The Joker’s inexplicable disappearance gives The Flash an ominous premonition.

In the eyes of the clown, when he was about to die, he suddenly saw a flower in front of his eyes and came to another world.

This is a chaotic and extremely cold universe.

There are no stars, no life.

Only, endless cold!

Ordinary people, when they come to such a world, will certainly be extremely afraid and wandering.

But the Joker didn’t.

A curious gleam flashed in his eyes, and he looked around at the situation.

In this chaotic and icy universe, the Joker felt more comfortable than ever.

It’s like his home!



Just as the clown was looking around curiously, a bell-like ring erupted in this world.

Immediately after, the whole universe was trembling!

Vast expanse of darkness condensed, a behemoth beyond the Joker’s imagination.

Rise from the ground and stand in front of him!

The clown craned his neck and tried to look upward, and he couldn’t tell what this huge and boundless existence was.

But soon, his body floated up.

At this moment, the clown can finally see what kind of existence is in front of him!

This is an immeasurably large scarecrow.

He carried an old green lantern in one hand and a huge sickle in the other.

All over the body, there was an air of incomparable evil and incomparable fear!

He seems to be an ancient evil god, coming from the ancient universe and gazing at thousands of beings!

Under the gaze of this evil god, the clown’s body was trembling madly!

His subconscious mind told him that with just one look, this terrifying evil god could kill him!

But the Joker was not afraid.

Instead, I felt incredibly excited!

This…… It is the existence he has been seeking!

Chaos, disorder, fear, evil!

Such a god is so perfect!


In the midst of the great shock, the clown did not hesitate to fall to his knees and said reverently:

“What a perfect evil god!

Compliments! You are my eternal faith!

Please give me chaos and fear!

Hahaha!!! Hahaha!!! ”

The clown was so excited that he seemed to be a scrooge who had discovered the treasure.

No one, like the clown, threw himself into Chen Mo’s arms in an ecstatic posture.

In the face of such a potential believer, Chen Mo was naturally not stingy.

As soon as his mind moved, a dead seed landed in the clown’s body.

This dead seed did not turn the clown into a puppet without wisdom.

Instead, it transformed him into a half-human, half-strange being, just like Su Jing who existed.

Subsequently, Chen Mo found several weird things suitable for clowns in the inventory and gave them to him.

In the end, Chen Mo also blessed the clown’s body with an evil god power.

Under the protection of this force, as long as Chen Mo still exists, the clown is an immortal existence!


Feeling the changes in his body and the increase in strength, the clown’s eyes became more and more crazy and excited!

Once, he could only plunge a Gotham city into a sea of chaos.

In the end, because of the mortal body, he was almost killed by The Flash.

But now, he threw himself into the arms of the evil god and gained the power of the evil god!

At this moment, the level of terror of the clown has increased by more than a hundred times!!!





After raising his strength, four words rang in the Joker’s mind.

He knew that this was the divine will given to him by the great god of fear.

And that’s exactly what clowns like to do the most!

The clown licked his lips and said with a frantic look:

“Praise the great god of fear!

I will spread your divine power to every corner of the world!

Hahaha!!! Hahaha!!! ”


In a burst of crazy laughter, the space around the clown distorted, and the vision blurred.

By the time his sight was restored again, the Joker had returned to Gotham.

He stood at the top of a mansion, looking down at this filthy and filthy city, the smile on the corner of his mouth growing!

At this point, he was no longer the clown he had been before.

After the shocking transformation, the clown has become a fanatic believer in the favor of the evil god, wielding strange powers!


The roar at the top of the building was roaring, and the people and cars under his feet were all the size of ants.

Coincidentally, the edifice happens to belong to the Wayne Group, which is Batman’s industry.

The moment the Joker appeared, the Wayne Group’s surveillance spotted him.

After receiving the news, Batman rushed here as fast as he could.

Like a pitch-black bat, he landed behind the clown.

For some reason, Batman, who has fought with the Joker many times, inexplicably feels that the Joker at this time seems to be extremely dangerous!

But he didn’t think much of it, and shouted in a hoarse voice:

“How did you suddenly appear here?”

After hearing Batman’s voice, the Joker slowly turned his head and looked at him with a strange look.

Just when Batman can’t stand being watched and is ready to strike, the Joker finally speaks.

“O poor creature! So weak… So ignorant…

Now that I think about it, I was a bit ridiculous.

With all the effort, it can only make a mere Gotham city burn.

Fortunately, now, I can make the whole earth, and even the whole universe, burn!

Confusion…… Fear…… How wonderful!

Hahaha!!! Hahaha!!! ”

As he spoke, the clown burst out laughing.

Even laughed a little straight.

This scene made Batman’s brow furrow.

He didn’t know what nerves the clown was making, but that ominous premonition was indeed getting heavier!

After thinking about it for a while, Batman decided to ignore everything else and take down the Joker.

But before he could rush to the Joker’s face, something strange happened!

The Joker’s body turned into a shadow-like object, then melted like a rock of ice and moved quickly towards Batman.

Before Batman could react, the darkness that the Joker had transformed into was absorbed into his shadow!


Thanks for the 300 points of “huh”, thank you very much!

Recently, the Feilu system has really exploded… It’s time for the programmer’s big brother to work

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