Dream world.

After the end of the single-player trial mode, the horror has just begun!

This dream world was named Purgatory Game by Chen Mo.

Because everyone who is dragged into the dream is a player.

After passing through the beginner’s trial, the game has just begun!

The initial life of each player is three days.

If you want to live longer, you have to conquer some horrible copies.

After successful clearance, life expectancy can be increased.

It’s a clever design.

Every player will watch their life pass little by little and immerse themselves in the fear of the impending death!

However, if you want to survive, you are not allowed to participate in various horrific copies.

Struggle in these horror worlds!

Regardless of the player’s choice, fear is their eternal topic.

Surrounded them from start to finish!

And this fear is even longer and more powerful!

Just one day after opening the Dream Realm, Chen Mo had absorbed a large amount of fear power from it!

He felt that he was getting closer and closer to advancing to the A level!

More than four million people in Beihai City will help him ascend to the A class.

A big step towards the path to becoming a god!


The day after the whole city of Beihai City fell asleep, several experts who studied strange events came to Beihai City under the escort of the Lei State Special Affairs Bureau.

Most of the investigators in charge of the escort were C-class leaders, with only one B-class leader.

And they did not participate in the investigation of this strange incident in Beihai City, escorted the experts and left directly.

At present, the situation in Lei Guo is very bad, and there are many places where people need to be employed.

The contradictions with the Holy Eagle Kingdom are also becoming more and more intense, and it is uncertain that one day it will turn into a large-scale war!

So I really can’t get any more manpower.


After simply picking up the wind and washing the dust for a few experts, Zhang Yuanxin took them back to his villa.

These experts were shown the situation of the sleeping man.

Zhang Yuanxin pointed to Zhao Feng, who was lying on the bed unconscious, and said:

“A few experts, this is a B-level spirit under my command.

Since late last night, he has been in a state of sleep, and he can’t wake up no matter how he screams!

And the state deteriorated little by little.

If this continues, whether he can survive the sun setting today is a question. ”

Several experts listened to Zhang Yuanxin while inspecting Zhao Feng’s situation and exchanged views from time to time.

A few minutes later, an old professor with gray hair pushed his glasses and said to Zhang Yuanxin:

“According to the current situation, the spirit keeper is trapped in a dream.

But because of the strange forces interfering, he could not wake up.

And we detected that his mental strength was fluctuating violently, and it seemed that he was suffering from something incomparably terrible!

In addition, you are right, his mental strength is rapidly weakening.

Weakened at this rate, he basically did not survive the night. ”

It was said that Zhang Yuanxin’s face was a little ugly.

Zhao Feng was one of the few B-level Imperial Spirit Bearers under his command.

If you die like this, the loss will be great!

Zhang Yuanxin asked these experts in a polite tone as much as possible:

“You are all the top talents of the Lei Kingdom, is there any way to save him?”

The old professor shook his head and said:

“We still have too little information and intelligence at hand.

More data must be collected and more dream victims observed before it is possible to come up with a good method. ”

“Well, since that’s the case, I’ll take a look at it with a few experts.”

Now the whole city, even our three A-level Spirit Bearers were still awake, and everyone else was in a deep sleep. ”

Zhang Yuanxin said helplessly with some fear.


The old professor sighed and said:

“This strange incident has affected the entire population of Beihai City of more than four million!”

Looking at the Thunder Country, the coverage is also on the top line, which is really terrible!

I just don’t know how harmful it is, how many people who are dragged into the dream will die.

If only all of them were dead…”

Speaking of this, the old professor stopped.

But several people in this place knew in their hearts what this meant.

Their faces were heavy and the atmosphere was somewhat depressing.

The extinction of a city is an unbearable loss for the Thunder Kingdom!

And it is a huge blow to the prestige of such a first-class power!

“Forget it, don’t talk about that. Trouble Zhang Dong take us to observe the situation of other sleeping people. ”



In a depressing atmosphere, these old professors went to various places in Beihai City and sampled and investigated the situation of hundreds of sleeping people.

At this time, Beihai City had become a dead city.

The silence is terrible!

Except for Zhang Yuanxin and his party, there seemed to be no other living people.

Only occasionally can you hear a few hoarse and eerie crow chirps, ringing in the sky!

However, including Zhang Yuanxin, all the Lei people on this trip did not notice.

There were several almost transparent figures, hiding in the shadows, quietly staring at them all the way!

And filmed their every move, every word and deed!

After obtaining enough fierce material, these figures quietly retreated outside Beihai City.

It wasn’t until they left Beihai City that they revealed their true colors.

These are a few Sacred Eagle Kingdom Spirit Bearers who are good at concealment and reconnaissance!

“Oh, a strange event that affected more than four million people.

The timing of what happened was wonderful!

This time, we must see how Lei Guo suppressed this incident! ”

“Poke this thing out, there is definitely Lei Guo busy, maybe we can find an opportunity from it!”

Accompanied by these malicious conversations.

These few Imperial Spirits obtained video data and picture data in Beihai City.

It was all transmitted to the upper echelons of the Holy Eagle Kingdom.

After some high-level operations in the Holy Eagle Kingdom.

This information soon appeared on the largest forum in the country.

And it is placed on the top!

“Shocked! When a city’s citizens are killed, the top brass chooses to block the news and let them fend for themselves! ”

The title of the post is very eye-catching and full of explosive points.

Coupled with being placed at the top, it quickly attracted countless people to click in.

At first, netizens thought the post was a headline party or a prank.

But after reading the content of the post, everyone was shocked to the point of no return!

The content of this post includes video conversations between Zhang Yuanxin and several experts, as well as a top-down view of the dead silence of the entire Beihai City, as well as many photos of sleeping people!

These real hammers, all of which can prove that this post is all telling the truth!

In this small seaside city of Beihai City, an incredible horror has occurred!

The entire city is dragged into a dream and cannot wake up, and is in danger of dying at any time!

And Lei Guo’s approach was to block the news, and then only sent less than ten people to investigate this terrible incident!


It’s ridiculous!

Soon, the online world of Lei Guo exploded, and countless people discussed this topic.

“Dreaming in the whole city? All can’t wake up? Is this true or false?

Although the evidence is conclusive, I always feel that this kind of thing is too outrageous, a little hard to believe it! ”

“With so many real hammers, can they still be fake?”

“I’m dying! Go crazy too!

Are the things that people do at the top?

My husband was on a business trip in Beihai City and lost contact the other day.

The official notice said that there was a strange natural disaster in Beihai City, the signal was not clear, and the city was temporarily locked down.

The result is such a big deal! Have you considered the feelings of those of us who are among the people? ”

“Yes! This is too much!

Not only did he not tell the public the truth, but he also perfunctorily sent a few people to investigate.

This is millions of lives! Is it just not worth much? ”

“What the hell is going on here?” How did a good city become a city of dreams?

What are the strange events and spirits in the mouths of those experts?

It always felt like a lot of things were hidden from us. ”

“We are citizens of the Thunder Country and enjoy the right to know!”

“Nice! We have the right to know the truth! Severely condemn this kind of high-level behavior of concealing the truth and manipulating public opinion! ”


This post made the whole Thunder Country vibrate!

The content in the post, driven by people with hearts, spread at an incredible speed!

In just a few hours, more than half of the Lei people knew that a city-destroying disaster had occurred in Beihai City.

Beihai City is also called the City of Dreams by netizens!

Because in the city, all the people are in a deep sleep that cannot wake up.

And there is a danger of death at any time!

The most infuriating thing is that the top level of Lei Guo not only chose to conceal the news.

It was also perfunctory, and there was no intention of solving this terrible disaster!

For a time, the citizens of Lei Guo were excited!

Countless people want to ask the top for an explanation!


At this time, the top level of Lei Guo was already going crazy!


Qin Haizhou slapped a palm on the conference table and roared furiously:

“Check! Be sure to find out for me the rats of the Holy Eagle Kingdom who are hiding in the shadows! They must be pinched to death! ”

Those videos and photos can only be done by those who specialize in reconnaissance and concealment.

Needless to say, such a spirit guardian must be a person from the Holy Eagle Kingdom.

In addition, the post posted online cannot be deleted at all.

Someone used powerful hacking technology to break through Lei Guo’s network!

In addition to the posts on that forum, all kinds of videos, pictures, and texts related to Beihai City spread like a virus all over the Internet!

It’s gone crazy!

Otherwise this incident would not have fermented so quickly.

Before Lei Guo could react, it was already a mess.

“Subordinates will go and investigate!” Also, what about that information on the web?

Behind these operations are the top hackers of the Holy Eagle Country, and we can’t completely remove the relevant information for the time being. ”

Hearing this, Qin Haizhou was silent for a long time.

Then he slammed a heavy fist on the table, gritted his teeth and said:

“There’s no other way, shut down the nation’s network!”


It was said that the subordinate was a little hesitant.


Qin Haizhou squeezed a word out of his teeth, but he was extremely determined!

Although shutting down the national network, it will cause huge economic losses and Yu theory effects.

However, Lei Guo could not erase the news related to Beihai City on the Internet in a short period of time.

They…… No choice!


Within minutes, the Lei Guo network was completely shut down.

This made the people who are accustomed to online life an uproar!

At the same time, it is more certain that the news about Beihai City on the Internet is true!

Otherwise the authorities would not have done so.

But no matter what, Lei Guo finally temporarily suppressed the spread of the “City of Dreams Incident”.

However, it is only temporary.

The think tank of the Holy Eagle State had already speculated on all possible reactions of the Thunder State and formulated a follow-up response strategy.

As soon as Lei Guo shut down the network, the Holy Eagle Kingdom sent some Imperial Spirit Bearers to distribute leaflets related to the “City of Dreams Incident” everywhere.

Although it was not known what exactly happened in Beihai City, the people of the Sacred Eagle Kingdom vaguely knew that it was related to the Scarecrow.

In order to increase the sense of fear, they specially printed a strange and vicious scarecrow on the back of the leaflet.

Incidentally, a terrifying Scarecrow legend was also concocted.

For a time, it was passed on by word of mouth and spread widely!

At this time, the decision-makers of the Holy Eagle Kingdom were not aware of their unconscious move.

Help Chen Mo advance to the A level, adding a fire!


In addition to the small actions of the Holy Eagle Country, countless people of the Thunder Country spontaneously discussed the events of dreaming with the whole city of Beihai City.

Especially in the cities near Beihai City, many residents have wanted to go to see if such a thing really happened.

Fortunately, Lei Guo sent new police forces to blockade Beihai City in time, otherwise he was afraid that something bigger would happen!

But even so, the entire Thunder Country has been messed up.

An hour after the internet shut down, protests erupted in many cities.

Countless people spontaneously gathered to protest the actions of the high-level.

For a time, the whole Thunder Country was in chaos!


Thanks to the “17783xxx638” big guy for the 10,000 tip! Thank you very much!

Thanks to “Dong Xingjun” and “Yutong” for the 588 tips!

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