It was more than two o’clock in the morning.

After finally handling the “Thousand People Nightmare Strange Incident” almost completely, Ding Hanmei breathed a sigh of relief.

Her spirit and body were already exhausted to the extreme, and she was almost unable to hold on.

But at this moment, the investigator in charge of monitoring the whole situation came with the latest news.

“Director, there is a larger area of nightmare and strange events in a certain area, and it is estimated that 100,000 people have been dragged into the dream!”

“Ten … 100,000 people? ”

Hearing this news, Ding Hanmei’s eyes went black and he almost didn’t pass out.

This night is destined to be a sleepless night!

Countless people will be lost in nightmares and awakened in the fear of death!


Early the next morning, the world of Anjo was still dark.

Chen Mo’s mood was not bad.

The fear value generated by beings in the dream world is the same as that of the real world.

The farther away from him, the less efficient the absorption was.

But the dream world can repeatedly create a huge fear before death!

This is something that the real world can’t do.

The real world dies once and ends forever.

The big dream last night made Chen Mo gain 30,000 fear points. “Two Four Zero”

If this continues, many of the fear points spent learning the Dream Realm will be able to recoup.

However, the LV5-level Dream Realm could not pull all of Anjo’s two million people into the Dream World.

Chen Mo needed a certain cooldown time to launch the Dream Realm.

The rest of these people are still facing the invasion and assimilation of the Dark Forest at every moment.

In the middle of the night, countless people died in Anjo!

Although Chen Mo had already adjusted the damage conversion ratio of Dream Realm to 10-1.

But there are some terrible injuries that can be fatal if only 10% of the damage remains!

Therefore, among the 100,000 people, some unlucky eggs have lost their lives.

That’s fine, those who haven’t been pulled into the dream realm have a higher mortality rate!

Sleep is the time when a person’s spirit is most relaxed and his will is most relaxed.

This is the best chance for the Dark Forest to invade!

Chen Mo did not know how many people had been completely assimilated by the Dark Forest yesterday and had lost their lives.

But he could feel it, and the breath of the Dark Forest had obviously become stronger!

Although Chen Mo has used some means to hinder its growth.

However, it can only produce an inhibitory effect.

It is impossible to completely shut down the growth of the Dark Forest.

In this way, the Dark Forest will eventually grow into a B-class weirdness!

Thinking of this, Chen Mo planned to temporarily suspend the harvest of fear values and seriously find out where the Dark Forest was.

In fact, the main thing is that the people of Anjo are almost unable to resist, and their spirits are on the verge of collapse.

The leeks can’t be too harsh, otherwise they will be completely gone.

You have to wait for them to grow longer.


With this thought in mind, Chen Mo took out the decaying coffin from the ghost domain and stood on it and floated up.

He can’t fly yet, and can only use this means to fly.

However, Chen Mo had a vague premonition that after raising the Demon God’s body a few more levels, it would continue to produce qualitative changes!

When the time comes, whether it is flying in the sky or in the air, he can do it!

But as your skill improves, the more fear points you need later.

He planned to accumulate a wave of fear points and greatly improve all those core skills!

In this way, a hideous and terrible scarecrow, standing on a decaying coffin, floated around in the sky like a cloud ghost.

Anyone who watches this scene will feel hairy!

Fortunately, Anjo is now dark and the visibility is very low.

Chen Mo did not take out the Seven Sins Nether Lamp, and ordinary people could not see him.


On this trip, Chen Mo is to find the Dark Forest.

Since the breath of the Dark Forest is spread throughout Anjo, it is impossible to lock it through the breath.

It can only be found with the original naked eye.

In the beginning, the Dark Forest had only one small seedling.

Trying to find a small seedling carefully hidden in a city is like finding a needle in a haystack.

But as the dark forest grows, small seedlings grow into small trees, small trees grow into large trees, and large trees multiply into forests, and it is much easier to find it.

This was Chen Mo’s idea.

However, the next search completely broke his concept.

Chen Mo has fifteen straw men in his own hands, and his branches are at various key nodes in Ancheng, monitoring a large area.

24 hours a day.

In addition, he personally went out on horseback, walked around Anjo for more than ten hours, and searched every inch of the place more than twice!

However…… There was no trace of the Dark Forest found!

Not even a single leaf was seen!

After the search was fruitless, Chen Mo even sent out the Hundred Tricks of the Ghost Domain to frantically destroy the trees in Ancheng.

Ding Hanmei almost collapsed, thinking that Chen Mo was going to make some big move again.

Fortunately, he only destroyed most of the trees in Anjo.

The situation is somewhat frozen.

The Dark Forest is constantly developing and growing.

And even if Chen Mo launched a carpet search, he still couldn’t find any trace of it.

This confused him a little.

Where is this dark forest hiding?


Chen Mo made a big show of it and went out to look for it for three days.

The trace of the Dark Forest was not found at all, and its breath was getting stronger and stronger!

In Ancheng, more and more people are assimilated and devoured by it.

The entire city of Anjo gradually developed in the direction of the dead city.

Chen Mo tried to go on another Hundred Ghosts Night Walk.

But at the beginning, many people were frightened into a nervous breakdown and then easily assimilated by the Dark Forest.

This in turn accelerated the growth of the Dark Forest.

Helplessly, Chen Mo could only stop the night travel of the hundred ghosts.

During this period, he also caught some cultists and used various methods to force them to be questioned.

Again, it was fruitless.

It seems that these cultists really don’t know where the Dark Forest is planted.

Not only Chen Mo, but also the Secret Service found nothing after making all-out efforts to search for it.

The breath of the Clear Dark Forest is getting stronger and stronger, and the longer it grows, the bigger it gets.

But I just can’t find it!


However, Chen Mo was not entangled, and after looking for three days and did not find it, he simply gave up……….

The upper limit of this Dark Forest Seed is Class B Weird.

Then let it grow!

Growing to the limit, it should always emerge, right?

After having such an idea, Chen Mo no longer went to look for the Dark Forest, but concentrated on how to improve his strength.

Chen Mo roughly calculated.

If you have improved all the skills of Demon God’s Body, Nightmare Ghost Claw, Death Whisper, Fear Erosion, Death God’s Scythe, Death Night Crow, and so on.

Probably millions of fear points!

An Cheng alone could not squeeze out so much.

Anseong has now been spoiled by the two strange things of Chen Mo and the Dark Forest, and most people are in a trance and on the verge of collapse.

There is really no fear to squeeze.

Fortunately, Chen Mo still had a backhand that he did not take out.

That is, the movie that was shot before – “Nightmare”!

Human sorrow and joy are not connected from merger.

This side of Anjo is like a ghost domain!

The whole city is filled with fear, death and pain!

However, the top level of Nanchuan State blocked the real situation of Anjo, saying only that there was a chemical accident in Anjo and that it was necessary to lock down the city for the time being.

At first, there were people who cared about it.

After a while, Anjo was forgotten by people in other cities.

The world will not run without who does not run.

As long as you’re okay, what about him?

Tomorrow is the day of the premiere of “Nightmare”.

As the lead actor, Chen Mo was invited to a premiere ceremony.

Of the three free-roaming straw men, two go out to explore and come back to one.

There was also one who did not return to Anjo after the crew finished filming, and was still outside at this time.

That is to say, Chen Mo can go to this premiere ceremony!

Thinking of this, he revealed a wicked smile!

Such a good opportunity, how can you not do something?

Anjo’s leeks are almost gone.

But outside of Ancheng, there were still a large number of fresh leeks waiting for Chen Mo to harvest!

The burden of 5.2 million fears falls on Nightmare!

This premiere ceremony, he went to set!


Regarding the character of Toko, I wanted to portray him as an unlucky character with a slight comedic overtone.

He is not the enemy, the second does not cause trouble to the protagonist, and the third protagonist does not deliberately let him go. In fact, killing or not killing him has no impact.

As the level of the protagonist increases, it will move closer to the direction of “God” little by little, and at this time, it is necessary to describe the side and need a character like Dongzi.

As one reader said, without Dongzi and Nanzi, wouldn’t it be better to use a familiar supporting role?

Of course, the above is just my idea, I don’t know what everyone thinks? Here to solicit everyone’s opinions and opinions, Dongzi is to kill or stay, you have the final say.

Hate Toko, make sure he dies with a buckle 1. It doesn’t matter, don’t care about Dongzi’s dead or alive buckle 2. Like Toko, don’t want him to die buckle 3.

In addition, thank you for your valuable comments, and I hope that this book can make a little progress with your support and supervision! Thank! _

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