Zhang Yuanxin, Li Ming, and Su Yingchen, the three strongest people in Beihai City, stood in front of a huge fire and quietly watched it burn.

In the fire, more than 10,000 scarecrows have just been confiscated.

The roaring fire shot straight into the sky, which shows how many scarecrows there are!


“Will it continue to be confiscated?” There are several other counties in Beihai City. ”

Li Ming asked Zhang Yuanxin.

Zhang Yuanxin shook his head and said helplessly:

“There is no point anymore, the people of Beihai City have fallen to the side of the Twilight Sect.”

Today we have seized the Scarecrows, and they can make a new one tomorrow. ”

Li Ming scratched his head and said casually:

“Then forget it, they like to tie scarecrows, just let them tie them.”

I can’t see any big deal anyway. ”

To tell the truth, Li Ming had never put the Dusk Sect and the Fear Demon God in his eyes.

He’s an A-level Spirit Keeper!

A character standing on the top of power!

This Twilight Sect is nothing more than a hiding mouse.

In Li Ming’s view, no matter how many fancy tricks the Dusk Sect made, it could not be his opponent.

As long as the Twilight Sect dared to take the lead, Li Ming had the confidence to destroy them.

And it’s easy to extinguish!

This is the self-confidence of an A-level Spirit Keeper!


Seeing that Li Ming was so confident, Zhang Yuanxin smacked his lips and didn’t say anything more.

But his tight frown did not let go.

Zhang Yuanxin is not as optimistic as Li Ming.

On the surface, the Twilight Sect and the Dread Demon God they believed in did not show too much terrible power.

But Zhang Yuanxin always had an ominous premonition.

And this premonition is getting stronger and stronger!

The Twilight Sect, hidden in the shadows, was like a poisonous snake.

If you don’t move, you will be killed!

There is also the image of the terrible scarecrow, which always makes Zhang Yuanxin feel some hairy in his heart.

Thinking of Xiong Yinglong’s death some time ago, he was even more uneasy!

Xiong Yinglong was stronger than all three of them, and the result was that he died in a foreign country.

It is said to be related to the strangeness of the appearance of a scarecrow.

Such a danger made the three of them encounter, and it is estimated that they will have to die with a high probability!

These two scarecrows are weird, will there be some kind of connection?

Or even the same?

However, this is also unlikely, and the weirdness generally operates in a fixed area.

How could it be that in such a short period of time, it crossed thousands of kilometers and ran to the Thunder Country?

Zhang Yuanxin shook his head and threw these messy thoughts out of his mind.

He said to the other two:

“Look at the situation again, it would be best if you could catch the leader of the Twilight Sect.”

With that, the three of them left the place.

There was no point in continuing to pay the scarecrows, and they planned to go back and discuss countermeasures.


After the departure of the three A-level Spirit Guardians, this huge fire was guarded by several C Grade Spirit Guardians under their command.

Just burning some scarecrows, no one thought there would be any danger.

Not long after Zhang Yuanxin left, a spirit reverend said to his companion boredly:

“You say, what are we trying to do?”

The other brothers are enjoying life, but how many of us are burning straw here?

What a shame for this good opportunity! ”

Hearing this, his companions echoed:

“Yes! Now the whole Beihai City is not in charge, it is a good opportunity for us to indulge!

After I’ve thought about it anyway, I have to have a good time this time! ”

As he spoke, an extremely evil smile flashed on the faces of these people.

The “enjoyment of life” among several of them is nothing more than burning and looting, and releasing the evil in human nature.

This is a very common behavior among folk spirits.

The stronger the Imperial Spirit Person, the more susceptible to strange influences and distorted personalities.

Those with stronger willpower can suppress it better.

However, these folk spirits are originally loose people and lack discipline.

Now Beihai City has temporarily lost the control of the official power, and it has become their world!

In recent times, more than ten times more ordinary people have died at their hands than at the hands of strange people!

“Oh well”

When several people are thinking about how to “enjoy life” in the future.

A strange sound came out of the fire.

It seems that something is dragging and rubbing on the ground.

“What sound?”

One of the spirits looked inside, but nothing unusual.

As a result, the next moment, this huge fire was actually extinguished without warning!

As soon as the fire was extinguished, the scarecrows who burned to the ground and were mutilated were exposed.

These scarecrows were already vicious and terrible, and at this time, they burned into a mutilated state, which looked even more terrifying!

Looking at such a scene, these few Imperial Spirit Beings glanced at each other, and inexplicably felt some panic in their hearts.

“Don’t panic, it’s all right. Some ordinary scarecrows are just that, can they still survive and bite us?

Rekindle it and burn it. ”

With that, the spirit-bearer raised a torch and walked over to the pile of mutilated scarecrows.

But before he could throw the torch out and rekindle it, a charred scarecrow claw suddenly reached out and grabbed his ankle!

At the same time, countless mutilated scarecrows suddenly moved!

Their bodies are sparks and burned to a scorched brown state.

Some even lose their legs, their heads, and so on.

But even when crawling, these mutilated scarecrows are fast!

Almost in the blink of an eye, the Spirit Bearer with the torch was crawled all over his body by the Scarecrow!

Countless charred and mutilated scarecrows lay on his body, not knowing whether they were gnawing at his flesh or mining, or drilling into his body.

In short, this spirit keeper let out a miserable cry.

“Aaaah! Save me, save me!!! ”

He fell to the ground and held out his only movable arm to his companions.

The exposed eye revealed a look of utter horror!

But the next moment, his last moving arm was also occupied by several charred scarecrows.

His companions, all they could see was a humanoid object crawling with scarecrows, writhing and struggling, seemingly in extreme pain!


The scarecrow, who was burned to half, actually came alive!

It was as if he had crawled out of the hellfire and killed a Spirit Keeper!

It all happened so suddenly, it took only two or three seconds from the beginning to the end.

But the impact is enormous!

Those few Imperial Spirit Bearers were frightened and stupid for a while, and did not react.

It wasn’t until countless charred scarecrows crawled over to them that they reacted!

They crawled outside with a rolling belt, trying to ask for support.

However, as soon as they turned back, the whole world changed!

It was originally a deserted clearing, just used to burn the Scarecrows.

But now, it has become a hell of flames!

At a glance, all of them were mutilated and terrifying scarecrows, pouring in from all directions!

“No! Hallucinations, all hallucinations! Don’t be afraid! Don’t be afraid! ”

A spirit warrior was terrified to the extreme, saying not to be afraid, but his body trembled vigorously.

Looking at that, it seems that they are almost unstable.

“Fear… Fear…”

These mutilated and terrible scarecrows made a hoarse, low-pitched eerie sound that multiplied the fear in the hearts of these spirit bearers.

This fear has reached a level that is enough to destroy people’s minds.

They couldn’t even think of using strange forces to resist.

Of course, even if they fight with all their might, they can’t change their outcome.

In endless fear, one mutilated scarecrow after another crawled onto them, taking their flesh and blood.

However, under the extreme fear, these Imperial Spirit Beings could not move!

They can only watch this happen, allowing countless scarecrows to crawl all over their bodies!


They screamed madly, venting their fears.

But soon it was not called out.

Because there were several charred and mutilated scarecrows, these spirits scrambled to drill into their mouths when they opened their mouths and screamed.

The mouths of these spirits were blurred by the torn flesh and blood under the drilling of the scarecrows, and the corners of their mouths were open to the root of the ears!

At this moment, they realized what is called extreme fear!

This is a force powerful enough to destroy everything!


First, thank you for the tip of “Starry Sky Old Devil Powder”, thank you to this old fan!

Today’s violent more, this is the first more. Also, ask for a monthly pass for the new January!

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