Gotham is messed up.

Utter chaos!

Some people don’t care about life and death, don’t care about the law, don’t care about money.

They just want the world to burn and the world to be plunged into chaos and fear!

Obviously, the clown is such a person.


Gotham is not peaceful in the first place, and there are various supercriminals and gangsters.

It wasn’t until Batman appeared that he temporarily suppressed evil.

But Gotham City’s evils can only be suppressed, not eliminated.

At this time, the clown shines out!

As if he were Batman’s nemesis, he launched a deadly challenge to him!


Things have to start from the beginning.

After the clowns rob the gangster bank, their small vault is completely exposed!

Although the gang tried their best to transfer the property, they were detained by the police and Batman.

This is a huge blow to the underground gangsters in Gotham City!

To solve this big problem, a dozen gangs, large and small, gathered to discuss a strategy.

Just when their discussion was fruitless, a man who had surprised them appeared!

The clown who robbed the gangster bank actually appeared in front of them!

After seeing the clown, the first reaction of these gangsters is naturally to kill him.

But one of the clown’s movements, one sentence, instantly made everyone stop.

The Joker first twisted the neck of the nearest gangster, then licked his lips and said with a sly smile:

“Sigh, look at you, like a bunch of rats in a small waterway!”

Can only shrink here, sneaky, discussing farts with no strategy.

Tell me, who brought you to this point?

It’s Batman, it’s Batman!

Without him, you would still be able to live the life you had before.

And I can help you kill Batman! ”


In fact, from the moment the clown opened his mouth, the underground gangsters in Gotham City were already in the trap.

After some discussion, the gangsters decided to fully support the Joker.

Whether it’s money or manpower, it’s all enough!

And promised that the money he got back would be divided into half of the clown.

And all the Joker has to do is kill Batman!

And so, the chaotic war began!

That same day, the Joker kills a Batman imitator.

And hang his body on the municipal building!

This caused panic among countless citizens!

Immediately after, the Joker releases the news that if Batman does not reveal his identity for a day, his killing will not stop!

The Joker does what he says.

In the days that followed, he was killed every day!

Among them, there are even zf high-rises!

At this point, the whole of Gotham was detonated.

Countless people are in a panic and demand that Batman reveal his identity and confess his guilt.

When the fire spreads, people don’t blame the arsonists, but instead blame the firefighters for not trying to put out the fire.

This is how the human heart is.

The only two people in the world who cannot be looked at directly, one is the sun, and the other is the human heart!


Even though Gotham was already so chaotic, the Joker didn’t stop.

He was crazy and wanted to assassinate the city and the mayor!

And gave an early warning!

The worst thing is that the clown is almost successful!

Now, the public opinion of the whole Gotham has exploded!

Everyone is asking Batman to come out and confess his guilt and end it all quickly.


Under the collective condemnation of the crowd, Wayne, as a Batman, felt a huge pressure!

Heroes also have unbearable weight!

After thinking about it for a while, he decided to reveal his identity and accept the punishment of the law!

No way, with the full support of the underground gangsters, the clown is too difficult to catch.

After a few days of fruitless attempts, Batman had to choose to compromise.

It can be said that in the game with the Joker, he lost a mess!

Almost toyed with between the paws!

Not only Batman, but also the Gotham government and underground gangsters are all pinched to death by the Joker!

He seems to be the face of chaos and fear.

As soon as it appeared, it made the whole Gotham burn!


Fortunately, Batman is not completely out of the right to flip.

Just as he was about to confess his identity, prosecutor Harvey stepped up and announced in public that he was Batman!

This stunned Wayne, but soon understood Harvey’s intentions.

Harvey, the new prosecutor, is the current boyfriend of Wayne’s ex-girlfriend Rachel.

But Batman Wayne has little hostility toward him.

Because Harvey is a jealous man bent on restoring Gotham’s order!

It can be said that Harvey and Wayne are the same kind of people.

It’s just that Harvey is in the light and Wayne is in the dark.

This time, Harvey helped Wayne replace Batman’s name in order to create a chance for Wayne to flip the game, and it was best to lure the Joker out!


Fortunately, Harvey’s efforts were not in vain!

After he was caught, he was immediately sent to another police station.

On the way, the clown did appear!

Although there was a series of big moves, even Batman was finished by him.

But in the end, the clown was arrested!

However, whether it’s Batman Wayne, or Prosecutor Harvey, or Rachel, who is entangled with both.

None of them thought that the Joker’s arrest was the real beginning of the nightmare!

Everything, in the Joker’s plan!


It turns out that while the police and Batman are doing their best to arrest him, his men have already captured Harvey and Rachel!

At this point, Batman Wayne didn’t know these things yet.

In the interrogation room, the clown in handcuffs gave a strange smile.

He looked directly at Batman and said in a pitiful voice:

“Wake up! Do you think you’re a hero?

In the eyes of those people, you are a monster like me!

Your current status and treatment are yours to you!

Without me, you’d be nothing more than a pervert in strange clothes at night!

It is really because of me that you have the meaning and value of existence!

Hahahahaha!!! ”

The Joker’s wild laughter made Batman furious, and he could only lift him up and beat him violently.

However, this was just a sign of his incompetent rage.

The Joker’s next sentence directly made Batman break the defenses.

“The last hope of Gotham City, Harvey, and your dear Rachel, have all been captured by me.

And where they are, there is a time bomb.

Ten minutes later, it will… boom! Explode!

Hahahahaha!!! Hahaha!!! ”

Amid the clown’s frantic laughter, Batman Wayne’s heart, cool and transparent!


Two more chapters have not been judged, I am stupid… Revised it, I hope it will be released tomorrow morning

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