... It made Jiang Cheng's hair stand on end.

"Xiaoxue, didn't I come here to accompany her to the bathroom?" Jiang Cheng looked as if he had done nothing,"Why are you in the Bloody Hotel?"

"You accompanied her to the toilet, so you accompanied her into the toilet, right?" Lin Sixue snorted coldly,"If I hadn't come, you would have done something, right?"

"How come... the women's restroom is so exciting?"

Chu Xuan's face was dull at the moment. The woman behind her... looked like a female weirdo, a strange female weirdo.

But that female weirdo actually knew Jiang Cheng... and called Jiang Cheng so intimately.

What's going on?

"What are you talking about? Didn't I smell a foul odor in the toilet?……"

Jiang Cheng immediately explained

"Xiaoxue, come with me."

As Jiang Cheng and Lin Sixue left together, only Chu Xuan and the Nurgle Beast behind him were left in the women's restroom.


Chu Xuan screamed and ran out of the ladies' room.

"Xiaoxue, are you tracking down the Nurgle beast and that’s why you came to the Scarlet Hotel?"

He wanted to change the subject.


Lin Sixue snorted coldly

"If I hadn’t come, I wouldn’t have known that you were secretly... Why, didn’t you say you don’t like younger ones?"

"She's so young, you like her too?"

Lin Sixue's words made Jiang Cheng a little embarrassed.


"She and I are innocent, please don't slander me, we didn't do anything!"

"Why is that Nurgle beast not very aggressive?"

Jiang Cheng was a little confused. A Nurgle beast that looked a little disgusting and quite large did not attack them just now.

"Nurgle beasts are not very aggressive, they are just too disgusting. Nurgle can spread diseases.……"

Lin Sixue rolled her eyes at Jiang Cheng,"Are you sure you have nothing to do with her? Then why did you just come out of a room?"

Jiang Cheng:"……"

Lin Sixue even knew that he and Chu Xuan walked out of the same room?

Could it be that Lin Sixue had been hiding in the Bloody Hotel a few days ago? After all, she was tracking the Nurgle beast.

"When did you arrive at the Red Hotel?"


Lin Sixue coughed lightly and said seriously,"I just arrived at the Bloody Hotel, and I didn't expect to see you and that little girl walking out of a room together."

"Don't think I……"

At this moment, Caroline and Isabella also appeared in the corridor.

""Jiang Cheng, you actually know Lin Sixue from the Ripper Community?" Caroline was a little surprised. Lin Sixue from the Ripper Community had a rather bad reputation in Tiantang City.

After all, she was just like the boss of their Bloody Hotel. She was completely dismissive of men's weird pursuits, and her methods were very cruel...

She heard that Lin Sixue was cheated and abandoned by a scumbag, so she became like that.

But looking at her current appearance, how could Lin Sixue be a little intimate with Jiang Cheng? And it seemed that she just called Jiang Cheng... brother?

"Yes, Xiaoxue is my girlfriend.

Jiang Cheng admitted it openly. He has always been a man who dares to act and take responsibility.


Caroline, Isabella, and even Chu Xuan were all stunned when they heard Jiang Cheng's answer.

Lin Sixue looked at Jiang Cheng with satisfaction. If Jiang Cheng had not acknowledged her relationship with him, she... humph, she would let Jiang Cheng know Lin Sixue's methods. She was not a good person now.

"Lin Sixue is your girlfriend?"

Caroline looked surprised.

Lin Sixue took the opportunity to hold Jiang Cheng's arm and snuggled against his chest.

"Yes, I am Jiang Cheng's girlfriend, hello."

How could she not see that Caroline and Isabella were both interested in Jiang Cheng?

She had to assert her sovereignty.


The man she liked was actually the boyfriend of Lin Sixue from the Ripper Community? But so what?

Anyway, they were competing fairly, and she was not afraid of Lin Sixue, she was also wearing red.

But that also indirectly showed Jiang Cheng's excellence, even the woman who named the boss was Jiang Cheng's girlfriend.

"If the Nurgle beast ran to your Bloody Hotel, that’s not my business." Lin Sixue then pulled Jiang Cheng up

"Brother, come with me. I will book a room at the Bloody Hotel. You can sleep with me today."……"

Didn't Lin Sixue just arrive at the Bloody Hotel? How come she has already booked a room...

As expected, Lin Sixue had already been in the Bloody Hotel.


PS: The car is going too fast, the book distribution has stopped, and the previous ones need to be revised. If they are revised, they will not pass the review... I guess they will be reborn.

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