In terms of strength, this red bride is far stronger than the ghost bus!

As for how strong the specifics are, Chen Mo has no idea.

He just wanted to get rid of this stuff now.

“Click, click, click!”

Chen Mo’s mouth opened wider and wider, and his jagged teeth made people shudder!

After expanding to a certain extent, he bit down violently and directly smothered the head of the red bride!

At the same time, several nightmare ghost claws grabbed her body, and the Death God’s Scythe was also slashed down!

After the red and white double brakes hedge.

The ghost bus did not attack Chen Mo again.

So he could now deal with this red bride with all his might, without distraction.


However, the seemingly weak and petite Red Bride blocked all of Chen Mo’s attacks!

Even the head that was smothered by Chen Mo was still talking.

“Oh, Xianggong, why are you in such a hurry?”

They all said that you are already my person, why are you still in a hurry? ”

As she spoke, the red bride’s body was filled with wisps of red thread, twisting and drilling into Chen Mo’s body.

But Chen Mo was not easy to mess with.

His seemingly flawed scarecrow body didn’t give these red lines a chance.

These red threads squirm desperately.

But I can’t drill into it!

After perceiving Chen Mo’s difficulty, the breath on the red bride’s body became more and more cold and strange.

More red lines came out of her body, like a red waterfall.

Bent on invading Chen Mo’s body!

Under the frenzied attack of the Red Bride, Chen Mo’s defense faintly showed signs of being breached.

This made Chen Mo’s black hole hole eyes become incomparably vicious and terrifying!

“Demon God Form! Open! ”

Chen Mo let out a low sigh in his heart, and the black qi of the Dao Dao was swirling around him.

Then his body swelled up sharply, transforming into a terrifying scarecrow of nearly four meters!

The roof of the ghost bus was lifted high by him, but it was not broken.

Instead, it was propped open like an eraser.

After opening the Demon God form, the red line and the black qi are entangled with each other and fight.

Although neither side moved, the most dangerous confrontation was taking place!


Without waiting for these two strange things to separate the victory and defeat, the white cloth coffin on the side was not happy.



The coffin board of the white cloth coffin shook violently, and then a gap was raised.

In the gap, two pale and rotten ghost hands stretched out and grabbed the red bride.


The two ghost claws grabbed the red bride deadly, trying to drag her back into the big red flower car.

Not only Bai Yan, but even the other red-clad people and white-clad people all stopped, staring at the Red Flame Bride with strange eyes.

Chen Mo, who was entangled with the red, suddenly had a strange feeling.

The Red Bride… It seems that it is being rejected and hostile to this ghost domain.

But isn’t the Red Bride part of this ghost realm?

How did it suddenly become infighting?

Chen Mo was a little strange.


Without waiting for him to think more, the red bride suddenly went crazy!

“Mine! You are mine! Give me! Give me!!! ”

The voice of the red bride became vicious and crazy.

Constantly roaring in Chen Mo’s mouth, a wave of force impacted Chen Mo.

Anyway, he couldn’t nibble it off, and Chen Mo simply spat out her head.

“Mine! You are mine! Give me! Give me!!! ”

After getting out of trouble, the red bride was still roaring madly, and the big red hijab was fluttering like a wraith.

Her hands grew sharp as knife-sharp red nails, constantly sliding and grasping at Chen Mo’s body, making a harsh sound.

It’s like grabbing on metal.

The Red Bride seemed to want to get something from Chen Mo.

And it’s so desperately wanted!

However, it is not easy.

Admittedly, the strength of the Red Bride is strong.

It was the strongest weirdness Chen Mo had ever seen!

But Chen Mo is also terrible!

After opening the Demon God’s open state, he did not dishonor the bride in the slightest.

Especially after this ghost domain was still resisting the Red Bride, Chen Mo dealt with it more easily.

Little by little, he had the upper hand.

The Death Scythe in his hand had even pierced into the body of the Red Bride!

The red bride’s body cracked a small opening.

What was spurting out of her body was not blood, not even liquid.

It’s a big ball of red silk thread!

It’s weird!


Ghost buses are indeed a special kind of weirdness.

Although it could not resist the hedging of the Red and White Double Flames, the Red and White Double Fire Ghost Domain could not retain it.

No matter what happened in the car, how fierce and terrible the fighting was.

The ghost bus did not stop and kept driving forward.

At this point, it was almost on the verge of driving to the edge of the ghost domain.

The body of the ghost bus was crawling with red and white things, and the red and white double ghost domain seemed to want to leave it behind.

But the speed of the ghost bus was not affected at all.

Go ahead at this pace.

There are still more than ten seconds for the ghost bus to leave this terrible red and white double ghost domain.

At the same time, under the drag of Bai Xuan, the red bride was little by little and took off Chen Mo.

It looked like he was going to be dragged back into the big red flower car.

It made her even crazier!

“Mine! Give it to me, give it to me! You are mine!! Slice! ”

The voice of the red bride is no longer as clear and moving as before.

It’s a weird, crazy, terrifying low roar!

This sound alone made the few passengers who had just luckily dodged the red and white double hedging all die in pain.

These dead passengers, red silk threads flowed out of the seven tricks, and the death was strange!

Even Dongzi, disguised as a corpse, did not escape this fatal crisis.


But no matter how madly the Red Bride attacked Chen Mo, it had no effect.

Instead, it was the Death God Scythe in Chen Mo’s hand, tearing her body apart little by little!

Under Bai Xuan’s drag, she had completely detached from Chen Mo’s back.

Only a pair of hands were still dead around Chen Mo’s neck.

But as the ghost bus moved, the hands of the red bride could not be buckled.

The ghost bus is about to leave this red and white double ghost domain!


A muffled sound.

The Red Fire Bride wrapped her dead hands around Chen Mo’s hands, bursting apart under the double tearing of her own ghost domain and ghost bus!

It turned into a chaotic twist of red silk thread.

“No! Give me! Give me!!! ”

At this point, the Red Bride went completely crazy.

When he saw that he was about to separate from Chen Mo, those red silk threads suddenly condensed into a hook claw and heavily hooked on one of Chen Mo’s straws.

The next moment, the ghost bus drove away from the red and white double ghost domain.

Whether it was red or white, they all left from the ghost bus.

The eerie music disappeared in an instant, and the whole world fell silent.


Chen Mo looked down and found that there was a straw missing in his chest.

At the last moment, the Red Flame Bride finally took a straw from Chen Mo.

As a price, her hook claw also remained on Chen Mo’s body.

After losing its power, the claw once again turned into a ball of red silk thread.

Chen Mo’s mind moved, and a straw grew to make up for the small gap.

Losing a straw was like shedding a hair of sweat to him.

No impact.

He just couldn’t understand why this red bride was so crazy that she would rather pay a heavy price and take a straw from him.

Is this important for the Red Bride?

Chen Mo couldn’t understand it.

Thinking about it now, there are many mysteries in his current body of this red bride.

Weirdness is unintelligent and thoughtless.

Even if it is weird to be able to speak, it is just like a set computer program, and it is just a few sentences back and forth.

But just now the red bride, Chen Mo obviously felt the emotional fluctuations from her body.

And it’s intense!

Chen Mo did not think that there was a similar existence in this world as him.

Well, there is only one possibility.

This red bride is a spirit-bearer!!!

To be precise, it is a royal spirit who is about to be assimilated!

Controlling the weird is risky and has side effects.

The more powerful and dangerous the weirdness, the greater the risk!

If one is not careful, the Spirit Guardian risks losing himself and being assimilated by the strange!

Thinking like this, the red bride was most likely a powerful spirit regent who was about to be completely assimilated.

It was also dragged into the ghost domain.

Looking at this situation, it is basically dead.

But her crazy behavior just now vaguely made Chen Mo think of a possibility.

Don’t…… Is there something in her body that will get her out of trouble?

Is that why she’s so crazy?


After Chen Mo thought about it for a moment, he left these things behind.

There is too little information to think of.

And none of that mattered to him.

This time off, Chen Mo may never have the opportunity to go to that red and white double ghost domain again.

He looked at the red silk thread left by the Red Bride, and finally incorporated it into his ghost domain.

I don’t know what the effect will be in the future.

Then Chen Mo looked up at the car window.

At this time, the ghost bus that drove out of the red and white double ghost domain returned to the road that was lined with voids on both sides.

It’s just that now the other passengers on the bus are all dead!

Even Dongzi, who lived for five or six days, was no exception.

A large number of red silk threads poured out of his seven tricks, and they had changed from fake corpses to real corpses…

The last red and white double ghost domain was too fierce!

Directly wiped out all passengers!

Except for Chen Mo.


Chen Mo did not care about these unfortunate passengers.

He withdrew his Demon God form and stood silently on the ghost bus, waiting to arrive at the station.

Chen Mo was originally hunting down the last three members of the Black Hawk Squad.

As a result, I accidentally got on the ghost bus and experienced the things I had just experienced.

Now the three members of the Shadow Squad have been captured and ready to kill.

The ghost bus also knows almost everything, and it is time to get off.

A moment later, the ghost bus arrived.

The rear car door opened, and it was still a black hole outside, and it was impossible to see the situation.

Chen Mo could survive in other ghost domains.

But if the ghost domain is stronger, how to get out is a big problem.

Maybe you’ll get stuck.

Therefore, Chen Mo did not get out of the car directly, but dragged out the dying No. 3 from his own ghost domain.

After planting the dead seeds, they were thrown out of the rear car door.

Chen Mo could sense the state of the target he had planted the dead seed without restriction.

After No. 3 was dropped off the car, less than half a second, he died.

Chen Mo understood that this drop-off point was the ghost domain, so he did not move.


After driving for a while more, the ghost bus arrived at the station again.

This time, Chen Mo

Go down.

This time, Number 2 didn’t die.

Through him, Chen Mo sensed that the outside world was normal.

So he slowly stepped out of the car.

Outside the car, there is a remote forest road.

The time now is about four or five o’clock in the morning.

It was still hazy and the road was empty.

After getting out of the car, Chen Mo killed No. 1 and No. 2 and swallowed their weirdness into his ghost domain.

After doing this, Chen Mo used the ghost domain to leave quickly.


After Chen Mo left, the ghost bus was quiet, and it seemed that there was really no one alive.

However, just as the door was about to close.

Dongzi, who was already a corpse, suddenly jumped!

The moment the rear door closed, he sped out!

After Dongzi got off the bus, the appearance of the ghost bus gradually blurred, and he disappeared into the darkness to continue driving.

No one knows where it will go…

What a terrifying ghost domain the next stop will be…

After getting out of the car, seeing the normal world outside, Dongzi weakly knelt on the ground and almost cried out in excitement!

He actually got off the ghost bus alive!

It’s really not easy!

The mountain is the scarecrow weird, followed by the red and white double brakes.

And then they also pinch the fight!

These two weirdness is terrible!

The aftermath of the battle alone shook Dongzi to death.

However, Dongzi had made a great contribution before, and applied for a substitute doll from the headquarters of the Secret Service Bureau.

As long as the body is not more than fifty percent damaged, it can be resurrected once. (This item is weird and can only be used once)

Dongzi relied on this prop and Chen Mo’s guidance to get away from the ghost bus alive.

After breathing a sigh of relief, Dongzi looked at the fear-faced corpses of No. 1 and No. 2 and couldn’t help but shiver!

“.~ That scarecrow is so eerie! Not to mention a C-grade weirdness!

I don’t know where it went.

No, I have to get the news out of it! ”

With this thought in mind, Dongzi forcibly lifted up his weak body.

As I walked along the road, I started to make a phone call.

“Hello? Who is it? Lao Tzu is investigating the case!

Damn, I don’t know which murderer actually killed eight of the Shadow Squad’s people!

The remaining three didn’t know what was going on, and they were all missing anyway. ”

On the other side, Kou Zhengliang, the director of the Yundu Special Bureau, is investigating the case.

After seeing an encrypted phone call in, he talked about the big case with some incredulity.

Encrypted phones are all insiders to the Secret Service, and they are not low-level.

Therefore, Kou Zhengliang dared to say these words with confidence and boldness.

By the way, you can also exchange information.

“Hello? Director, I’m Toko! I…… I know what killed the Shadow Squad’s men. ”

Toko’s feeble voice came from the phone.

“What? Dongzi?! You’re alive! That’s really great!

Wait a minute…… What did you just say?

Do you know who killed the Black Hawk Squad? ”

Hearing that Dongzi was still alive, Kou Zhengliang was first excited, and then immediately stunned.


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