When Zhou Junjie and Zhou Xiaoyan’s family got together to eat and chat, and heard a knock at the door.

A secret base built in the wilderness of the Yuan Kingdom welcomed two top spirits.

One of them was an old man with a hunchback, and the other was a middle-aged man with a pale face as paper.

The hunchback old man exuded a putrid smell, like a body that could be moved.

And the middle-aged man whose face was as pale as paper exuded an incomparably cold breath!

It makes people feel cold to the bone at a glance!


These two top Spirit Guardians of the Yuan Kingdom entered the center of the secret base with a heavy face.

In the center of this secret base, there is nothing.

There was only an old, charred iron door.

The iron door was wrapped around an arm-thick chain that seemed to prevent it from opening.

This door stood there so lonely, there was an indescribable sense of strangeness!

A stream of black breath seeped out of the crack in the door and entered the real world.

Steady stream!

Looking at these black gases, the hunchback old man said in a hoarse voice:

“We can’t suppress this door, we shouldn’t have opened it in the first place!”

The rise and fall of our Yuan Kingdom is all at its mercy.

Once it gets out of hand… The consequences are unimaginable!

Not to mention the Yuanguo, the entire White Feather Star may cease to exist! ”

The middle-aged man with a pale face as pale as paper said darkly:

“What’s the use of saying that now?” You weren’t the ones who opened the door in the first place!

Can regret go back to the way it was? Can I bring my daughter back to life?

If you weren’t crazy and wanted to create an S-Class Spirit Hunter, would it have caused such consequences?

If the Yuan Kingdom really died, even the White Feather Star would be destroyed.

That’s also caused by your greed! ”

Hear the middle-aged man’s words full of anger and complaints.

The hunchback old man did not speak, but his hunched body was shorter.

It seems that the sins on the back are heavy again…

Seeing that the hunchback old man did not speak, the middle-aged man did not pursue the past again.

He continued:

“This dark god door can’t be blocked anymore.

More and more dark energy will run out of it and enter our Yuan Kingdom.

The strange events in the Yuan Kingdom today are ten times more than those of a year ago! And it’s growing fast!

We must change our strategy to have a chance to deal with this terrible disaster that is coming! ”

The hunchback old man knew that the middle-aged man’s wisdom was like a sea, and hurriedly asked:

“What are you going to do?” We have to think of a way to save the Yuan Kingdom! ”

Hearing this, the middle-aged man’s face glowed red, and he looked crazy and said:

“I have a plan.

Since the seal can’t be sealed, don’t seal it!

Unlock the Dark God Gate and bring all darkness to the Yuanguo!

Then, ten days later, the news of the resurgence of terror was announced, and the whole country selected people with the talent to become the Spirits.

I’m going to…… Start a new era!

A new age of terror belonging to the Spirits!!! ”

“What? You…… You…… You want to unlock the Dark God Gate?!

Once it is turned on, the number of strange events in the Yuan Kingdom will increase by a hundredfold!

And it will spread to the world with the Yuan Kingdom as the center!

The entire White Feather Star could be destroyed! ”

The hunchback old man’s eyes widened, shocked beyond belief!

Hearing this, the middle-aged man laughed madly and said domineeringly:

“Before, the number of weird was rare, and even if you wanted to cultivate the Imperial Spirit, you would choose from the army.”

But what if the strange events of the Yuan Kingdom broke out and the number doubled a hundredfold?

At that time, we can get a hundred times the amount of weirdness before!

It is possible to mass-produce the Spirits! Buwu world!

Let the Yuan Kingdom enter a new era! ”

At this moment, this cold and crazy middle-aged man, his eyes were full of domineering spirit of giving up who he was!

When he finished, he turned his head and stared dead at the hunchback old man, his eyes full of madness and stubbornness.

“Come on! Fight it!

If successful, the Yuan Kingdom will once again sit on the throne of the world’s largest power! Set sail for a new era!

If it fails… Then the country will be destroyed and everyone will die, and it is a big deal to drag the whole world to hell together! ”

“Crazy… You’re really crazy! ”

The hunchback old man was muttered in shock, not knowing for a moment what to say.

But calm down and think about it, and it doesn’t seem entirely impossible to make this plan come true.

Is it to say… Is a new era really going to be created from their hands?

Moreover, the Yuan Kingdom does not seem to have a better choice.

If you don’t, you’ll only die slowly.

Thinking of this, the hunchback old man gritted his teeth and said fiercely:

“Good! Anyway, I’m already a half-amputated person in the ground, what can I do with you crazy? Dry! ”

“Good! Hahaha! Hahaha! ”

Hearing this, the man looked up and laughed.

His frantic laughter echoed through this almost deserted base.

At this time, no one knew that a global upheaval would begin here!!!


The sight returns to the northern town of the Yuan Kingdom, Sanshan Castle.

At this time, Zhou Junjie’s family did not know that the Yuan Kingdom was about to usher in earth-shaking changes!

Their attention was all on the eerie knock at the door.

“Tuk Tuk!”

“Tuk Tuk!”

After a pause of about ten seconds and no one opened the door, the eerie knock on the door sounded again.

“Who?” I’ll go open the door. ”

Mother Zhou stood up, planning to see who was still visiting so late.

“Don’t go!”

But as soon as she stood up, she was pulled by her son.

Zhou Junjie breathed a little heavier, and his voice trembled slightly:

“Knocker, B-grade weird.

Specifically, it is manifested as knocking on the door of a certain family.

Knock six times at a rate of ten seconds.

When you knock on the door, open the door, and the family will all be killed immediately.

Unless the life level is higher than the knocker, that is, the strength exceeds the B level!

Otherwise you will die!

If you don’t open the door, knock on the door three times, and the knocking will leave.

But a day later, the knocker will descend again.

This time, it will knock on the door three more times.

But if it doesn’t open the door the second time, it will break in.

Once the knocker enters the house, the person who stayed in the house the day before will also die violently! ”

After saying this, everyone fell into a huge panic!

The atmosphere almost froze to the freezing point!

Especially after another ten seconds, the eerie knock on the door sounded again!

“Tuk Tuk!”

“Tuk Tuk!”

On this strange knock on the door, Zhou Junjie’s family stood upright with sweat and hair, and a chill rushed straight to the door!

The most frightening thing is that after the third knock, the knock on the door disappears.

It was as if the presence of a knock on the door outside had left.

Do the math, no more, no less, exactly three times.

And every time every interval is ten seconds!

That is to say, it is the knocker who just knocked on the door!

Zhou Junjie’s family has encountered a strange incident of B-grade!


“Ajay, you… You mean, we have weird events? ”

In addition to the fear, Father Zhou was a little confused.

No wonder he couldn’t accept it.

Only when he learned about the Strange and Spirit-Possessed Things happened to him, he encountered a terrible B-level strange event.

Who else can not be confused?

Zhou Junjie gritted his teeth and nodded, and said in a difficult voice:

“Yes, and it’s a very high-level weirdness.

But don’t be afraid, I want to lead the declaration, and someone will deal with it soon. ”

Saying this, Zhou Junjie did not have any bottom in his heart.

This is a B-grade weirdness!

And it belongs to the very difficult kind, and has escaped arrest several times.

Otherwise, he would not have been bumped into by Zhou Junjie’s family.

The director of the Secret Service Bureau of Miyama Castle was only a C+-level spirit person, and he was completely unable to fight against the knocking ghost.

This means that in order to solve this strange incident, you must bring in more powerful spirits from other cities!

If it was before it was fine.

Now the strange events in the Yuan Kingdom have broken out, and the secret affairs bureaus in various regions are busy dying.

The strange events on your side are too late to solve, where is the time, mobilize the high-level spirit guards to help you?

What’s more, Zhou Junjie’s family only has one day!

Do not solve the strange incident of the ghost knocking on the door in one day.

Their families are going to die!

Including the borrowed Su Jing!


Two consecutive changes at six o’clock, and one more in the evening, ask for a monthly pass!

ps: Try to connect at 6 p.m. in the future

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