The old man was in a hurry to get out of the way.

At this time, Erza also asked, "But in the past three years, the Moon Drop has been going on every day on this island,"

"I believe you should have seen a light appearing over the Moon Ruins every day,"

"In other words, that is the most suspicious place on the island, right?"

"I really don't understand why you don't go and investigate?"

Mocha replied, "That's because there has always been a warning in the village that the villagers are absolutely not allowed to approach the ruins,"

Lucy also asked, "But your situation should not allow you to care so much, right? Someone has already sacrificed, and you are willing to give the guild a high reward,"

Mocha stuttered and said two words, "That ,,,"

Eluza saw this and knew that he must have something hidden,

so she asked again, "Can you tell us the truth in detail?"

Mocha said, "To be honest, we don't know the real situation very well. In fact, we wanted to check the ruins several times, and everyone was holding weapons that they were not used to,"

"I also went to the ruins several times with my appearance in order to find out the truth, but we couldn't get close. We were obviously walking towards the ruins, but when we came back to our senses, we were still at the entrance of the village,"

"I don't know why, we can't get close to the ruins,"

Lucy murmured after hearing this, "What's going on? Can't get close to the ruins like this?"

Ha "But we did walk there without any obstacles,"

One of the villagers said, "I know you probably won't believe this, so I never told you."

Another one said, "But these things are true, we have all experienced them,"

"We have tried several times to get to the ruins, but we didn't succeed,"


Hearing them say this, Erza already had some guesses in her mind,

So, she turned around and looked at Natsu,

And Natsu nodded at him,

Erza asked, "Brother Natsu, did you know what to do a long time ago?"

Natsu nodded and said, "When we first arrived on this island, You will know when the time comes,"

Hearing Natsu's answer, Erza started to change her clothes, and a yellow and black armor appeared on her body.

After turning around, she said, "In this case, let's go,"

Natsu waved his hand and said, "No need to be so troublesome, just leave it to me, Happy,"

Hearing the two discussing how to destroy the moon, Lucy, Happy, and Gray were extremely terrified.

Happy flew to Natsu's ear and whispered, "Natsu, if the moon is destroyed, then my grilled fish..."

Natsu raised his hand, nodded his head and said, "Don't worry, your grilled fish will always be there,"

"Now what you have to do is take me up, do your best! "

After hearing what Natsu said, Happy was relieved,

because Natsu had never lied to him,

so he increased his magic output, making the size of his wings a little bigger,

came behind Natsu and grabbed his collar,

When Erza saw this, she put away her armor and walked to Lucy with a confident smile on her face,

Seeing this, Gray said, "Destroying the moon, even with Natsu's strength, it should be impossible, right?"

Lucy agreed, "Yes, but how is he going to do it? "

Eluza didn't say anything. She didn't intend to tell them the truth of the matter.

The villagers around were also nervous at the moment, with expectations in their eyes.

After Natsu nodded, Happy shouted softly and began to mobilize magic power.

Flapping his wings, he took Natsu and flew straight into the air.

After taking off, Natsu also began to prepare for the attack.

I saw a magic circle appeared on his right fist.

Then, a large amount of dragon flames gathered and wrapped the entire fist.

He stared at the moon in front of him.

When he flew to a certain height, Natsu swung a fist violently.

A punch hit him in front of him.

The Happy behind him clearly saw what Natsu's punch broke.

He exclaimed in surprise.

As for Natsu, he increased his firepower output. With a burst of shattering sounds, cracks began to appear around him.

The cracks were very huge and very


Everyone on the ground could see it clearly,

Seeing this, Lucy's jaw dropped to the ground and said, "How is this possible?! Did they really destroy the moon!?"

Although Gray didn't say anything at this moment, it can be seen from his expression that he was very uneasy at the moment,

The villagers around him showed a look of joy,

As for Erza, she looked as if it was just as she expected,

The next moment, the cracks continued to expand and had exceeded the size of the moon,

With the sound of glass breaking, a layer of purple barrier was seen directly Broken, revealing the moon above,

Lucy looked at the sky and murmured, "It's not the moon that's destroyed, it's the sky..."

Eluza shook her head helplessly and explained, "This island has long been wrapped in an evil film,"

"This evil is the waste gas that has been long-lived because of the Moon Drops,"

"After these waste gases crystallize, they form a thin film in the sky,"

"This is why the moon is purple when you look at it from this angle,"

"As long as this layer of membrane is broken, the island can smoothly restore its original glory,"

Just as Erza was speaking, The villagers next to them began to emit golden light.

When the light disappeared, the villagers stood there in a daze.

Looking at their current appearance, Lucy said, "But they have not returned to their original state."

Eluza explained again, "Because this is their original appearance."

"The evil sacrifice membrane did not damage their appearance, but affected their memory."

Lucy asked in confusion, "Memory?"

Eluza replied, "It is the false memory that turns into a demon at night."

Gray asked, "What does this mean, no... Really? ! ! ! ? "

Eluza replied again, "Yes, because they are originally a group of demons,"

After hearing this, Gray approached a villager and asked, "Is it true?"

Sweat was also oozing out of the villager's face. Hearing Gray's question, he answered, "I feel a little confused after hearing her say that,"

Eluza heard this and said confidently, "In fact, they all have the magic to transform into humans,"

"And they all mistakenly think that the human appearance after transformation is their original appearance. This is the memory barrier caused by the low moon,"

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