“Where is this place?”

When she was about to fall asleep completely, Su Jing’s consciousness gradually woke up.

Then she was surprised to find herself in a sea of rape flowers!

“Me, am I not sleeping in the bedroom?” How did it suddenly appear here? Is it a dream? ”

Su Jing had some doubts.

She felt that her consciousness and thinking were very clear.

This feeling is different from ordinary dreams.

But if it’s not a dream, what can it be?

Su Jing had no answer for the time being, and she could not wake up.

She simply walked around in the canola flower.

At this time, Su Jing found that her body had shrunk to the age of six or seven.

And these rape flowers are exceptionally tall, taller than her whole body!

In the midst of it, Su Jing’s vision was seriously obstructed, as if she was about to be engulfed by this sea of rape flowers.

But the change in her body made Su Jing sure that she should be in a dream.

It is only in dreams that such a supernatural phenomenon occurs.


After confirming that she was dreaming, Su Jing relaxed and swam in the sea of rape flowers with an outing mentality.

She sniffed the flowers and sang a few childhood songs from time to time.

This made Su Jing feel relaxed and comfortable for a long time.

Su Jing, who was busy, had not been so comfortable for a long time.

However, this is only the beginning of the dream.


Little by little, the sky gradually darkened.

Even if it is a beautiful view, you will feel tired after watching it for a long time.

After spending a comfortable and relaxing time in the early stage, Su Jing was a little anxious by this cookie-cutter picture.

She wanted to leave this sea of rape flowers.

But no matter how you go, you can’t get out!

Endless canola flowers wrapped around her, as if to engulf her!

Su Jing was trapped inside!

At the same time, it was getting darker.

After the sun had completely set, darkness enveloped the entire space.

In the darkness, all kinds of strange cries were faintly heard.

Not like a human, nor like an ordinary creature.

More like the howl of a ghost!

Su Jing’s heart was cold as he listened! Chills!

“Why isn’t this dream over?” Where exactly is the exit? Who will save me? Who is going to save me! ”

In fear, Su Jing ran impatiently in the sea of rape flowers, like a lost little squirrel.

But no matter how hard she tried, she could never get rid of this endless sea of flowers.

And those horrible howls seem to be approaching little by little!

This made Su Jing extremely scared!

Even a little bit like crying.

But at this moment, a kind call suddenly came from the sea of rape flowers.

“Quiet, quiet! Where are you? Come to Mom! ”

“This, this is Mom’s voice?!”

After hearing this familiar and warm voice, Su Jing was not afraid at once, and her heart was full of security.

“Quiet, quiet! Where are you? Come to Mom! ”

The voice was still shouting, and it seemed a little more eager.

Su Jing did not hesitate and immediately ran along with the sound.

As she ran, the distance between her and the voice grew closer.

Soon, Su Jing ran to the vicinity of the sound.

In the darkness, she faintly saw a tall, thin figure waving at her.

“Quiet, quiet! Where are you? Come to Mom! ”

“Mom! I’m here! I’m here! ”

Su Jing shouted happily, quickly ran to the front of the figure, and hugged it.

“Mom, don’t you leave me again, okay?”

After hugging the figure, Su Jing’s tears flowed out without a fight.

At the age of nine, her mother died of illness.

Even in her dreams, she can see her mother, and Su Jing is very satisfied and happy.

But after a brief moment of joy, Su Jing suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Why was the body she was holding so rough and hard?

Thinking of this, Su Jing slightly loosened her arms and looked up.

Just then, the dark clouds drifted away, and a ray of moonlight sprinkled from the sky and shone on Su Jing and the object she was holding.

At this time, Su Jing could clearly see where she was holding her mother.

It’s a tall, skinny scarecrow!

“Quiet, quiet! Where are you? Come to Mom! ”

The scarecrow’s jagged mouth closed and made a kind sound.

However, with its vicious and strange appearance, there is a huge sense of difference and fear!

At this moment, Su Jing only felt her scalp explode.

Tremendous fear gushed out like a flood and hit her nerves!



Under the extreme fear, Su Jing could even hear her own heartbeat.

As loud as a drum!

After the picture froze for a second, Su Jing’s mouth let out a terrible scream!


With the sound of screaming, Su Jing pulled out her leg and ran, trying to escape back to the previous sea of flowers.

However, she did not escape a few steps, and then she hit a hard object hard, was bounced back, and sat on the ground.

Su Jing took a look.

She hit a scarecrow.

The exact same scarecrow as before!

“How come? How could this be! ”

Su Jing couldn’t understand why this scarecrow could teleport in front of her.

She subconsciously turned her head to look, but found that the sea of rape flowers around her had disappeared.

Instead, there were countless tall, skinny scarecrows standing around her!

“Quiet, quiet! Where are you? Come to Mom! ”

Countless scarecrows spoke together, and at the same time stretched out their stiff arms and waved to Su Jing.

The kind voice, combined with such a strange picture, creates a huge sense of horror!

“Don’t come, don’t come!”

Su Jing shouted in fear, the whole person was about to collapse.

But these scarecrows all ignored her words and walked towards her stiffly step by step.

“Quiet, quiet! Where are you? Come to Mom! ”

“Gah! Rattle! ”

As the Scarecrow spoke, flocks of crows flew from the sky, swirling over Su Jing.

Make a piercing hissing sound!

This hissing sound seemed to be her death knell!

Soon, countless scarecrows surrounded Su Jing in the middle.

Not a single gap was left behind.

As soon as Su Jing looked up, she saw countless terrifying faces staring at her condescendingly

The eyes of the black hole hole reveal cruelty and bloodlust!

“Quiet, quiet! Where are you? Come to Mom! ”

As he spoke, the mouths of these scarecrows opened wider and wider, swallowing Su Jing like black holes!

“Not !!!”

At this moment, the fear reached the extreme point that Su Jing could bear!

After screaming, Su Jing suddenly woke up like a drowning person, and then sat up from the bed!

“Whew! Call! Call! ”

Su Jing gasped for breath, and the pajamas on her body were already soaked with sweat.


The third is more delivered. This dream is actually the skill of the protagonist, fear of erosion, readers should know it, right?

Thank you for the monthly passes of “heavenjie” and “xj-prostitute”, thank you very much!

Thank you for the 100-point tip of “Dark Night”, thank you very much!

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