Su Jing felt that there were only two ways to pass this novice test.

Or escape from here.

Or kill the pig-headed man.

Taking advantage of the pig-headed man’s kung fu to decompose the body, Su Jing searched the entire room.

No way out was found.

All the doors and windows are locked up.

With the strength of Su Jing’s small body, it could not be opened at all.

In this way, Su Jing can basically be sure.

If you want to pass this novice trial, you must kill the pig-headed man!

But with her strength, how could she kill a tall and strong pig-headed man?


“Tuk Tuk!”

“Tuk Tuk!”

Just as Su Jing was trying to find a way to kill the pig-headed man, there was a knock at the door.

Also, insults!

“What are you arguing about in the middle of the night?” Is it a neurosis? Don’t the neighbors have to sleep? Open the door! Open the door! ”

The people outside the door were obviously extremely dissatisfied, and violently knocked on the door of this dark and damp room.

At this time, Su Jing climbed onto the beam of the room and carefully hidden.

She saw that when there was a knock on the door, the pig-headed man in the bathroom stopped the movement of his hand.

He pinned the huge bone chopping knife to his waist, then strode over and opened the door.

Outside the door, there is a middle-aged man with a big belly.

When he saw the appearance of the pig-headed man, he was not surprised, and he looked at ordinary people almost the same.

So he didn’t have any scruples and directly broke open and scolded.

“You’re a punch! What noise is not sleeping in the middle of the night? I’m going to do it tomorrow…”

The middle-aged man’s words were not finished, and the pig-headed man drew out a bone chopping knife and split his head.

Su Jing clearly saw that when this knife went down, the middle-aged man’s head was split in half!


nao pulp…


This couldn’t help but remind her of the death experience she had just experienced.

It is estimated to be even more tragic than this middle-aged man!

Thinking of this, Su Jing put back the foot that was stretched outside.

The whole person shrinks into a ball and tries to avoid being discovered.


After slashing the neighbor who came to the door to complain, the pig-headed man grabbed him by the neck and, as if carrying a dead dog, dragged him in.

By the way, lock the door again.

However, the pig-headed man did not drag the neighbor’s body to the bathroom to divide the shi.

Instead, he dragged the body toward the basement.

Taking advantage of the opportunity for the pig-headed man to leave, Su Jing quickly ran into the bathroom.

If she wanted to kill the pig-headed man, it was obviously impossible for her own strength alone.

Must borrow power!

In other parts of this house, Su Jing had explored it, and there was nothing to borrow.

Now all that remained was the blood-soaked bathroom, which she hadn’t explored.

At this point, the bathroom is covered with blood.

And it has flowed out!

The pungent smell of blood made Su Jing slightly dizzy.

At this moment, some fragments of broken memories emerged again.

The bathroom full of blood…

The mutilated female corpse…

A child crying quietly…

Men caught in madness…

The fragments of memories that emerged from this scene made Su Jing have a headache!

These images are very familiar, but I can’t remember where they happened.

Let Su Jing have a feeling of going crazy!

Fortunately, after a few seconds, all the memory fragments dissipated, and Su Jing returned to normal.

She wiped the cold sweat from her head, temporarily suppressed these questions, and went into the bathroom.


Torn female corpses, blood on the ground.

The familiarity of déjà vu grows stronger!

But now the time is pressing, and the pig-headed man will come back at any time.

Su Jing didn’t have time to think wildly, and quickly checked the entire bathroom to see if there was anything to be used.

But after glancing around, Su Jing was disappointed.

There are no powerful weapons or items.

What should Su Jing do to kill the pig-headed man?

“Head… Head…”

Just when Su Jing was distressed, the mouth of the woman’s head suddenly opened slightly, making a faint sound.

Speak with a severed head!

This startled Su Jing!

However, she was the one who had experienced several strange events and had joined the Twilight Sect.

So I quickly calmed down.

And realize that the turnaround may be here!

Su Jing stepped forward to hear what the bloody severed head was saying.

“Head… Head…… My head…… I want my head! ”

A woman’s voice is full of negative emotions such as resentment, unwillingness, anger, and so on.

When ordinary people encounter such terrible and strange events, they are afraid of being scared silly on the spot!

Su Jing suppressed the fear in her heart and vaguely guessed what to do.

Su Jing, in the mini-form, quickly ran to the severed head that was about the same height as himself.

Then I pushed it hard.

Pushing the severed head like a snowball toward the headless female corpse.

When the distance between the severed head and the headless body was reduced to ten centimeters, the fractures of the head and neck grew sprouts and were connected to each other.

Then this flesh-and-blood blurred head grew back.

But it’s not over yet.

After connecting the head, the female corpse was still unable to move, and only her mouth could make some faint sounds.

“Eyes… My eyes…”

Hearing this, Su Jing understood.

The female corpse also lacked an eye on its head.

It had fallen beside her before, and then picked up by the pig-headed man and thrown into the bathroom.

I just don’t know where to throw it.

Just when Su Jing couldn’t find that eyeball for a while, a burst of footsteps was getting closer and closer!

It’s the pig-headed man!

He finished disposing of his neighbor’s body and came back!

Su Jing was breathing fast and desperately searching, and finally found a bloodshot eye in a corner!

At this moment, a huge shadow covered her whole being.

The pig-headed man stood at the door of the bathroom, carrying a large knife to chop bones, and looked at Su Jing coldly!

At this moment, Su Jing’s hair stood upright and her scalp exploded!

The tremendous fear made her heart stop beating!

“What to do? Now at this distance, before I put my eyeballs on it, the pig-headed man will chop me with a knife! ”

Su Jing’s mind turned sharply, and an idea came up within a few minutes of 0.00.

I saw her standing where she was, posing in a shooting pose, and casting her eyes into the hollow eye sockets of the female corpse’s head.

At the same time, the pig’s head strode in, and the bone chopping knife was held high!

The next second, Su Jing would be cut in half by him!

But at this moment, the eyeball fell into the eye socket of the female corpse’s head without mistake.

In an instant, a cold breath erupted from her body!

“Click, click, click!”

“Click, click, click!”

The dismembered body parts of the female corpse came together like building blocks, and stood up like a puppet.

The moment she stood up, she moved in front of Su Jing.


The bone chopper fell heavily.

The female corpse’s newly connected neck was cut off in half.

She blocked this knife for Su Jing!

Behind the female corpse, Su Jing watched all this in a daze.

For some reason, I suddenly burst into tears!


Su Jing, whose vision was blurred by tears, whispered, and the memory valve opened instantly, and the dusty memories poured out like a flood!


“A man killed and dismembered his wife, and a neighbor was killed!” Now killed by the detective! ”

“My 6-year-old daughter escaped hiding in the closet, but she was so frightened after witnessing everything that she was unconscious!”

The 6-year-old girl had become an orphan, but fortunately she had symptoms of amnesia and had forgotten the terrible past. He has now been adopted by the Nanchuan National Welfare Bureau. ”

Countless pictures, countless information, emerged.

And put together, pieced together a complete horror tragedy.

A tragedy that happened to Su Jing!

Why was Su Jing able to leave the Nanchuan Kingdom without any worries and follow the Twilight Sect to the end of the world?

Why did Su Jing develop an incomprehensible dependence on the Scarecrow after experiencing initial fear?

Why does Su Jing have a unique talent for showing fear?


Everything has cause and effect.

After tearing open the dusty scar, Su Jing, who recalled her childhood, burst into tears and had a deeper understanding of herself.

On the other side, the wound on the neck of the female corpse quickly recovered, and the action stiffly walked towards the pig-headed man.

The pig’s head was expressionless and continued to wield the bone chopping knife.

But this has no effect on the female corpse that has already transformed into a strange woman!

She approached the pig-headed man step by step, and the injuries on her body continued to recover.

When he came to the pig-headed man, the female corpse opened her arms and held him in her arms.

This is not a loving hug.

It’s the confinement of death!

Only to see the female corpse’s mouth tear open little by little, becoming a huge black hole, and swallowing the pig-headed man’s head in one bite!

The pig-headed man’s body trembled violently.

The bone chopping knife in his hand “clicked” and fell to the ground.

Falling down with it was a strong, headless corpse…

Why would the person who should have been called “Daddy” be an ugly-faced pig-headed man?

Because in Su Jing’s heart, he has always been like this.

The dead pig-headed man is a good pig-headed man.

Evil is finally over!


Looking at this scene, Su Jing suddenly had a feeling of relief.

The whole person is more relaxed than ever!

This novice trial hit the place where she was most afraid in her heart, even afraid to have a memory!

The fear that Su Jing had accumulated for more than ten years was released at one time!

At the beginning of all this, Su Jing was indeed terrified to the extreme.

It even made her feel like she was going to collapse at one point!

But when it was all over, Su Jing seemed to have received a spiritual cleanse that removed all darkness.


After the pig-headed man died, everything around him trembled, as if it would disappear at any moment.

Among them, there was also the female corpse.

Su Jing looked at her, and she also looked at Su Jing.

Those eyes, which were originally full of bitterness and resentment, had become softer.

“Goodbye Mom… I will live better…”

Regardless of whether the other party could hear and understand, Su Jing still seriously said to her.

Or rather, this sentence is not for others to hear,

Instead, Su Jing said it to herself.

The next moment, everything around them turned into a confused snowflake pattern, which then dissipated.

Su Jing returned to the white enclosed room.

At the last moment, she faintly saw a smile on the flesh-and-blood blurred face of the female corpse…


The third more sent, unconsciously wrote more than three thousand… Ask for a monthly pass!

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