
The death crows above the Scarecrow Valley, the hissing seemed to be a little more cheerful.

The average person can’t hear the difference.

But Kou Zhengliang, who had been here for several days, could hear it.

His face was solemn, but he said with a little joy in his eyes:

“Dead man! Dead in the Scarecrow Valley!

Whenever the terrible crows in the valley cried like this, some people died inside!

It must be those Lei people! These damn guys, do you really think that our Nanchuan Kingdom will let them ravage?

Let them feel something about fear today! Hahaha! ”

The more Kou Zhengliang spoke, the more excited he became, and he even had the pleasure of taking revenge with his own hands.

Ding Hanmei was also a little happy, but did not express it.

She was still hiding in the distance, quietly observing Lei Guo’s group.

Soon, Ding Hanmei’s face froze, as if he had seen something very terrible!

“What’s wrong? What happened? ”

Kou Zhengliang noticed that Ding Hanmei’s face was not right, and asked with concern.

Ding Hanmei pointed to a vague figure in the distance and said in an extremely jealous voice:

“It’s Xiong Yinglong! Lieutenant General of the Thunder Kingdom, A-Rank Spirit Bear, Xiong Yinglong! ”

“What?! Xiong Yinglong? How did he appear in Nanchuan Kingdom? Also came to Anjo in person? ”

Kou Zhengliang almost cried out in shock!

The name “Xiong Yinglong”, as long as you have some understanding of the international high-level spirit masters, you must have heard of it!

He is a very powerful, extremely crazy progressive type of spirit reverendum!

Kou Zhengliang had never imagined that such a powerful spirit warrior would actually come to Ancheng in person and come to the front of the Scarecrow Valley.

What the hell does he want to do?

And why is it that the scarecrow is weird?


Kou Zheng’s conscience was full of doubts.

At the same time, all the previous joys disappeared.

Instead, he began to think about whether the Scarecrow would be affected after they were eliminated.

Yes, in Kou Zhengliang’s view, the Scarecrow weirdness is over!

A and B are two completely two concepts.

Strength is very different!

There is a fundamental difference!

This is the difference in the level of life.

At level A, there is a vague tendency to evolve into another life form.

It is completely incomparable with ordinary spirit regent and ordinary weirdness.

No matter how special the Scarecrow is, it can never be Xiong Yinglong’s opponent!

Thinking of this, Kou Zhengliang said in a complicated tone:

“Hey… This scarecrow is weird, I’m afraid I can’t survive today! ”

Their Secret Service tried several times to deal with the Scarecrow, but in the end they all returned.

Now seeing that the Scarecrow was about to be eliminated, Kou Zhengliang was not happy.

Because the strange people who are about to eliminate the Scarecrow have already destroyed the Nanchuan Kingdom by the way…

But what Kou Zhengliang did not expect was that Ding Hanmei raised an eyebrow slightly after hearing his words and retorted:

“Not necessarily! The Scarecrow is a special weird with a very high level of intelligence.

If danger had been perceived, would the Scarecrow Valley have been so calm?

Wait and see! Lei Guoren, this time mentioned the iron plate!

Even Xiong Yinglong is no exception!

The Scarecrow will tell them what fear is! ”

As he spoke, Ding Hanmei’s eyes flashed a different color.

Kou Zhengliang on the side was stunned.

This kind of look he had seen in the members of the Twilight Sect.

Is Ding Hanmei she…

Kou Zhengliang didn’t dare to think about it much, he only felt hairy in his heart.

Is this scarecrow really so evil?


The other side.

After waiting for more than forty minutes, the team that had been sent out before did not move at all.

Not to mention the triumphant return, not even a personal shadow can be seen.

Completely out of touch.

On the car, Xiong Yinglong’s face became very ugly!

He had already guessed the fate of the group.

“General Xiong, if you don’t let your subordinates bring people with you…”

“Shut up!!!”

A spirit warrior wanted to take the initiative to ask for battle like Ding Chen, but was scolded back by Xiong Yinglong.

“Still don’t understand? This weirdness is much more dangerous than you fool thinks!

Being able to completely destroy Ding Chen’s team should be a B-level weirdness.

Are you a C-level Spirit Bearer, so anxious to go in and die? ”

Xiong Yinglong is short-tempered and tyrannical.

But he’s not stupid.

On the contrary, Xiong Yinglong, who can grow up step by step, is very smart!

Very good at judging the situation!

Seeing Ding Chen, their entire army was destroyed, and they died quietly.

Xiong Yinglong immediately judged that this scarecrow weird should be B-grade weird!

Weird generally doesn’t move around much.

Ma Jun did not die when he met the Scarecrow, and Xiong Yinglong estimated that the Scarecrow in Yicheng was a C-class weird.

Probably a doppelganger of Anjo, the B-class scarecrow.

As for the A grade, Xiong Yinglong did not think about it at all.

How could a small Nanchuan country produce so many A-grades?

Xiong Yinglong came to Nanchuan Country this time for an A-level existence…

These things are not mentioned for the time being.

Xiong Yinglong must destroy this scarecrow and then think about the right thing.

Otherwise, where would the face of his lieutenant general be stranded?

Since this scarecrow has B-level strength, it is qualified to let him come out in person!

Therefore, Xiong Yinglong took a dozen retinues and guards and strode into the Scarecrow Valley.



In the gray sky, the Death Night Crow was still struggling to hiss.

It seemed to smell the breath of death.

Without thinking, Xiong Yinglong’s eyes flashed with fierceness, and an ugly tail suddenly flew out from behind him.

This tail was infinitely lengthened, and in an instant, it pierced through three dead night crows!

The dead night crow turned into a cloud of black smoke.

Seeing this, the other crows scattered as birds and beasts, and the hissing sound disappeared at once.

The entire Scarecrow Valley was momentarily quiet.

“Dead of noise! Shut up Lao Tzu! ”

One blow killed the three Death Night Crows, Xiong Yinglong licked his tongue, and the fierce light in his eyes was even greater!

I don’t know what weirdness Xiong Yinglong is driving.

It always gives people the feeling that they are on the verge of collapse at all times, that they will go crazy at any time, and then kill them.

His entourage of guards didn’t think about that.

Seeing the situation immediately slapped the horse’s ass.

“The general is mighty! The general is mighty!!! ”


Xiong Yinglong snorted coldly, ignored these low-level, and continued to walk towards the valley.

Everywhere he went, all the Scarecrows were thrown out!

Xiong Yinglong is like a furious black bear, ramming through the Scarecrow Valley, as if to wipe everything out!

The others followed Xiong Yinglong’s back, inexplicably feeling safe.

A follower whispered:

“General Bear’s strength is getting stronger and stronger! In how to go down, it is also a matter of time before you are promoted to the right A level! ”

“Of course! Although the general’s temper is a little worse, his strength is absolutely speechless!

In the face of such a dangerous situation, we are subordinates, and we really feel safe. ”

The two followers muttered in a small voice, and their expressions were very admiring and reverent.

Because it is talking about Xiong Yinglong in private, although it is not a bad word.

But these two people still unconsciously fell behind the team, afraid of being heard by Xiong Yinglong.

At this time, another Spirit Keeper came over.

With a strange smile on his face, he asked them:

“What are you talking about?” So much fun? ”

“We’re talking about General Bear! With him protecting, there was nothing to fear from these scarecrows. ”

A retinue said confidently.

Hearing this, the man who had just arrived smiled and said in a strange tone:

“Yeah, what’s so scary about the Scarecrow?”

The Scarecrow is cute. You say… Right? ”

As he spoke, the man slowly raised his head, revealing half of the hideous and terrifying face of the Scarecrow.

The other half is a terrified human face with a distorted face!

This expression perfectly expressed his fear before he was completely swallowed up by the Scarecrow!

Half of the faces, twisted together, looked terrified.

Half scarecrow face, hideous, with a strange smile.

This scene is simply weird to the extreme!

In the face of this sudden and strange event, the two retinues froze.

They froze in place, their hair standing upright, their mouths wide open in horror, but they made any sounds!

At this point, the world in their eyes has changed!

The valley is gone…

The companion is gone…

General Ray is gone…


Under the blood-colored sky, all scarecrows!

All the scarecrows came alive and walked towards them step by step!

These scarecrows have twisted faces, torn mouths, and creepy sounds in their mouths!

“The Scarecrow… What’s so scary? ”


At this moment, the two men could no longer control it, and they cried out in horror!

However, their cries can only be heard by themselves.

The outside world, including Xiong Yinglong, no one noticed anything unusual, and they were still walking towards the depths of the forward valley.

Unbeknownst to them, two of them had fallen behind, and they had died in endless fear…


The second more to send.

Supplementary setting: As the protagonist’s strength increases, he is the embodiment of fear. Every word and deed is filled with endless fear! No special means are needed to make the enemy feel extremely frightened.

Thanks to the 1000 tip of “The Nameless” and the 500 points of the “Three Ways Lost_*”!

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