Chen Mo stretched out two nightmare ghost claws and ingested all of Su Jing and the Death Comics.

Fortunately, death comics are not as disgusting as knockers.

And Su Jing knew that the great fear demon god would not return himself, all very cooperative.

The whole process took only 15 seconds.

After 15 seconds, Su Jing successfully mastered the Death Comics and became a C+ level Spiritist!

She is originally a half-human and half-tricky being, so she can play the power of death comics very well.

At this time, Su Jing, Ding Hanmei, and Dongzi all became C+-level imperial spirits.

Only Zhou Junjie, the tool man, has not yet been strengthened, only the strength of the D level.

This strength is obviously not enough.

Unable to help Chen Mo break into the top echelons of the Yuan Kingdom and steal the intelligence he wanted.

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Mo took out a C-grade weird from his ghost domain, the decaying coffin. (Upgraded)

Of course, this decaying coffin certainly could not be forcibly stuffed into Zhou Junjie’s mouth.

Chen Mo grabbed Zhou Junjie and threw him into the decaying coffin.

Then the man began to fuse.

Zhou Junjie’s foundation is poor.

It took him ten minutes to successfully steer the decaying coffin and become a C-level spirit master.

“I… Did I qualify? Am I a C-level Spiritist? ”

Zhou Junjie’s face was dazed.

What happened tonight is too complicated!

Totally beyond his understanding!

First came the Knocker vs. Death comic.

Then suddenly a terrifying scarecrow flew out of Su Jing’s body.

This scarecrow is just imposing, which scares the two great weirdness of the knocker and the death comic into a flight and a turtle.

But no matter what, he did not escape the strange clutches of the Scarecrow!

Zhou Junjie watched these two strange creatures being forcibly integrated into the bodies of Dongzi and Su Jing by the Scarecrow.

Cultivate two C+ level Spirits with an astonishing efficiency!

Such a means shocked Zhou Junjie, and he opened his mouth wide and could hardly believe his eyes!

What the hell is this scarecrow coming from?

It can be created like a god

Zhou Junjie had not yet recovered from the shock, and it turned out to be his turn.

He was also promoted to the C level by Chen Mo!

Although it did not reach the C+ level, this was also the strength that Zhou Junjie did not dare to think of before!

Originally…… It’s so easy to get stronger!

To be precise, under the power of this scarecrow, it is so simple to become stronger!

Thinking of this, Zhou Junjie’s eyes looking at Chen Mo were full of enthusiasm!


Su Jing didn’t care what everyone else thought.

After Chen Mo stopped her hand, she directly knelt down in front of Chen Mo and shouted reverently:

“Thank you for the grace of the great god of fear! Fear lives on! The Demon God lives on! ”

Seeing the situation, Dongzi and Ding Hanmei looked at each other.

After glancing at each other for a few moments, Dongzi decisively chose to kneel down and repeat what Su Jing had said.

Toko’s idea was simple – join if you can’t beat it.

And this terrible scarecrow can still give himself strength.

If you don’t choose surrender, do you choose to just find death?

After Su Jing and Dongzi knelt down one after another, Zhou Junjie did not hesitate too much, and also chose to kneel down and worship Chen Mo.

Not to mention their own life and death and future.

Just thinking about the life of a family, Zhou Junjie knew how to choose.


At this moment, the four people in the living room, only Ding Hanmei was still standing upright.

Chen Mo did not help Ding Hanmei improve his strength.

But after seeing the ranks of Su Jing, Dongzi and Zhou Junjie, Ding Hanmei vaguely guessed.

It could be that this incredibly powerful scarecrow temporarily controlled their strength above and below the C level.

This scarecrow is strangely intelligent.

Not killing them, but helping them improve their strength, obviously has its own purpose!

That is, the four of them have been identified as tool men by the Scarecrow.

Surrender, the future is unknown.

At least for the time being, he can still live and improve his strength.

If you resist… Then there is only one dead end!

At this moment, Ding Hanmei’s mind remembered the relatives and friends who died at the hands of the invaders, as well as the destroyed Nanchuan Kingdom.

In the end, Ding Hanmei slowly knelt down and completely surrendered to Chen Mo’s feet.

“Fear lives on! The Demon God lives on! ”

She whispered a prayer.

Not very religious, but not twice.

Looking at Ding Hanmei, who surrendered, Chen Mo was very satisfied.

Among the four people, Chen Mo valued Ding Hanmei the most.

Ding Hanmei is very talented, Chen Mo only needs to help her a little, and it is very easy to upgrade to the B level.

In addition, Ding Hanmei served as the director of the Anseong Special Intelligence Bureau and was a usable talent.

Such a person is easily reused when strange events erupt and the situation is turbulent!


After successfully subduing the four people, Chen Mo’s mind moved, and a message was transmitted to the minds of the four of them at the same time.

“Mixed into the top level of the Yuanguo Secret Service”

After leaving this brief sentence, Chen Mo changed back into the form of a scarecrow doll and flew into Su Jing’s arms.

After Chen Mo left, the four stood up from the ground.

Except for Su Jing, the other three were somewhat shocked, and they couldn’t relax for a while.

When several people looked at each other speechlessly, Zhou Xiaoyan carefully poked out a small head from the back room.

With tears in the corners of her eyes, she asked pitifully:

“Danger… Lifted? ”

At this moment, Zhou Junjie reacted.

He squeezed out a smile and said to Zhou Xiaoyan:

“It’s all right, it’s all right, the danger is lifted, we’re safe!”


Hearing this, Zhou Xiaoyan burst into ecstasy.

Without noticing anything, the faces of several people were a little strange.

“It’s true. However, there are some things in the follow-up, and I want to deal with them with these colleagues.

In addition, Su Jing also wanted to be together, after all, this plan was proposed by her. ”

With that, Zhou Junjie made a look at the other three.

The others understood and walked out of the house together.

Zhou Xiaoyan did not doubt this.

After saying goodbye to Zhou Junjie, she rushed into the back room and rushed to tell her parents the good news.


After leaving the house, Zhou Junjie asked several others:

“What do we do now?”

Su Jing glanced at him lightly and said with some disdain:

“What do you say? Of course, he obeyed the will of the Fear Demon God and broke into the upper echelons of the Yuanguo Secret Service Bureau.

It’s hard to do… Do you want to disobey God’s will? ”

Speaking of this, Su Jing looked at Zhou Junjie’s eyes strangely and dangerously.

It seems that a word of disagreement will erase him from this world!

“No, no! How could it be! ”

Since knowing that Su Jing was the core believer of the terrible Scarecrow, Zhou Junjie had an inexplicable fear of Su Jing.

Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, he explained:

“I just want to ask, how do we get into the top of the Yuanguo Secret Service?”

If you want to mix to the top level in a short period of time, it is not easy! ”

Hearing this, Ding Hanmei frowned and thought for a while.

She said:

“If it was before, it was really not easy, and it could even be said that it was impossible.

But now, the strange events of the Yuan Kingdom have broken out, and there is rice … The Fear Demon God helps us in the shadows.

It is not impossible to be promoted to the top level of the Yuanguo Secret Service. ”

Listening to Ding Hanmei’s words, I thought of Chen Mo’s miraculous means.

Zhou Junjie nodded, suddenly a little more confident.

“Okay, let’s take it one step at a time.”

Let’s report this strange incident to the director first, and remember to make up how we managed these weirdnesses. ”

He wanted to explain the strange events of the Zhou family, as well as the improvement of the strength of Dongzi and Zhou Junjie, and Su Jing’s becoming a spirit master.

Definitely can’t tell the truth.

However, as a comic book author, it is Su Jing’s housekeeping skills to make up stories!

Soon, Su Jing made up a story without any logical flaws.

After a few people figured out that there was no problem, they reported it to the director.

Who ever thought that the director did not have the heart to care about how they improved their strength.

Instead, he fell into ecstasy after learning that Miyama Castle had 3 more C+ level spirits and one C-level spirit person!

“Your strength has increased?” That’s great!

In the Huanglong Mall in the city center, there is a strange incident of C+ level, come and help! ”

After leaving two sentences in a hurry, the old director hung up the computer.

Obviously, the situation is very tense.

The four of them looked at each other and couldn’t help but smile.

The current situation in the Yuan Kingdom does take advantage of their play.

If that’s the case, let’s act!

Fight for the great fear of demons!


Thanks for the 2000 tip of “Don’t”!

Thanks to the “little brother is very unrestrained” 1000 points tip!

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