Dozens of fanatical believers, led by Red Flame, began to rebuild the Twilight Sect on Earth.

And I want to carry it forward and spread the faith of the great fear demon god!

But it was fine that they didn’t move.

As soon as he did something, he was immediately discovered by Gu Yi!

Gu Yi didn’t know what the small point of light that Chen Mo had bounced towards the earth was.

As a result, the Twilight Sect appeared, and the belief happened to be a terrifying evil god in the form of a scarecrow!

At this point, Gu Yiquan understood!

It turned out that what that little point of light contained were the believers of these evil gods.

As soon as he thought that Chen Mo could actually bring people from other universes, Gu Yi had a deeper understanding of his strength!

So she made up her mind that she couldn’t let the Twilight Sect develop!


At this time, the earth was still in the 16th century.

Human beings are weak and very ignorant.

Red Fu had originally planned to develop the Twilight Sect with great fanfare, but was suppressed by a group of magicians led by Gu Yi!

The most important thing is that Gu Yi’s strength is too strong!

They are not opponents at all!

Even the most powerful half-ton immortal was not enough to see.

Helplessly, Red Fu could only lead the Dusk Sect to go underground and quietly develop.

In this way, the speed of development is naturally very slow.

But there was nothing Red could do.

If it wasn’t for Gu Yi’s fear of killing Chen Mo’s disciples, it would have led to bad results.

They had long been eliminated by Gu Yi!

In short, the two sides have reached a strange balance.


Time flies.

Unconsciously, more than four hundred years have passed, and the earth has come to the 20th century.

In these four hundred years, the development of the Twilight Sect has not been smooth.

But also in many places, left a profound impact!

Some horror legends related to the Scarecrow are widely circulated.

I believe that on the day Chen Mo wakes up, these terrifying impressions that are constantly deepening in people’s hearts will play a big role!

In addition, many of the dozens of fanatics who were there before were old and dead.

Now there are only ten left!

These ten men are known as the Ten Great Messengers of the Twilight Sect.

Hong Yan, Zhao Yan, Li Yueting, Half a Ton Immortal, and Han Junfei were all still alive.

Among them, except for Red Flame, the other nine people all broke through to the S level and became S-class warriors!

Only by breaking through to the S level can they live so long.

Red Flame and they are not walking in a system, although they have not broken through the S level, but they are still alive and well.

In addition, the power of the Red Flame has been completely restored!

The six strange forces in her body, she can command like an arm.

If she fought, except for the half-ton immortal, the other eight were not her opponents!

In order to better develop the Twilight Sect, these ten people were scattered all over the world, each quietly developing.


On this day, a fierce battle occurred in a secret base!

On both sides of the battle, there was something strange.

One, a hipped man dressed in star-striped clothes and holding a shield.

The other is a strange man with a skeleton-like face and a red complexion.

These two people, all of them are famous, not mortal!

The hipped man in the star-striped dress is a genetic warrior created by the lighthouse country, known as the captain of the lighthouse country.

A skeleton-like and red-skinned freak is the founder of Hydra, the Red Skull.

The two are old enemies, and when they fight, they are in a state of fighting, and they are eager to kill each other immediately!


With a muffled sound, the Red Skull was slapped by a shield of the Captain of the Lighthouse Nation and smashed against the wall.

However, before flying out, the Red Skull also kicked the Lighthouse Nation Captain on the body and kicked him away.

“Cough cough cough!”

After a move, the red skull coughed continuously, feeling that his internal organs were about to be shattered!

Seeing this, the captain of the lighthouse country sneered and said:

“The shield in my hand is made of vibranium.

You are not my opponent at all, surrender! ”

Hearing this, the Red Skull wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and said with a sneer:

“Surrender? Scold! Steve, you probably don’t know what kind of opponent you’re facing, right? ”

The lighthouse captain frowned.

The red skull had a confident chest, which made him a little uneasy!

This guy has obviously fallen into the ascendant, why is he so arrogant?

Don’t…… What powerful backhand does he have?

Thinking of this, the captain of the lighthouse country could not help but be vigilant and did not dare to attack at will.

Seeing this, Red Skull’s sneer became more and more arrogant.

“Huh! Steve, you probably haven’t seen the real powerful yet, have you?

Do you think that you are genetically modified and invincible?

To tell you the truth, you’re still far behind!

In the eyes of some really big people, we are just ants. ”

The Red Skull suddenly chatted with the Captain of the Lighthouse Nation.

And the content of the chat, the captain of the lighthouse country is also just interested.

Because Red Skull is right.

After being genetically modified, Captain Lighthouse Nation really feels invincible!

He went on a rampage on the battlefield, made great achievements, and became an idol of countless people!

But the Red Skull now says that he is just an ant in the eyes of some big people.

How is this possible?!


Seeing the look of disbelief on the face of the lighthouse captain, Red Skull’s sneer became more and more sinister.

He suddenly bit his hand, crouched down and began to draw a pattern.

While painting, he also chatted with the captain of the lighthouse country.

“Everyone outside says I’m the founder of Hydra.

As everyone knows, I am just a pawn who is manipulated by others. ”

“You… Are you a pawn? That’s impossible! ”

The Captain of the Lighthouse Nation looked shocked and couldn’t believe the Red Skull’s words.

You know, the Red Skull is his nemesis!

As the saying goes, look at a person’s level and ability, quietly his opponent will know.

Captain Lighthouse Nation and Red Skull have been fighting for so many years, and as a result, Red Skull says that he is just a puppet of a big man.

Didn’t the Lighthouse Nation captain also become a joke?


Seeing his “old friend” look shocked and unwilling to believe what he said, Red Skull smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly.

“Your vision is too low!

Again, do you really think you’re strong?

Once, I thought so too.

Until I met a man who beat him in one move!

That power… Unbeatable!

What’s even more terrifying is that the man is not the strongest either.

He belongs to a mysterious, ancient, and terrifying organization.

He is only at the bottom of the hierarchy of this organization.

Now can you understand how low your vision is?! ”

The Red Skull said as he drew a formation on the ground with his own blood.

I can vaguely see that in the center of the Fa Array is a scarecrow with simple lines, but it is extremely terrifying!

Moreover, this Fa Array also emitted a dark black light one after another, which was extremely strange!

At this time, the Captain of the Lighthouse Nation was completely shocked by Red Skull’s words, so he did not pay attention to the change in this formation.


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