The taxi master and the old man who sold bean flowers, what the two thought was actually correct.

This bus is indeed a hearse.

At least, not walking through the streets to pick up and drop off the living.

The most common in the car and the most appeared… Not a living person, but all kinds of weirdness!

It’s just that the living can afford to ride the same way.

Once on the bus, you have to pay the fare, and there is no possibility of fare evasion.

If it can’t pay the price, it will directly become the fuel of the bus and stay on the bus forever.

After Lin Fan got on the bus, he was the only passenger in the bus, after all, the horror has just arrived, and there are fewer weird people who can have the banknote consumption, and even fewer humans who have the underworld banknote.

He was greeted by a uniformed conductor who twisted his neck hard like a dried corpse, holding a wad of receipts in his hand.

Lin Fan glanced at it, and under his uniform was a handmade shirt of a luxury brand.

Obviously, an unlucky bastard, after his body was gnawed clean, even his soul was forever imprisoned in the bus and became a tool soul for ticket sales.

“Welcome to Huangquan Bus… What is the destination? ”

It has no feet, the whole floats in the carriage, the voice is cold, the consciousness is chaotic, and the movement is even harder.

This kind of weirdness is not even intimidating.

Living people with a slightly stronger yang can force them back, and there is no threat to humans, and it is more difficult to harm people.

However, there are not only conductors on the Huangquan bus.

The steering wheel position, there are two white bones holding, the body is decaying, maggots drill in its eye sockets, there is no eye, but it can control the steering wheel.

Let Lin Fan think of that sentence – blind driver, disabled and strong.

This driving is weird, don’t look simple and inconspicuous, but the strength is a real chasing level!

It is not as weird as the altar, but it is far better than the weird manager of the bloody hotel.

Not only that, this entire Huangquan bus belongs to the same weird props, and the interior is a weird space and a horror scene.

By using the ability of Huangquan Bus, driving weirdness can exert more powerful power, even if it encounters a road-breaking strange enemy, at least let the other party drink a pot.

In my impression, Lin Fan met once before he was reborn, a strong man went out to a long door, took the Huangquan bus, and the whole fare needed to pay the amount of money, up to five thousand.

That strong man, with his own powerful tricks, naturally does not put the weirdness of chasing driving in his eyes, and wants to pay for the fare.

As a result, the driver just turned to the car and called a brother someone to prostitute.

However, in tens of minutes, more than twenty Huangquan buses gathered from various cities, and more than twenty life-chasing strange battles against the so-called strong man.

The strong man behind can still fight, but he can’t afford to continue using tricks.

In the end, half of his body was devoured by the driver, and because he couldn’t pay the price, he was devoured by the strangeness of his contract, and his death was extremely tragic.

Isn’t that strong man powerful?

Powerful has a fart use, come out to mix is to talk about the background, talk about the force.

The forces behind the Huangquan Bus are strong enough to make any human being in awe.

After standing in the car, Lin Fan replied strangely to the ticket sales, “Go to the mountain wooden house in Damianling.” ”

The location of Damianling, on the edge of Jianghai City, has not yet been developed and built, and it is all wasteland peaks.

In addition to the green water and green mountains, insects and birds, the most conspicuous are the standing monuments and graves.

The location of the terrifying scene where the ghost trickster is located is located in a small broken wooden house in the large ridge, occupying only a few dozen square meters.

But after the horror came, it had already become a trial scene, and there was a powerful weird entrenchment.

After breaking into the wooden house, you will find that a new world has been formed.

At that time, Lin Fan lost his right arm in this trial scene, and thus obtained a B-level trick ghost trick, and had the foundation to survive in the last days.

“The destination is known… Station ticket two hundred… Five hundred tickets…” The

ticket sales strangely stopped for a while, and then he reopened his mouth, cold and mechanical.

Lin Fan did not hesitate, directly pulled out five bills and handed them to the strange ticket sales.

The conductor tore off a small ticket and handed it to Lin Fan.

Originally, the receipt was a blank piece of small yellow paper, and after receiving it, the content appeared above and formed the text, just writing the destination that Lin Fan was going to.

Sitting on a ticket of five hundred bills, this price is really not cheap.

If it is five hundred real banknotes, it is enough to cross the city.

However, Huangquan Bus is different.

Normal vehicle driving will be delayed by road conditions and obstacles.

But Huangquan Bus can be completely ignored, whether it is a vehicle blocking the road or encountering a roadblock, it can pass directly ahead.

The people sitting on it will enter the ghost state with the Huangquan bus, and will not be blocked by physical objects, no matter where they go, they are two points and one line, so the speed is extremely fast and efficient.

As for why you don’t want to buy a ticket directly, it’s not too much money.

In this regard, he has suffered losses in his previous life.

The same rushed to a place, but before he was reborn, he did not have the capital to buy a seat, so he naturally paid a small amount of money to find a corner to stand.

As a result, a strange figure inexplicably leaned behind him.

The other party’s stomach broke, and all the intestines fell out, swaying together in succession.

It was against Lin Fan’s side, and its voice was extremely lewd, “Shh… Do you want to touch the big intestine of my stomach, this duodenum is very comfortable… This appendix is a little inflamed and very warming…”

He was a big living person, and he was strangely harassed on the bus.

The rules of Huangquan Bus are that passengers are not allowed to make trouble.

Therefore, Lin Fan guarded the fat weirdness and got out of the car to destroy it.

In addition, the floor of the Huangquan bus has subtle tentacles that are difficult to detect with the naked eye.

These small tentacles suck blood and are harmless to weirdness.

Once the speed of the car is too fast and the living person falls to the ground without standing firmly, these gadgets can suck away 400CC of human blood at one time.

An adult, it only takes five seconds, will turn into a dry corpse.

All the blood will flow into the Yellow Spring Bus and become fuel.

So, unless you are cash-shy, you don’t have much money.

Otherwise, you will basically choose to sit on the ticket.

After paying the fare, Lin Fan found a vacant seat and sat down, and the bus went straight to Damianling.

The scenery on both sides keeps receding.

Along the way, there were constantly phenomena such as jumping off buildings, hanging themselves, and self-immolation.

Every three to five hundred meters, you can see crashed vehicles, burning raging fires.

Just now in the mansion hotel, Lin Fan observed through the floor-to-ceiling glass of the presidential suite, and the city was still peaceful.

Those waiters are still dutifully continuing to work on duty.

But over time, the more weirds recover, the more humans die.

When you really come to the street, you can see that the city is beginning to be chaotic.

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