Horror: My Charms Only Work On Big Women

334: No, What Does It Mean That The Dancer Gave Money To Ma Jun In Turn?

Morton's face still had that unsatisfied look on his face.

He stared at Mooney with squinted eyes and raised eyebrows, with a crooked grin.

"Is it time to leave? Are you also scared by the news of the legendary Dharma Saint?"

Mooney stroked the hilt of the giant sword, resisting the urge to strike.

"Aren't you?"

"Are you planning to stay in the city of Rice and see the demeanor of the Fa Sheng with your own eyes?"

Morton's expression froze.

He snorted coldly.

"When did the resolute and brave leader of the homeless begin to be compared to me, a lowly and sinister mercenary?"

Morton suddenly made a look of surprise: "I almost forgot, you are not what you used to be, not the poor mercenary group that only has faith.

"You have found a rich patron!"

"I heard yesterday that your benefactor spent a full hundred gold coins just to sleep with the dancing girl in the bar "Twenty Three"."

"It's really a fool with a lot of money, so you must be very happy.

Mooney's expression suddenly changed, and he burst into anger!

"Shut up!"

With a choking sound, he drew out the two-handed epee, an epee that ordinary people might not be able to move with two hands, but now he held it with one hand.

Pointing straight at Morton.

"Insulting my employer is insulting the credibility of our homeless people!"

"Draw your sword, I will give you a chance to die with dignity!"

Morton was also taken aback by Mooney's excitement, and he quickly calmed down, holding the handle of the knife behind him with both hands.

"You think I'm still the original me, and you want to kill me... just dream.

When the sword was on the verge of breaking out, Ma Jun turned over gracefully, got off his mount, and walked between the two of them.

Ma Jun pushed aside Morton's double knives, with a reserved and elegant smile on his face, and he couldn't find any faults.

"Excuse me, give me a break."

Morton naturally recognized Ma Jun, and Ma Jun left a deep impression on him that night.

Just relying on his momentum, let him back away.

After going back, he thought about it carefully, and felt that he might have had an illusion. A young rich man actually let him run away in despair.

He was suddenly even more ashamed.

After seeing Ma Jun, he sneered.

"I thought who it was, it turned out to be Your Excellency..."

"Your Excellency is worthy of being a rich man, to be willing to spend a hundred gold coins on a dancing girl."

"It's a pity, I'm afraid your excellency will die at a loss. It's just a dancing girl. In Twilight City, one hundred gold coins can allow you to experience the most extreme enjoyment on the mainland!"

"The attitude there is gentle and will make you feel like a boyfriend."

"The dancing girl will forget you the next day, and she can't even remember what you look like."

"Your Excellency's money...was not spent wisely enough."

Seeing Morton's slightly sarcastic expression, according to Ma Jun's usual temperament, it is likely that he will teach him a little lesson.

But when Morton said Twilight City, Ma Jun stretched out his fingers and relaxed again.

He looked at Morton with a half-smile, and because Morton contributed a lot of taxes to him and worked hard to advertise, he decided to let him go once.

The more important reason is that Ma Jun is not in the mood to entangle with Morton anymore.

There were exclamations in the distance.

These are the mercenaries at the gate of the city, who were so amazed that they sighed.

"What a nice view!"

"Who is this?"

"In the city of Rice, there are such beauties!"

"I feel like I'm in love."

Not far away, Mojina is walking slowly.

She was wearing a dance skirt, showing her beautiful figure to the fullest.

After Mojina's bloodline was activated, she became more beautiful and refined than before, and her whole temperament changed drastically.

When these mercenaries saw her, they wished they could stare out their eyes.

It's amazing!

Many mercenaries stared blankly, forgetting what to say.

After reacting, they chatted with the people around them.

"Who is this beautiful girl? Is she from Rice?"

"I don't look like it, how can there be such a beautiful woman in Rice City!"

At this time, someone recognized Mo Jina's identity.

"I remember, she's a dancer in a tavern!"

"She's the prettiest one to dance in the tavern!"

"My God, she seems to be beautiful again, I didn't even recognize it!"


"Impossible, how can the dancer's temperament be so noble!"

Seeing Ma Jun from a distance, Mojina waved her hand quickly with a smile on her face.

This smile made the blood of the men next to him boil even more, wishing they could turn into beasts on the spot.

Everyone's eyes were on Ma Jun, and they couldn't help feeling a little jealous...  

The beautiful goddess actually came to find this little boy!

Morton also heard the talk of those around him.

He stared blankly at Mojina, the shock in his heart was beyond words.

The dancer...is she so beautiful?

Was the one hundred gold coins paid to her?

If this is the case, Morton suddenly felt that a hundred gold coins seemed nothing.

He couldn't help but glanced at the indifferent Ma Jun, envious in his heart, if he had so much money, he would spend it without hesitation.

It is so beautiful.

The treatment after spending money is good, and the dancer even came to see him off in person.

In the midst of everyone's attention, Mo Jina walked in front of Ma Jun.

The two first came to a hug.

Mojina said full of love: "When you come back, you must come back to find me."

"Don't worry, how could I leave you.

Ma Jun gently pinched Mojina's cheek: "At that time, I will take you and grandpa to Twilight City."

"In the future, you will settle there."

Mojina's eyes moved: "Really?"


The two hugged together, and Mojina kissed Ma Jun enthusiastically, with their lips and teeth entangled.

Before the eyes of the mercenaries, the two had a firm and passionate kiss.

The people next to him are even more envious, or it can be said to be jealous.

Morton was almost dumbfounded.

Others only saw the two kissing at 5.5, but Morton heard it clearly from the side.

What's the matter, dancing girl... are you going home with him?

Such a beautiful beauty, and such a good thing!

Mo Jina untied a money bag from her body and handed it to Ma Ling.

"I took some money yesterday, and I can't use it up on my body. You can take it."

At that time, she was awkward with Ma Jun, and said that the money was borrowed. Now that her blood has been activated, she is indistinguishable from Ma Jun, so naturally she doesn't care about this small amount of money.

Ma Jun untied the purse smoothly, and the golden light was shining inside.

The surrounding mercenaries were completely speechless.

If you are sour in your heart, you can open a vinegar factory.

Morton's eyes widened even more, as if he was dreaming!

No way!

Is he wrong?

Such a beautiful dancing girl, in turn give money to the horse?

God is so unfair!.

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