"Qinyu, are you feeling better now?"

After completing the side quests given to him by the girls, Jiang Cheng returned to his residence. Jiang Qinyu might be resting. She just showed her little face.

But her little face was a little red.


After looking at Jiang Qinyu for a while, Jiang Cheng said thoughtfully:"I don't think anything will happen in the next few days. If I work in the Ghost Church step by step, I should be able to get a high score."

"We probably won't be able to go together in the dungeons in the future. You have to be careful then, and use the trick I gave you to protect yourself."

Although he seemed to be quite comfortable in the Ghost Church dungeon, the survival rate in the Ghost Church is not high. Now there are only seven people left out of the 25 people at the beginning.

Among them, there are five girls and two men.

When he was not in the Ghost Church, even Zhen Aikun fell in the dungeon mission.

The only remaining boy was very cautious, and he was always careful.

As for Jiang Cheng, he could live comfortably only because of his ex-girlfriends. What if the ex-girlfriends were not there in the dungeon?


Jiang Cheng originally planned to take a rest. After all, he had already fought with Jiang Qinyu all day.

He estimated that she was no longer able to bear the battle.

But looking at Jiang Qinyu's beautiful and charming face, Jiang Cheng became a little interested.

"Qinyu, are you feeling better?

He asked the same question again.


But when he spoke to Jiang Qinyu, she simply said"hmm" to him.


As Jiang Cheng got into bed, when he reached the peak, Jiang Qinyu hummed softly.


Jiang Qinyu's pretty face turned slightly red, and then Jiang Cheng kissed her, which made Jiang Qinyu open her eyes wide.

"They are already an old couple, why can't they let go?……"

Jiang Cheng found that Jiang Qinyu seemed to be still a little embarrassed, but Jiang Qinyu seemed to be a little reserved all along.


Jiang Qinyu was a little confused. She looked at Jiang Cheng as if she was a little shocked.




Next day

""What the hell?!"

When Jiang Cheng opened his eyes, he suddenly found that his Yang Qi value of nearly 180,000 had dropped to only a few thousand...

The key is that with Jiang Qinyu, his Yang Qi value should not drop, right?

Then Jiang Cheng turned his gaze to the beauty beside him. There was a bit of satisfaction on her bright face.

She was sleeping... As if it was a sweet dream, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised

"No wonder……"

No wonder Jiang Cheng found something a little strange. It turned out that the person with him was not Jiang Qinyu...

He accidentally mistook his sister for his elder sister. But why was Jiang Qinya in his residence?

Could it be that Jiang Qinya took the initiative? No way.……


Jiang Cheng looked at the structure next to him and suddenly found that the decoration in the house seemed a little different from where he lived.


It turned out that he went to the wrong place, but how could he go to the wrong place? He should have gone back normally!


Perhaps Jiang Cheng's action awakened Jiang Qinya from her sleep. When Jiang Qinya opened her eyes, she stared at the man with a great figure in front of her.

"Qin Yu... you take a good rest, I will continue to go out to work!" Jiang Cheng said seriously.

He might as well make the best of it.


After Jiang Cheng hurriedly tidied up and walked out of the room, Jiang Qinya looked a little puzzled.

"I finally know why my sister likes it so much... It's quite comfortable"

"But his fighting ability doesn't seem to be that strong!"

Jiang Qinya thought thoughtfully.

"Well, that bastard got away with it. He must have found something, but he had to pretend."

When Jiang Cheng walked out of the house, he was still thinking about what happened that night.

The two sisters seemed to be a little different. Although they looked exactly the same, their structures were a little different.

"So I was on the second floor?"

When he reached the stairs, Jiang Cheng realized that he was on the second floor, and he and Jiang Qinyu lived on the third floor.

But how could he have gone the wrong way? It was very strange.……

"Good morning, Jiang Cheng."

When going upstairs, Jiang Cheng ran into Eliza who had just come down from upstairs. Eliza was smiling.

"Good morning"

"I'm going to pray in the morning, do you want to join me?"

When asking that question, Eliza felt a little embarrassed. Jiang Cheng was the lover of Lord Youshen, and it seemed that he didn't need to pray to Lord Youshen in the morning.

""Well, Jiang Cheng, I'll go to morning prayer first, see you later."

After saying goodbye to Jiang Cheng, Eliza hurried downstairs, leaving Jiang Cheng a little confused.

He felt that everything had become a little strange since he came back.

Eliza looked at him a little strangely.

Jiang Cheng walked towards his residence with doubts, and then he saw Jiang Qinyu in the corridor.

"Husband? Why didn't you come back to rest last night? I asked Qinya, and she said you were working on a mission. Why are you working so hard? Isn't there still a week left?"

Jiang Qinyu looked at Jiang Cheng with some reproach.

"You have to have a good rest anyway. When we get back, I'll make you some goji berry chicken stew, right?"

Jiang Qinyu was a little worried. Jiang Cheng's fighting ability was good, but she was still a little afraid that he would have problems.

After all, Jiang Cheng's kidneys were not made of iron.

""Well, no need?"

With his current physique, ordinary supplements are completely useless.

The only useful thing is something like the strange tiger-shaped parts that Lao Qiao gave him in the Bloody Hotel.

That is a real tonic.

"it works"

"Husband, don't be so arrogant���All right……"

Jiang Qinyu rolled her eyes at Jiang Cheng. She thought it was Jiang Cheng's vanity that was causing trouble. How could Jiang Cheng be fine?

They were fighting quite frequently now, and Jiang Cheng looked a little weak.


It seems that Jiang Qinyu has no idea what happened between him and Jiang Qinya.

"Qinyu, are you really going to let Qinya and I……"

Jiang Cheng planned to give Jiang Qinyu a shot of prevention first, so that she wouldn't complain about him when she found out.

"Just tell me, don't you want to?"

Jiang Qinyu snorted. How could she not know Jiang Cheng's little thoughts?

"Let it be."

He didn't intend to tell Jiang Qinyu that he accidentally mistook his younger sister for his older sister, and something happened that shouldn't have happened.

Well... history always repeats itself.

But if you recall the details carefully, you can actually find that there are some subtle differences in the structure of the three sisters.

After all, triplets are still triplets, not three completely identical people.

There will always be some differences, and it is impossible to be completely the same.

"Take a good rest in the next few days. I will complete the side quests they issued and improve our rating."

"No, I want to do it with you. How can I let you do it alone?……"

Jiang Qinyu couldn't bear to tire Jiang Cheng, and what Jiang Cheng did made her look like a waste.

A waste who only had everything handed to her. She couldn't rely on Jiang Cheng for everything. If the next copy was not the same as Jiang Cheng, who could she rely on?

"Don't you want to take a good rest?……"

Jiang Cheng's words made Jiang Qinyu blush slightly. Jiang Qinyu rolled her eyes at Jiang Cheng and said,"I'm not as weak as you think.……"

"As long as you are more restrained in the next few days, I won't always……"


"Let's not talk about that kind of thing under the bed. I think you don't look very energetic. Husband, can you have a good rest?"

Jiang Qinyu really found that Jiang Cheng's energy and spirit were not very good. He looked weak.

It seemed that he had no restraint at all.


Jiang Cheng didn't know, but his Yang Qi value was indeed very low now.

Could it be that he had dark circles under his eyes?

"Well, there is only one task left, I will go and sweep the floor, you take a good rest."

Jiang Qinyu's tone became a little tougher,"I am really worried that you will die suddenly one day."


Looking at Jiang Qinyu's back, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but touch his nose. Is he so weak now?

How can he say that he still has more than a thousand Yang Qi points? That's at least the standard of ten adult men.

But compared to the upper limit of 180,000, it's a bit less.

"How can sisters be so caring?"

Then he should take a good rest. The battle with Jiang Qinya made him a little tired.

As Jiang Cheng went to rest, Jiang Qinyu began to clean up.

"elder sister?"

"Why are you cleaning? Where is Jiang Chengren?"

Jiang Qinya was a little angry at first. After all, Jiang���How can I let my sister come out to clean the house?

But then Jiang Qinyu's words made Jiang Qinya a little embarrassed

"He looked a little unwell, I told him to have a good rest, what's wrong? He has already finished more than half of it, I can finish the rest."

Jiang Qinyu said seriously


Why did Jiang Cheng look so bad? Jiang Qinya knew it, but she didn't know whether to tell her sister now. She had already had an affair with Jiang Cheng.……

"Sister, are you really willing to share Jiang Cheng with me?……"Jiang Qinya looked at Jiang Qinyu with a little caution.

"Otherwise? If you really like him, it's not impossible. He has many women now."

"We sisters can also be good companions, right?"

Of course, Jiang Qinyu has not yet told Jiang Qinxin that she is with Jiang Cheng.

In fact, she still doesn't know how to tell Jiang Qinxin. If Jiang Qinxin knows... will she……

"So, Qinya, do you really like him?"

Jiang Qinyu looked into Jiang Qinya's eyes seriously.


If she didn't like Jiang Cheng, why would she do that? Apart from anything else, she found that being with Jiang Cheng seemed to improve her strength.

"Isn't that enough? Anyway, we are not in the real world now. I think the world will be very different in the future.……"

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