In the 306 dormitory, Su Jing, who was already asleep, suddenly sat up from the bed and looked at the scarecrow doll in her hand in surprise.

Just now, this scarecrow doll suddenly emitted a strong wave that woke her up.

This is the first time that the Scarecrow doll has been directly revealed.

Now, Su Jing can indeed be alive!

A living scarecrow!

I’m still being targeted by it!

Thinking of this, Su Jing was scared and curious.

But either way, she clutched the scarecrow doll tightly.

On the contrary, I can’t get rid of it, so what is the struggle?

Lie flat.


“Huh? Xiao Jing, how did you suddenly wake up? Have nightmares? ”

Seeing Su Jing suddenly sat up, Xiao Lan, who was still playing with her mobile phone, asked curiously.

“Nothing, just suddenly woke up, haven’t you slept yet?”

By the way, what about fruit? How did she disappear? ”

Su Jing replied perfunctorily, and when she turned her head to look at it, she found that the fruit was gone.

“Guoguo, she went to the toilet.”

But why hasn’t she come back yet? It’s almost twenty minutes! ”

Xiao Lan replied casually, but did not think much about it.

Although she likes spiritual culture, subconsciously she does not believe in these things.

Otherwise she wouldn’t have made that joke before Guo Guo went to the toilet.

Xiao Lan, who was grinning widely, did not notice anything unusual.

But the meticulous and intelligent Su Jing smelled a hint of ominousness!

Guo Guo this girl is very timid.

When she goes to the bathroom late at night, she will definitely do it as quickly as possible and then hide back in the bed.

How could it be that twenty minutes had not returned?

Coupled with the sudden change of the Scarecrow doll, Su Jing felt that something was not quite right.


“Something is wrong, I’ll go to the bathroom and take a look.”

After dropping this sentence, Su Jing got up and left the bedroom and walked quickly to the public toilet on the third floor.

“What’s wrong? Eh! Xiao Jing, wait for me! ”

Hearing this, Xiao Lan was first stunned, somewhat unclear.

However, after sensing Su Jing’s anxiety, he still got up and chased after him.

Soon, the two came together to the public toilet on the third floor.

It’s almost two o’clock by now.

The entire public toilet was empty and quiet.

“What about fruit? She clearly said she was going to go to the toilet, how did the person disappear? ”

Xiao Lan said in surprise.

“I don’t know, let’s hurry up and look for it.” She might… There is danger. ”

Remembering that Xiaolan had said that two girls had disappeared in this dormitory building, Su Jing had a bad guess in her heart.

She did not say this speculation, but took Xiaolan to look for it.

However, no matter how they searched, they did not find fruit.

Not even a trace of it was found!

In desperation, Su Jing and Xiaolan could only notify the school.

The school found another agent.

After dawn, the search for fruit and fruit was officially launched.

In order not to cause panic, the agents traveled in casual clothes and entered the dormitory building as maintenance personnel to investigate.

But the results of the investigation were the same as before, and nothing was found.

Nor was there any clue to the fruit.

The monitoring at the entrance of the dormitory building and around the perimeter did not capture the fruit.

It was as if she had disappeared out of thin air!

Incredibly weird!


In Room 306, the three of them did not sleep all night.

Xiao Lan blushed and blamed himself:

“Blame me! If I had gone to the bathroom with Guoguo, she might not have been fine. Blame me all! ”

“Don’t think so, it’s not your fault.”

Another roommate gently comforted Xiaolan, and at the same time said with some fear:

“Guoguo, we all know that she is not the kind of person who will suddenly play missing.”

I don’t know what really happened to her, but she disappeared without a trace!

Is our dormitory building really haunted? ”

Hearing this, Su Jing did not speak.

In fact, she already had the answer in her heart.

After entering the public toilet on the third floor yesterday, a throbbing came from the scarecrow doll in her hand.

Obviously, there is a problem with this dormitory building!

Nine times out of ten, a supernatural event has really happened!

Since Guo Guo’s disappearance, Su Jing had been clutching the Scarecrow doll tightly, and did not dare to let it leave her for a moment.

I don’t know why, at this time, this terrible and strange scarecrow doll will actually give her a sense of security!

But again, the sense of fear it brings with it is not diminished in the slightest.

Take an inappropriate example.

The Scarecrow doll is like a fierce tiger that will choose people to eat at any time, but Su Jing is somewhat familiar with it.

At this time, an unknown man-eating beast came, and only by relying on the tiger could Su Jing get a little sense of security.

But that doesn’t mean she’s not afraid of tigers.

Under this complex psychological activity, Su Jing was clutching this scarecrow doll deadly, and her palms were sweating.


What Su Jing didn’t know was that the scarecrow doll in her hand was just a clone of Chen Mo.

Chen Mo had already left the 306 dormitory and was wandering around the dormitory building.

At about 1 a.m., he sensed a wave of ghost qi.

That’s why it will make a movement and wake up Su Jing.

But a wisp of ghost qi disappeared in an instant, leaving no trace at all.

Only in the public toilet on the third floor, there was a faint residue.

But it also dissipated quickly.

After crossing into this world and being reborn as a stranger.

Chen Mo had not yet met the same kind.

This time he suddenly smelled the breath of the same kind, and he could not avoid some curiosity, so he looked around.

However, even with Chen Mo’s strength, he did not find any clues.

In desperation, he could only return to Su Jing’s hands.


Originally, Chen Mo planned to wait for this strange person in the dormitory building to strike again, and then go to catch it.

However, I did not expect that things would take a turn for the better in the afternoon.

At about three o’clock, the breath of the two Imperial Spirit Beings approached the dormitory building, and Chen Mo could feel their breath from afar.

As the level of the Demon God’s body increased, his perceptual ability also increased several times!

“Two spirits? It should have come to investigate this strange incident.

Their breath is many times stronger than the two I killed last time, and their strength should be passable.

Just as the so-called art industry has a specialty, these spirits often deal with strange events.

Maybe they can help me find the weirdness in that dormitory building. ”

Thinking of this, Chen Mo gathered his breath and disguised himself as an ordinary doll.

He intended to let the two spirits play freely.


The fifth is more sent, the weak ask for a wave of support. Flowers, evaluation tickets, reminder tickets, monthly passes and so on. If not, I would like to thank you very much!

Thanks to the “15179xxx287” and “Lo Li Kai” monthly passes, thank you very much!!!

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