Under the control of Chen Mo, the power of the dark dimension was introduced to the earth.

The Earth has ushered in a new era of horror recovery!

The Earth of the Marvel universe is not so simple.

There are a lot of incredible powerful characters!

But no matter how they remedy it, it won’t help.

Once the darkness begins, it cannot be stopped!

What’s more, there is a kind of believer who fears the devil god and is fighting for the great cause of the gods they believe in!

All the members of S.H.I.E.L.D., in the process of confronting Chen Mo, died in fear!

Chen Mo was already incomparably powerful, close to invincible.

After opening the horror recovery, the strength is constantly soaring!


Gu Yipan sat on the top of the Himalayas with a sad face.

“It’s over, it’s all over!”

“Darkness will eventually devour everything!”

“Perhaps… Blending into the darkness is the only way to live. ”

In the face of the incredibly powerful Demon God, Gu Yi’s will began to waver.

When she had this thought, it was only a matter of time before she embraced the darkness!


A few months later.

The palace of the god king in Asgard.

“Hum ~~~~”

A strange humming sound sounded,

In an instant, everyone’s eyes went black, and a strong feeling of fear inexplicably arose in their hearts!

Odin’s heart shook.

“Not bad! It’s that terrible evil god! ”

With that, Odin flew toward the Chamber of Secrets at the bottom of the temple.

Thor followed suit, his face dignified.

But when they passed, the chamber was empty.

Chen Mo’s body has long gone!

“Father, what should I do now?”

Thor had been picked up by Chen Mo, and naturally knew how terrifying he was.

At this moment, this scene made him panic.

The evil god was terrified to that extent when he slept.

Waking up at this time, still have it?

Hearing Thor’s question, Odin was silent.

After a long time, he sighed quietly and said:

“The awakening of this evil god is only afraid that it will bring unprecedented disasters to the Nine Realms!”

“He is most likely the legendary gods Twilight!”

“Twilight of the gods?”

Hearing this word, Thor’s face changed drastically, and there was a look of panic in his eyes.

But Odin was too late to comfort his son.

He had to do something.

Thinking of this, Odin flew towards the Rainbow Bridge.

He planned to gather the other Nine Realms kings to deal with this terrible disaster!


At the same time, Chen Mo’s body had become one with the Fen Body.

Scarecrow, reappear in the world!

Chen Mo’s eyes scanned the entire earth like a black hole.

The terrible vision can penetrate everything, even the scene at the center of the earth.

In Chen Mo’s vision, the earth was wrapped in a thick darkness.

A steady stream of fear power melted into his body!

All those skills that had been used were upgraded to lv100 by Chen Mo!!!

Reached a terrifying level!

Such as nightmare ghost claw.

In Chen Mo’s thoughts, the ghost claws could reach hundreds of millions, and the length was even more unlimited.

It can even easily wrap the whole earth!


A few months later.

The summit of Mount Everest.

Gu Yi, Su Jing, Liu Ningxue and other believers knelt together.

They worship an evil god in the form of a scarecrow!

In the worship of a multitude of believers.

Chen Mo slowly opened his eyes like a black hole.

A hideous smile appeared on his face!

“It’s almost time.”

“Devour the entire dark dimension, and I will not die and become an eternal !!!”


With a low sigh from Chen Mo, his body suddenly became larger.

Become tens of thousands of feet and soar straight into the sky!

Rip open the atmosphere and enter space!

Odin, the Frost Giant King, and the Lords of the Nine Realms ambushed together for months.

Originally, I wanted to see if I could solve this terrible evil god.

But as soon as I saw this scene, I was almost not scared to pee!

Chen Mo had also discovered them long ago.

At this point, the power is in full swing, ready to attack the dark dimension.

I took a look at them.

But it was this glance that made these top powerful people of the Nine Realms feel a chill in their hearts.

Suddenly, a terrifying force poured out from the bottom of my heart!


Accompanied by a series of screams.

Odin actually grew countless twisted and creeping straws in their bodies, devouring them all!

The Nine Realms dominate, all killed!


Killing Odin was just something Chen Mo had done.

The next thing to do is the right thing!


Only a roar was heard.

On the body of tens of thousands of scarecrows, countless straw ghost claws flew out and stabbed into the void in front of Chen Mo’s body.

Immediately after, the void buzzed!

A huge crack in the universe was torn apart by Chen Mo!

Behind the gap, there is the dark dimension!

Dormammu was still recuperating from his injuries.

But suddenly I felt a sense of crisis that I had never felt before!

It’s as if the next moment is death!

Since he became an evil god, there has never been such a fierce death crisis again.

So much so that Dormammu’s first reaction was not fear.

Instead, he was stunned.

He was willing, was he delusional.


But before Dormammu could react.

The next moment, a gigantic scarecrow suddenly came through a crack in space and gave him a wicked smile!

“This… How is this possible! ”

Seeing Chen Mo’s appearance, Dormammu was horrified to death!

It had only been a few months, how could the scarecrow who had only been stronger than him be so strong?!

You know, in the concept of evil gods, hundreds of years are only a flash.

A thousand years can increase a little strength, it is already very good.

Dormammu was doomed to be unable to know the truth about Chen Mo’s becoming stronger.

The next moment, a giant scythe that swept across the starry sky appeared in the dark dimension and swept towards him.

“Not !!!”

Dormammu let out a terrible scream, and the dark energy of his body surged.

Try to fight to the death!

But in the face of absolute power, any resistance is futile.

Without waiting for Dormammu to strike, Chen Mo’s Death Scythe had already torn his body apart!

An evil god of Dormammu’s level, the body is only a carrier.

Broken thousands of times can still be reshaped.

But Chen Mo’s Death God Scythe attacked not only his flesh, but also his soul!

In just a few moments, Dormammu’s soul was torn to pieces.

Then he was swallowed up by Chen Mo!

“The fear of the evil gods is indeed much more delicious than that of ordinary creatures!”

Chen Mo’s face revealed a sinister and contented smile.

Then, he went deep into the dark dimension and began to kill the special kill!


The dark dimension is boundless, equivalent to a negative universe.

There are countless evil gods inside.

It’s like gravel on the beach.

Chen Mo’s killing lasted for many years.


In a flash, more than fifty years have passed.

The Earth has changed dramatically!

Today, the Earth has entered the Dark Ages.

All kinds of weirdness is frequent, and fear spreads!

But humanity is undoubtedly a race with tenacious vitality.

Constantly gifted spirits appear to fight against the increasing number of weirdnesses.

Decades later, after a mass death in the early stages.

Humans and weirdness have reached a strange equilibrium!

In this state, the vitality of the entire earth was still vigorous, and the energy supply continuously provided Chen Mo with the power of fear!

The other side.

After more than fifty years of harvesting, there were not many evil gods in the dark dimension.

Almost on the brink of extinction!

During this period, many powerful evil gods united in a vain attempt to oppose Chen Mo.

But they were all crushed by Chen Mo with absolute strength!

Today, Chen Mo has grown to an incredible level!

He combines billions of fears!

Eternal immortality has been achieved!

At this moment, Chen Mo finally became the true Demon God of Fear!

He is the embodiment of fear!

Fear from the ages!


“Finally invincible.”

“It’s time to go to other universes and take a look.”

Chen Mo’s face showed a relaxed look for the first time.

Previously, he traveled to other universes with the sole purpose of becoming stronger.

And now, he has achieved invincibility!

Even the Void couldn’t help him.

Going to other universes, for Chen Mo, has become play.

Or rather, tourism!

At this thought, Chen Mo’s figure turned into a black glow and disappeared into the Marvel Universe.

No one knows where the next universe this invincible Dread Demon God is going to be!

(End of book!) )


Closing Notes:

It is a pity that the book has been completed in this way, but it is written like this, and it is no longer possible to return to heaven.

The most correct way is to slow down the pace in the early stages, only write about one world, up to two.

If you have the chance, you may be able to write another book of the same subject. Don’t know if there are any brothers who want to see it?

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