Catering Office

"Lady Isabella, something terrible has happened!"

Richardson shouted anxiously.

"Didn't you say Jiang Cheng and that Lin Sixue ran upstairs? What did they do?"

Isabella didn't think that only the red-clothed Lin Sixue, who was at the beginner level, had the ability to hurt the big boss. Every small level had a big difference in combat power. Even if the big boss was injured, he still had the strength of a red-clothed middle level.

"Lady Isabella, the boss is actually... Jiang Cheng's ex-girlfriend!"

Richardson was shocked that the boss of their Bloody Hotel was Jiang Cheng's human ex-girlfriend.

So the 22nd floor that the boss prepared for his sweetheart was reserved for Jiang Cheng.


"Jiang Cheng is the boss's mysterious sweetheart?"Isabella was stunned, her beautiful eyes were full of shock.

The boss has a mysterious sweetheart, and the senior executives of the Bloody Hotel all know it.

But they have never seen the boss's mysterious sweetheart, and they don't know what his name is.

"Are you telling the truth?"

Isabella couldn't believe it.

"Of course it is true, Lady Isabella, how dare I lie to you? Richardson dared not joke with Isabella.


Was the love that she was about to start going to end? That was the man she had just fallen in love with... but it ended right after it was about to begin.

She could compete fairly with Lin Sixue, but she didn't dare to compete fairly with the big boss!

"Lady Isabella, are you going?"

Richardson only knew that the big boss and Lin Sixue were arguing fiercely, and the two women were about to fight.

"I go?"

"Why should I join in the fun?"

Doesn't she want to die?

"Lady Isabella, don't you like Jiang Cheng too?"

Isabella likes Jiang Cheng. Now all the employees of the Bloody Hotel know it. Richardson, as the monitor of the Bloody Hotel, is very clear about it.

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't like it!"


At this moment, Jiang Cheng was in a great headache.

How he wished someone could save him. Why did he have to stay in the Bloody Hotel for a month?

Now only half a month had passed, and he still had to stay in the Bloody Hotel for half a month. He had just comforted Lin Sixue, but An Weiwei started to...

"I don't care, An Weiwei, brother is my man, he can only be mine now."

Lin Sixue grabbed Jiang Cheng's arm, she looked at An Weiwei angrily.

"What do you mean Xiao Chengcheng can only be yours? Are you married? If not, then he will be mine."

"Xiao Chengcheng, she is so violent, she will definitely beat you in the future, don't be with her, break up with her, let's get back together."

An Weiwei was on the other side, and he also grabbed Jiang Cheng's arm, she didn't give in at all

"Brother, don't listen to that woman. I was only dealing with those annoying suitors. How could I be violent towards you?"

"Tell me, am I very gentle when I am with you?"

Lin Sixue refuted An Weiwei's words.

"You are a love-brained person. Anyway, my brother broke up with me, and he may not be with you.……"

Lin Sixue is very upset now. She can't threaten Jiang Cheng by saying that he can only choose between her and An Weiwei.

"Xiao Chengcheng, if you break up with her, will you be with me?"

At this moment, the two girls turned their eyes to Jiang Cheng in the middle, and their eyes were very sharp.

They were all waiting for Jiang Cheng's answer.

But Jiang Cheng was really numb. He listened to the two girls arguing, and his head was really about to explode.

"How about you all stay with me? I think that would be great.

Jiang Cheng said seriously.

"Really, I really like you guys."

The two girls' gazes made Jiang Cheng a little creepy, a little eerie, and a little scary.

"Well, really, then you don't have to fight over it anymore."

Jiang Cheng said two more words

"An Weiwei, how about I chop Jiang Cheng in half and we each take half?"

Lin Sixue said with a sneer

"Okay, cutting it vertically won't work, how about cutting it horizontally, you take the top half and I keep the bottom half?"

An Weiwei also laughed, but her smile was a little eerie.

"You keep the upper half, my big treasure is in your hands, we can use it together anyway, I will take the lower half."

Lin Sixue's tone was a little cold

"You two have such cruel hearts!"

Women have the most vicious hearts. Our ancestors never lied to me.


Lin Sixue knew that she and An Weiwei would not be able to argue to the end, so they had to fight today.

Only by fighting could they gain sovereignty over Jiang Cheng.

"Xiao Chengcheng, look, she's about to chop you in half with a knife, how violent!"

"You are with her, she will definitely……"

Before An Weiwei finished speaking, Lin Sixue started

"An Weiwei, you green tea, you just hit my brother, I just feel sorry for my brother, okay!"

The two of them seemed to be about to fight again.

Jiang Cheng:"……"

What should he do? He can't choose one of the two women, and he can't choose both of them.

"Why don't you guys just have a fight? I can't persuade you anyway."

Jiang Cheng sighed softly and freed his hands from the restraints of the two women.

"elder brother?"

"Xiao Chengcheng?"

Jiang Cheng actually wanted the two of them to fight? As expected, all men are big pigs.

"I'm tired."

Seeing Jiang Cheng's expression of despair, the tense atmosphere became much quieter.

The two women felt as if something was missing.

Lin Sixue and An Weiwei looked at each other, then turned their heads away, and they even snorted in unison.

"Lin Sixue, Xiao Chengcheng, were you two planning to do something bad on my coffin just now?"

After calming down, An Weiwei suddenly recalled the noise she heard just after she woke up.

Lin Sixue and Jiang Cheng were just outside her coffin... That noise... was obviously the prelude to doing something bad.


Jiang Cheng coughed lightly. He was a little embarrassed. He had a little idea at that time. After all, he was going to raise Lin Sixue's favorability to 95. Besides

, being on the coffin board was too exciting. He had never experienced such an exciting experience before.……

"Yes, my brother is planning to take me." Lin Sixue said in a somewhat sarcastic tone.

An Weiwei:"……"

What can she say?

"Brother, how about we continue?……"

She originally thought that there was a little atmosphere, but she didn't know that the Vivian in the Bloody Hotel was actually Jiang Cheng's ex-girlfriend An Weiwei.

Jiang Cheng wanted to completely merge with her at that time...

An Weiwei:"???"

"Lin Sixue, you won't treat me as if I don't exist, right? How come you don't know any sense of propriety, righteousness, and shame?"

An Weiwei was a little angry again.

"Hehe, my big treasure is still inside you, right? How dare you say that to me?"

Lin Sixue is still a little upset now, because that was the big treasure she spent so much effort to build.


Jiang Cheng yawned. He had come up with Lin Sixue at night, but now he had spent more than an hour just watching An Weiwei and Lin Sixue quarrel.

He was sleepy.

"You two should rest early. I'm going to go back to sleep.

If he doesn't rest, he will become an immortal.

"Xiao Chengcheng, let's sleep together."

An Weiwei didn't intend to let Jiang Cheng leave. She had waited for Jiang Cheng for 150 years in the horror world.

Now that she had finally caught Jiang Cheng, how could she let him escape again? Wood carvings are always cold, and she would of course prefer warm ones.……

"An Weiwei...Brother is mine."

Lin Sixue refused to give in,"If he wants to sleep, he can only sleep with me, how can he sleep with you?"

"The Bloody Hotel is my property. Now Xiao Chengcheng can only stay in the Bloody Hotel and cannot go out."

"That won't work either!"

Lin Sixue was annoyed because Jiang Cheng was now in the Bloody Hotel instance. According to the current rules, she couldn't take Jiang Cheng out of the Bloody Hotel.

And the Bloody Hotel was An Weiwei's territory.

"What you say doesn't count."

Lin Sixue seemed to be arguing with An Weiwei again.

"Seriously, we’re in the horror world now, why can’t we all be together?"

"You are all the people I love, and I will be heartbroken if I break up with any of you." Jiang Cheng said sincerely.

He was very sincere, he loved every one of his ex-girlfriends, his love might be a little too broad, but it was definitely true love.


How could An Weiwei not have thought about the fact that she and Lin Sixue were accompanying Jiang Cheng? After all, she couldn't be separated from Jiang Cheng again. She wanted to be with Jiang Cheng.

"And what?"

Both women looked at Jiang Cheng with some confusion.


Following the river���He took out two dark red Netherworld Marriage Certificates from the space and said seriously,"The horror game rewarded me with several Netherworld Marriage Certificates, which means that the horror world is full of……"

"Netherworld Marriage Certificate?"

An Weiwei immediately snatched the Netherworld Marriage Certificate from Jiang Cheng's hand. She looked at Jiang Cheng in disbelief.

"He actually rewarded you with several Netherworld Marriage Certificates?"

In fact, it was the Netherworld Marriage Certificates given to him by the system, but Jiang Cheng certainly couldn't tell the two that he had a system


But looking at An Weiwei's reaction, she seemed to know about the Netherworld Marriage Certificate? And Lin Sixue's reaction at this moment was also a bit big. She took another Netherworld Marriage Certificate after An Weiwei.

"Did He really reward you with several Netherworld Marriage Certificates?"An Weiwei was quite confused. She was very confused.

Lin Sixue was a little puzzled. She had only heard of the Netherworld Marriage Certificate, but... An Weiwei's reaction seemed a bit big?

So why did An Weiwei react so strongly? Could it be that the Netherworld Marriage Certificate had something to say?

"An Weiwei, do you have any explanation?"

An Weiwei was thoughtful at this moment, and she was silent for a while.

"We can all be with him."

"Hey... Xiao Chengcheng is really lucky."

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