The old man was very angry, but he was very angry.

Listening to his boring words, Naz flashed forward and punched him in the face.

He said in a low voice, "You are a sneak attacker. You deserve to eat dirt!"

This guy is really the Aria of the sky among the four elements. His magic can make the opponent's magic power completely dissipate.

That is, a kind of magic that turns magic power into nothingness.

It is most suitable for sneak attacks.

Looking back at Makarov, Naz asked, "Old man, are you okay?"

Makarov shook his head and said, "No, just a little bit."

Natsu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Huh, it's okay."

After a pause, Natsu continued, "Old man, you are too careless, aren't you? You were almost attacked by such a guy."

Makarov coughed and said, "Because I was a little too angry just now."

After that, Makarov slapped his forehead and said, "By the way, Lucy was captured by them."

Hearing this, Natsu couldn't help but frowned.

He didn't understand, Why was Lucy captured even though she was protected by protective magic?

So he frowned and asked, "Where did they take Lucy?"

Makarov shook his head and said, "I don't know. What appeared here is just a thought body. Where are their real bodies? This needs to be investigated."

At this moment, Aria, who was knocked out by the magic, climbed up again. He cried and said, "That little girl is treated very well. She is imprisoned in our headquarters!"

After that, he raised his hand, and his whole body became transparent and disappeared on the spot.

Yoseph, Lucy's thought body, disappeared with him.

Seeing this scene, Natsu was furious and was about to chase.

At this time, Makarov grabbed his sleeve and said, "No, don't be anxious! Ask where their headquarters is first!"

Natsu took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, and nodded.

Then he came to the door and jumped directly from the roof.

At this moment, the members of the Phantom were fleeing.

Everyone from Fairy Tail was chasing,

Happy saw Natsu jumped down, and his face was a little ugly, so he flew over and asked, "Natsu, what happened?"

Natsu replied, "Lucy was kidnapped,"

As he said that, he had already rushed out, grabbed a man by the collar, and dragged him back,

The man fell to the ground and said in horror, "Fire Dragon, what do you want to do?"

Natsu suppressed his anger and said, "You guy, do me a favor,"

Looking at Natsu's red glow eyes, the man swallowed and said, "Yes, yes, okay..."

Natsu dragged him out,

After he pointed out the direction, Natsu dragged him in that direction,

Seeing this, Makarov reminded, "Natsu! Be careful!"

Natsu nodded, without responding,

Seeing this, Makarov led the other members of the guild back to the guild,

Only Happy followed Natsu,

He flew beside Natsu and asked, "Natsu, what do you want to do?"

Natsu replied, "Of course, go save Lucy,"


As they moved forward, they finally came to a stone forest after a long time,

At the end of the stone forest here, it was the headquarters of the Phantom,

And Lucy was imprisoned here,

At this moment, she was thrown into a cell,

Just woke up from a coma,

Struggling to get up, looking at the unfamiliar environment around her, she asked in a daze, "What's going on? Where is this place?"

Just as he was talking, Joseph appeared at the door of the cell,

He just heard him say "You finally woke up, Miss Lucy Heartfilia,"

Hearing this voice, Lucy looked over there and asked "Who is it?"

Joseph replied "I am the guild leader of the rulers of the ghosts, my name is Joseph,"

Lucy was surprised and said "Joseph? ! Ghost!"

At this time, her mind appeared, the scenes before he was captured,

Just as she was thinking about what happened, Joseph had walked in and said apologetically "I'm sorry, I know it's very rude to treat you with such a dirty cage and ropes,"

"But you are just a captive now, after all, I hope you can understand more,"

If Lucy didn't know what Joseph had done, then maybe she would be deceived by his gentle appearance now,

So, she frowned and said "Damn it! Hurry up!

Let me go! What captives? How dare you attack our guild! "

"I didn't believe you could defeat the president, Natsu. After seeing you, I am more certain that our Fairy Tail has not lost!"

Joseph laughed, "Hehehe, I have to say, you are really a big lady, without any vigilance that a magician should have,"

"But as long as you listen to me, I will let you move to the Michelle Suite,"

Lucy did not take up the topic, but frowned and asked, "I don't understand why you attacked us,"

Joseph asked, "What do you mean we are Fairy Tail?"

Then he replied, "Just playing around, by the way,"

While speaking, he said with a distorted expression, "In fact, our real purpose is to capture a specific person, because this person happens to be in Fairy Tail, so we want to defeat him by the way, understand?"

Lucy frowned and said, "Specific person? Me? "

Joseph smiled and shook his head, "You really don't look like the daughter of Heartfilia at all."

Lucy took a breath and then asked, "How do you know my true identity?"

Joseph asked back, "It seems that you have concealed your true identity in the guild?"

"How can a daughter of a wealthy family who can represent the country do such a cheap and dangerous job? I don't understand it at all."

Hearing this, Lucy thought of a possibility, so she asked, "Are you trying to kidnap?"

Joseph quickly denied, "No, no, no, don't say that, I dare not have such a delusion, I was just commissioned to take you back,"

"And the one who commissioned me was not someone else, but your father,"

Hearing this, Lucy said in disbelief, "How could it be, impossible, how could that person,,"

Joseph replied, "Is there any need to say this? My lovely daughter ran away from home, of course I have to find her back, right? "

Lucy lowered her head and murmured in pain, "Impossible, the person you are talking about would not care about such things at all,"

After that, she raised her head and said in a firm tone, "Listen carefully, I will never go back! I would rather die than go back to that house!"

Joseph frowned and said, "It's really a headache, Miss,"

Lucy threatened, "You'd better let me go right away!"

Joseph spread his hands and said, "I can't do that,"

Lucy pretended to blush and said, "But, I want to go to the bathroom,"

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