Strange, it is a chaotic and disorderly, unintelligent and terrifying monster!

This is the consensus of all countries, all the spirits, and the experts in the study of weirdness.

But now, Chen Weiwei and Zhang Lei had actually encountered a strange person who was very likely to have wisdom!

This upended their understanding!


“Whew! Don’t want to think so much anymore. Lei Zi, let’s hurry back and report this strange incident to the top management, let them decide. ”

“Well, that’s all there is to it.”

After a few seconds, Chen Weiwei and Zhang Lei finally eased up.

After leaving some people to protect the scene, the two rushed back to the Anjo Secret Service as quickly as possible and submitted a report.

The report was handed over one after another, and finally fell into the hands of the deputy director.

“Weird Type: Entity

Appearance: Scarecrow

Strength assessment: G-

Hazard level assessment: G

Ability: Extend the thatch on the arm to attack, with an effective attack range of 15-20 meters

Note: The spooky is most likely intelligent!!! ”

The last sentence of the report has been bolded and increased to show its importance.

There are also many notes next to it that tell the reader why they came up with this conjecture.

However, after seeing this sentence, Deputy Director Zhao Dashan only laughed disdainfully.

“Huh! A G-class weird who also has intelligence? It’s ridiculous! ”

After speaking, Zhao Dashan threw the report aside, like garbage.


In the Secret Affairs Bureau, Chen Weiwei and Zhang Lei waited left and right, and did not wait for a little news from above, and they probably had a number in mind.

“Those damn old bureaucrats, they certainly didn’t take our words to heart!”

If only the boss were there, he could still consult with her. ”

Zhang Lei’s face was angry and there was a deep dissatisfaction.

Most of the top echelons of the Secret Service were non-spiritual bureaucrats transferred from other systems.

These bureaucrats do not have a high degree of understanding of strange and strange events.

But they wield a great deal of power and often gave unreasonable orders.

This made many of the Spirits unhappy.

And the boss in Zhang Lei’s mouth is the director of the Ancheng Special Affairs Bureau, a young and powerful spirit bearer!

Unfortunately, she had an urgent mission, and at this time the people were not in Anjo.

After waiting for the news for a long time, Zhang Lei and Chen Weiwei knew that their report had been ignored by the group of bureaucratic high-level officials.

In the face of this situation, Chen Weiwei was also very helpless.

She comforted, “Forget it, let’s go with it.” After all, the scarecrow’s strange strength was very weak, and even if he had wisdom, he couldn’t make any big waves. ”

“Well, that’s all there is to it.”


Chen Weiwei and Zhang Lei temporarily left the strangeness of this new birth behind.

But they didn’t know how quickly Chen Mo’s strength had improved!

He killed all the way out of the country town and created countless fears!

After absorbing the power of fear, Chen Mo’s strength continued to rise.

In just a few days, it was upgraded to G+, while accumulating more than 1600 fear points.

He hadn’t figured out how to use these fears, so he kept them first.

And the series of fears created by Chen Mo once again attracted the attention of the Anseong Special Intelligence Bureau!


Three days later, Chen Weiwei and another Spirit Keeper formed a team to investigate a strange incident.

The situation on site is not complicated.

There were also 2 corpses.

One is in the doorway, the other is in the room, and the door has traces of being violently broken.

If it weren’t for the horror of death, it wouldn’t have been in the hands of the Secret Service.

Chen Weiwei couldn’t help but be stunned after seeing the corpse’s death.

These 2 corpses are too similar to the deaths of the three before!

Only this time, these 2 people died cleanly and neatly, and there seemed to be little room for struggle.

“Sister Vivi, do you want me to use my abilities to listen to what was going on at that time?”

The Imperial Spirit Bearer who teamed up with Chen Weiwei was a round-faced girl in her early twenties named Xiaoyin.

The strength is not high, just F-.

And the weirdness she controls is an old-fashioned MP3, the object shape is weird, and the ability is biased towards auxiliary.

One of the abilities is to trace the last sound of the weird.

Of course, if it is too long, it will not be heard.

“Okay, you try it.”

Chen Weiwei immediately agreed, and she was now eager to get all the news related to the scarecrow’s weirdness!

Because somehow, there was always a premonition in her heart: that scarecrow was weird, not simple!


After getting Chen Weiwei’s approval, Xiaoyin took out an old-fashioned MP3, then urged the power and walked around the scene to collect sounds.

As the little tone moved, sounds began to come from the MP3.

“Nourishing ~~~”

“Nourishing ~~~”

After a burst of electric current, an invisible sense of depression struck.

Then, the MP3 in Xiaoyin’s hand came out with a hoarse and rough sound, as if from hell!

This is definitely not a human voice!

It’s from eerie sounds!

“That, that scarecrow, is alive!” Let me in! Let me go in~go in!!! ”

This short sentence made everyone present feel a huge chill coming at them!

This voice is full of evil, fear, death, despair, and other negative emotions.

It’s hard to resist!

At the same time, through this sentence, they can finally speculate about the general course of events.

The two people in the house saw the scarecrow strangely, and one of them went out to identify, although he found that it was actually alive!

In horror, the man tried to flee back into the house, but his companions closed the door and wouldn’t let him in.

You can imagine how scared and desperate he was before he died!

The man who betrayed his companion did not end up much better, and was also killed by the scarecrow!


Thank you for the monthly pass of “persuading the king to charge another 100 yuan”, thank you very much!

Thank you for the “Rainy Night” reminder ticket, thank you very much!

Also thank you all for the flowers and evaluation votes, love you!

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