(Speechless… 214 is blocked again, I modified it, refresh it to see)

At this point, Tony. Stark was half-drunk and was holding a beautiful blonde woman in his arms, intending to go back to the house for a workout.

But at this moment, a voice full of charm sounded.

“Tony. Stark, right? I would like to invite someone to accompany me to see the moon, not knowing who is interested. ”

A red-dressed willow swayed and appeared to Tony like a goblin. In front of Stark.

Hear its voice, see its people.

Instantly, Tony. Stark’s brain seemed to have been hit by a heavy hammer, and his eyes were straight!

“Beautiful lady, I am very happy to serve!”

After a moment’s hesitation, Tony pushed away the blonde beauty beside him, and followed Liu Ningxue upside down.

However, the two left one after the other.

See the situation, Tony. Stark’s fox friends showed envious eyes.

However, they didn’t know what horrible things poor would go through tonight.


Tony. Stark seemed to have lost his soul and followed Liu Ningxue slowly.

Unconsciously, the two came to the roof of the building.

A cold wind blows, Tony. Stark gave a shiver and suddenly woke up.

“Huh? How did I suddenly run here? Didn’t I just know about drinking at a banquet? ”

Tony was a little confused.

It wasn’t until I saw Liu Ningxue standing on the edge of the roof with a fiery red long skirt that I remembered what I had just experienced.

But I remembered it.

Tony always felt that the memory of the previous period was hazy, like a dream.

This gave him a very bad premonition!

Right now Tony. Stark, indeed, is a playboy.

But that doesn’t mean he’s stupid.

Instead, Tony inherited his father’s fine genes and was a genius from an early age.

What was happening at the moment gave him a sense of crisis.

Only to see Tony’s eyes turn, he smiled and said to Liu Ningxue:

“That… Beautiful Lady Liu Ningxue, I suddenly remembered that something had fallen on the banquet.

I went to get it, and when I got it ready, I came back to see the moon with you. ”

After saying that, Tony. Stark quietly observed Willow Snow.

However, at this moment, Liu Ningxue turned his back on him and stared at the moon without a word.

It seems that he has forgotten as a person.

Seeing this, Tony was slightly relieved.

He turned around, intending to use this excuse to run quietly.

It was after a spin around Tony. Stark was dumbfounded.

The passage down is gone!

The entire roof has become a closed environment!

Unbelieving in evil, he searched for it again.

The result is still the same.

The stairs and elevators that were originally going down have all disappeared inexplicably!

This made Tony. Stark felt a huge chill, and his heart was slightly hairy.

Just when he was overwhelmed, the voice of Liu Ningxue rang out.

“Can’t find your way down?” Let me recommend one to you. ”

Her voice just dropped, Tony. Stark felt like a flower in front of him.

He was standing on the wall at the edge of the rooftop!

If you slip under your feet, you will fall from a hundred-story building!

Looking at the abyss in front of you, there are pedestrians and vehicles moving like ants and insects on the ground.

Tony. Stark only felt his legs go weak and his heart and liver were trembling!

He tried to retreat, but there was a resistance that pressed him against the wall of the rooftop!

“FK! FK! ”

Huge fear under Tony. Stark scolded repeatedly, his face white and blue.

When Liu Ningxue saw this scene, he only thought it was funny and couldn’t help but chuckle.

After hearing this chuckle, Tony’s heart sank, suppressed his fear, and forced himself to calm down.

Faced with such a crisis, the playboy finally activated his well-developed brain and began to think about what was going on with all this.

First of all, the initiator of all this is this mysterious oriental beauty – Liu Ningxue!

First of all, this mysterious oriental beauty has incredible supernatural powers.

Whether it’s a vanishing staircase, an elevator.

Or the scene that just made him teleport, can prove this.

Secondly, Liu Ningxue took him to the roof, but did not kill him.

This shows that this mysterious oriental beauty should need him to do something.

After sorting these out, Tony. Stark said urgently:

“Beautiful lady, we have something to say!

Whatever you want me to do, I promise you!

Please put me down first, I… I’m afraid of heights. ”

Not Tony’s fear of heights.

Anyone standing on the roof wall of a hundred-story building without any protective measures will panic!

Tony’s ability to calmly analyze the situation has shown his strong side.


Hearing this, Liu Ningxue took a serious look at him and smiled:

“You’re pretty smart, and your brain is spinning fast.”

But the biggest mistake you did today was to come and talk to the two of us.

If you have done something wrong, you will be punished.”

As he spoke, Liu Ningxue smiled charmingly, prompting a strange thing in his body.

This weird one is called the misplaced ghost hand.

C-level weird, the attack power is not very strong, but the ability is extremely weird!

It can remove any part of the human body.

It is also possible to complete the reloading on it.


Willow and Tony. Stark was several meters apart.

But as soon as her mind moved, a putrid ghost hand appeared to Tony. Stark’s body.

“FK! FK! FK!

What the hell is this? Take it away! Take it away! ”

Tony was scared half to death by this terrible ghost hand, and he almost fell down with a slip under his feet.

But under that invisible force, he was bound to death.

Not only can not fall, but also can not move.

I could only watch as that terrible putrid ghost hand moved over his body.

“Beautiful lady, please, don’t do this!

Is there any problem, we can slowly solve, can we not do this?! ”

Tony. Stark was thrusting violently into his pocket, and he was about to pee his pants in fear!

He swore that he was actually a very brave man.

But this scene happening in front of you, everyone will be afraid!

He was not frightened to pass out, he was already psychologically strong.


However, the real horror is yet to come!

I saw this putrid ghost hand swim between Tony’s legs little by little, and then made a “grabbing” action.


The second more sent, hehehehe, this chapter is a bit of a spoof. But the latter will be more spoofed

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