After improving his core skills, Chen Mo spent another 1 million fear points to rebuild his ghost domain and strengthen it.

Originally, there were a hundred strange ones in the ghost domain, and they had already reached their limits!

And these weirdness is getting stronger little by little.

If Chen Mo didn’t strengthen his ghost domain any more, he was afraid that he wouldn’t even be able to fit a hundred weird ones.

After spending 1 million fear points, the ghost domain was several times stronger, and it was enough for the time being.

However, the size of the ghost domain had not changed, it was still a radius of two hundred meters.

If you want to expand the ghost domain, you have to devour other ghost domains.

If this is a chance in the future, Chen Mo will do it.


Five million fear points, looking at a lot.

As a result, after raising all aspects, only half a million points remained.

Fortunately, Chen Mo had already improved almost, and now all he had to do was to familiarize himself with his own strength.

So how do you get acquainted with your own power?

Does this still need to be thought?

There just so happened to be a whetstone suitable for Chen Mo in Ancheng—the Dark Forest!

This Dark Forest is a Class A weird sub-entity, with a maximum upper limit of Class B.

Chen Mo originally wanted to destroy it before it could grow up.

As a result, I didn’t look for it a few times, so I simply went with it.

Now half a month has passed, and 70% of the people in Anjo have been assimilated by it!

The breath of the Dark Forest was also getting stronger and stronger, almost to perfection.

Chen Mo didn’t believe that it could hide all the time, and when it grew to almost the same point, it would definitely show its head.

Moreover, Chen Mo had a vague sense that the ultimate target of this dark forest seemed to be him!

Not bad! This dark forest wants to devour and assimilate Chen Mo!

After discovering this idea of the Dark Forest, Chen Mo revealed a sinister smile!

All he wanted now was for the Dark Forest to jump out on his own so that he could be a whetstone.

Let Chen Mo test his strength, how much has it been enhanced.


Chen Mo waited there in no hurry, and the Secret Service was almost unable to resist.

Or maybe it’s on the verge of a complete collapse!

In the past half a month, a large number of residents in Anjo have been assimilated and swallowed up by the Dark Forest and become part of the Dark Forest!

They are dead, but under the control of the Dark Forest, they still roam the streets like walking dead.

The whole city of Anjo has become a ghost town!

Not only ordinary people, but even many Spirit Guardians couldn’t stand it!

Thirty percent of the Secret Service investigators have been assimilated.

Fifty percent are still struggling to hold on, almost on the verge of assimilation.

Only 20% of the Imperial Spirit Ones whose strength is still good can still maintain themselves and stay awake for the time being.

But this is only temporary.

The Dark Forest is growing faster and faster, almost every day!

If this continues, there will be ten days at the most, and Anjo will be completely destroyed!

Not a single creature remains!


Dongzi walked out of the medical room with an ugly face and bumped into Ding Hanmei head-on.

“What’s wrong?”

Ding Hanmei asked him.

“Uncle Qin… Almost gone. ”

Dongzi said sadly.

On that day, both Qin Zhenguo and Dongzi survived the “Thousand People Nightmare Strange Incident”.

Among ordinary people, Qin Zhenguo already belonged to the consciousness firm.

Otherwise it would not have supported today.

But…… It’s really at your limit!

In a day or two at most, Qin Zhenguo would die completely and become part of the Dark Forest.

Hearing this, Ding Hanmei sighed in despair and said:

“The ordinary people of Anjo … Not much alive anymore.

Even we… I’m afraid I can’t hold it up for long. Let’s see the opening point. ”

Ding Hanmei was really tired.

The tired ones didn’t even have the strength to resist.

In the beginning, she tried many ways to save herself.

But they all failed.

The Dark Forest was not found, and the Scarecrow was lost.

Defenses can’t be defended either.

External support was also unmoved.

The whole city of Anjo has entered the countdown to death!

Taken together, it’s two words – despair!

What Ding Hanmei can do every day now is to send off colleagues who can’t support it.

Then look at this gray city and quietly feel the demise of life.

She had thought she was a proud son of heaven.

In just five years, his strength had reached the level of some outstanding senior spiritual masters, and he had also become the youngest special affairs bureau chief in Nanchuan Kingdom.

Even in third-tier cities, she deserves her pride!

But before this extraordinarily strange event, Ding Hanmei’s pride and Ding Hanmei’s strength seemed to have become a joke.

Her struggle was to no avail!

You can only lie down and die equally!


After a few simple words, both men lost interest in the conversation.

They were strayed by, intending to enjoy the last time of their lives.

But at this moment————


Suddenly, there was an earth-shattering noise in the center of the city, and the whole city of Anjo was trembling!

It was as if an earthquake had occurred!

Ding Hanmei and Dongzi were shocked and immediately rushed to the window to look at the place where the loud noise was coming from.

Only to see the center of Anjo, suddenly the whole collapsed, forming a huge crater!

In the crater, countless dark shadows poured out, squirming and crawling out.

Spread to the whole city!

This terrible scene stunned Ding Hanmei and Dongzi!

“No wonder we can’t find it, no wonder we can’t find the Dark Forest all the time!”

It turns out that the Dark Forest was planted underground! It grows on the ground! ”

Ding Hanmei suddenly screamed!

“Go! Let’s go and see! ”

The Dark Forest broke ground, and unexpectedly it had finished growing.

It’s already too late.

It’s over.

But Ding Hanmei didn’t want to die in the unknown.

Before she died, she wanted to take a closer look at this B-grade weirdness that was about to engulf the entire Anjo.

After saying hello, Ding Hanmei didn’t care if Dongzi went or not, and rushed towards the center of the city.

Dongzi hesitated for a moment and followed suit.


Using their eerie powers, the two soon came to the center of the city.

Only to see a three-kilometer-wide crater collapse here, and there are constantly eerie shadows pouring out from inside.

Very penetrating!

Dongzi’s eyes widened, desperately urging the power of the evil shadow cat’s eye, still unable to see what was going on inside.

Ding Hanmei was very crisp.

She didn’t care about life or death at all, she just wanted to find a cause and effect.

So he didn’t hesitate, jumped straight into the sinkhole.

Dongzi has always taken “Go” as his life creed.

But by this time, Anjo was almost gone, and there was no point in continuing to do so.

He also jumped and jumped into the sinkhole with Ding Hanmei


After jumping into the sinkhole, Ding Hanmei and Dongzi came to a completely dark underground world.

They stomped on the ground, groping carefully, but found no trace of the trees.

“Strange? Those shadows just now were clearly the things that flowed from the dark forest. How could there be no trees here? ”

Ding Hanmei was a little surprised.

To figure out the situation, she took out a blood-red candle and lit it.

“Oh wow”

A trace of green smoke came out of this blood-colored ghost candle, and then a little red light lit up.

This little red light was very faint, but it lit up the whole hole.

Ding Hanmei and Dongzi then looked into the pit with the light of the candle flame and immediately inhaled a cool breath!

The ground of the crater, indeed, has no trees.

None of them.

But at the top of the cave, there are countless strange twisted trees growing densely.

At a glance, you can’t see the edge!

These trees grow upside down, like upside-down bats, frantically absorbing the power of the entire Anjo!

Ding Hanmei understood.

This crater was forcibly opened up by these strange trees during the growth process.

This is the Dark Forest!

Looking at the dark forest overhead, Dongzi was cold and trembling:

“No wonder we can’t find the Dark Forest.

It turns out that it has always been under our feet, in the shadow of Anjo! ”

Ding Hanmei did not speak.

She looked at this dark forest that spread to the entire underground of Anjo, and her heart was cold!

Ding Hanmei knew that the situation was very bad.

But I didn’t expect it to be so bad!

The dark forest that overwhelms the entire underground of Anjo is no longer comparable to ordinary B-level weirdness!

When it devours the whole of Anjo, it will definitely communicate with the mother body on the border.

Then the inside and the outside should merge and launch an invasion of the entire Nanchuan Kingdom!

This is a catastrophe!!!


“Nourishing ~~~”

“Nourishing ~~~”

While Ding Hanmei and Dongzi were terrified, a large number of shadows poured out of the dark forest and burrowed into Anjo.

By now, the Dark Forest had accumulated enough power.

It no longer needs to hide.

All it wants now is to enjoy the most delicious prey in Anjo!

It is going to swallow the whole city of Anjo in one go!

As for Ding Hanmei and Dongzi, the Dark Forest didn’t bother to take care of them at all.

The two of them are equivalent to food in the stomach bag of the Dark Forest.

Will be digested by the Dark Forest along with Anjo!

“It’s all over!”

Seeing a large number of shadows pouring into Ancheng, Ding Hanmei collapsed weakly and fell to the ground.

Desperate and gray-faced.

As strong as she was, she also collapsed at this moment!

A few seconds later, Ding Hanmei found that Dongzi was still standing there straight, as if watching something.

In desperation, she casually asked:

“What are you looking at? See how Anjo was completely swallowed up? ”

Wen Yandongzi shook his head and said in a strange tone:

“No, look over there!”

With that, Dongzi stretched out his finger to one place.

Ding Hanmei sat paralyzed on the ground, looking in the direction of Dongzi’s fingers, and a trace of discoloration flashed in his eyes.

I saw a scarecrow floating above the huge pit of this dark forest.

This scarecrow is tall and vicious.

It carried an old lantern glowing with a tragic green glow in one hand and a giant black sickle of three meters in the other.

Surrounded by dozens of horrible-looking Death Night Crows!

There was an indescribable air of terror emanating from his body!

There is also a mysterious feeling mixed in.

It’s that scarecrow weird!

This scarecrow had come here when the Dark Forest had grown completely.

What does this mean?

Soon, Ding Hanmei and Dongzi knew what this scarecrow was trying to do.

I saw him raise the scythe in his hand and gently swing it at this huge pit.

At this moment, Ding Hanmei’s pupils shrank to the size of the tip of a needle.


Before losing consciousness, she hissed out a word with all her might.


Second more.

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