"Ding, subdue a seventh-order Dzogchen Yuanyin spirit snake, which corresponds to the establishment of the Dzogchen foundation in the realm of ten thousand realms, and rewards 200,000 experience points.

Ye Yun was surprised when the award was issued by the ear-listening system.

In the fierce place of the mercury mine, the six skeletal monitor lizards he slaughtered belong to the middle stage of foundation establishment if counted in the realm of ten thousand realms, and the contribution value is only 20,000 to 30,000 experience points.

Now, a giant python with a great foundation building has directly reached 200000 to 100000 experience points?

Seeing the 202 million experience points, Ye Yun felt more motivated.

at this time,


He sensed from afar, ten kilometers away to the north, several "powerful breaths" appeared.

He turned his head and looked in the northeast direction, and immediately thought of something, then smiled and stopped paying attention.

at the same time

Imperial Palace, Panlong Lake,

Headquarters of the Bureau of Psionics.

A group of powerful men from the Psionic Bureau turned their heads from the live broadcast and looked at each other with shock on their faces.

"Bureau, Chief, has he found our people?"

A director-level powerhouse couldn't help but say.

Under the large projection screen, the man in the gray-and-white Chinese tunic suit nodded slightly with his eyes down.

"But don't worry, he has no hostility towards us, as long as we don't provoke him..."

Dongfang Haoran added a sentence.

That day when Ye Yun was live broadcasting the murder of the mercury mine, his master asked him to do so. Later, he went to Wudang Mountain, and after meeting the legendary man, the other party also acquiesced in Ye Yun's actions.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the news.

Ever since Mu Yunlong was abused, they had an inexplicable fear of Ye Yun. Within two days, even the two commanders of Kebo Pavilion were slaughtered like chickens.

They don't want to make trouble with Ye Yun.

"The matter of Changbai Mountain has been piled up for more than half a year. It's time to deal with it."

Dongfang Haoran narrowed his eyes.

Changbai Mountain, Glass

A group of seven people, headed by an old man who seems to be over seventy years old, but his steps are light and vigorous.

"Director Liao, we have been discovered. The order from the headquarters is that we move on."

A middle-aged woman suddenly received a message from the headquarters of the Psionic Bureau, and said in shock.

Her name is Ge Xiyun, the deputy director of the Northeast Branch of the Psychic Bureau, and a director-level powerhouse.

"Huh... this Ye Yun is really scary, we are at least ten kilometers away, so we have been discovered."

Another middle-aged man let out a sigh of relief. His name is Sun Jie, the northern inspector of the Psychic Bureau, and he is half a head stronger than the director level.

Liao Tianming also had no choice but to laugh: "In this case, let's move on."

He is one of the two deputy directors of the Psychic Bureau. On that day, he rushed from the capital to Tianfu City, but he was still halfway when he heard that the commander of Ye Yun Zaikeboge was like a chicken.

During this live broadcast of Changbai Mountain, their Psychic Bureau certainly had the idea of ​​picking up the loopholes, but they wanted to conduct field investigations, record various changes in Changbai Mountain in close range and in real time, and conduct various research and analysis.

So they lead a group of people, besides the three bosses, there are also four leaders of the Psionic Bureau. The three are from the Imperial Capital, the female group leader Qiao Jiaxin from the Northeast [there is a leader around ten

Light beauty.

Sun Jie and Mu Yunlong have been hanging out for a long time, and their bad habits and tastes are somewhat similar.

Because of Mu Yunlong's various coquettish operations, he thought he got the little information about "Ye Yun is a beautiful woman", so he simply named her and asked Ge Xiyun to bring the most beautiful person from the Northeast branch...

In this way, Ye Yun was forced to be labeled as lewd by the Psionic Bureau.

On Ye Yun's side, they "rested" for more than half an hour, and after a huge earthquake, they returned to their original state.


The mini vine demon jumped up, looking refreshed.

All of them...

Behind it, a "little snake" not much bigger than a small earthworm followed closely, not daring to cross half a step.

The submissive little appearance looks like a very shy little girl, so there is no such thing as the vow to die just now.

"Cailin, from now on, follow me to call you boss, oh no, you have to call me master, do you understand?"

The little vine demon taught.

The seventh-rank Yuanyin spirit snake nodded, and said to Ye Yun in awe: "Cailin has seen the master."

Ye Yun smiled: "..."

"Cailin, tell the master everything you know."

The little vine demon nodded in satisfaction, unaware that it was "indirectly broadcast live for more than half an hour".

The twelve tomb-suppressing hybrid beasts and ginseng essence showed a "fucking, awesome" expression.

At this time, many of the audience in the live broadcast room were shouting like wolves.

"Cailin, how long have you been cultivating here, have all the ginseng around here been wiped out?"

Ye Yun gets to the point.

For more than half an hour, he was not idle, and let twelve tomb-suppressing hybrid beasts and ginseng essence dig the ground three feet in a five-kilometer radius, but half of the ginseng whiskers were missing.

ask for flowers

As for the place five kilometers away, it does not belong to the sphere of influence of the Yuanyin Spirit Snake on the surface, so he has not stepped on it for the time being.

"Master, I have been cultivating here for more than two hundred and ten years. As for the ginseng in Changbai Mountain, it has been rare in the past hundred years, but there are still fifteen ginseng near Wangchi.

"However, on a certain night twenty-one years ago, all these fifteen ginseng plants disappeared, and the aura in the area of ​​the original pit where they were located became more intense."

Ye Yun raised his eyebrows, not lacking in curiosity.

"What about the bronze mirror?"

The little snake raised its head, twitched and blushed, and said, "Cailin has noticed that there is a treasure underground in Wangchi since she succeeded in cultivation more than a hundred years ago. A strong human passed by and saw that I was only practicing under Wangchi, and did not conflict with me."

"As soon as Xianjing said it, I only heard it from hearsay, from the myths and legends that human beings talked about when they came here to travel.

"Then last year, what happened here?"

The little spirit snake paused for a while, and then slowly said: "Last year, the change of Changbai Mountain came at noon in an instant. Similarly, after it was frozen, we all noticed

The interior of Changbai Mountain has changed, and the aura has become more intense. "

Ye Yun nodded.

The various "monsters" in Changbai Mountain have long been visited by Xia Guo Psychic Bureau, so they have lived in peace for decades.

However, after the shocking changes in October last year, the aura of Changbai Mountain was the first to recover, and the monsters inside may not be able to speak.

Too lazy to think about it, Ye Yun took the live camera and went to the next place.

I don't know how long it has passed.


A violent earthquake struck, and the blue sky seemed to be crumbling. Changbai Mountain, an active volcano, seemed to come alive.

Rumble rumble~

Finally, at the northwest corner of Changbai Mountain, a large glacier broke through, carrying a large amount of ice, snow and gravel, rolling down with great momentum.


It wasn't just Ye Yun who was surprised, the people in the Psionic Bureau were also surprised, and the more than 35 million online viewers were also in an uproar.

Ye Yun doesn't know,

After the avalanche, that glacier opened a large chasm.

There was a blue and red flashing bat flying out from the black lacquered crack with fluttering wings. .

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