Horror Recovery: I Destroyed The Restricted Area Ahead Of Time During The Live Broadcast

Chapter 110 The Great Toad Monster (Please Subscribe, Please Order In Full)

Use internal organs to represent yin and yang and five elements, and practice to become a fairy!

The ancient tomb in Longyin Village is what Chen Ling, a casual cultivator, learned from the incomplete fairy scriptures obtained from the restricted area of ​​Mount Tai.

However, this strange space under Changbai Mountain already existed tens of millions of years ago.

Is it a coincidence?

What a coincidence!


The time span is exaggerated.


Suddenly, Ye Yun discovered ~ some clues.

There are a series of imperceptible transparent silk threads connecting more than a hundred titan beasts, each of which is so slight that it is easy to ignore.

At this time, these giant beasts are all "sinking" in the cultivation, as if they have lost their souls, except for their breathing in a smooth and orderly manner, the rest are motionless.

In the live broadcast room, countless people were shocked by the picture in front of them.

"Huh, this doesn't feel right."

"It's kind of evil..."

The blood vine demon and ginseng essence looked at each other, and they also found a problem.

grunt grunt

Then, thinking of something, these two guys actually started to swallow their saliva, Yuan Yin Spirit Snake was moved by it, and his eyes sparkled brilliantly.

Seeing this free feast, Ye Yun simply released the twelve tomb-suppressing hybrid beasts.

Ever since, the fifteen monsters rushed forward together and began to enjoy their gluttonous feast.

The blood vine demon and the three monsters all have a body of hundreds of feet, and they eat it with great joy.

[Fuck, look at the situation, this is not right, these giant beasts are all lost, and there is no resistance at all. 】

【Honestly speaking, seeing it makes my forehead and spine feel chilly. Could this be a booby-trapping scheme, tricking many giant beasts here, and then killing them all. 】

【Hehe, now it's all cheap our anchor, look, I said Brother Yun is pretending, he must have something up his sleeve. 】

"Ding, kill a sixth-level red-blooded centipede and reward 50,000 experience points."

"Ding, kill a sixth-level snowfield wolf demon and reward 55,000 experience points."

"Ding, beheading a seventh-level violent white ape beast monster will reward you with tens of millions of experience points.

The system's daily account is beating rapidly, and Ye Yun is naturally happy to cut it off.

less than half a quarter

The twelve tomb-suppressing hybrid beasts each ate a giant, and they were overwhelmed again, and their size had soared to more than ninety meters.

As for the leader of the prison, with a bang, he finally broke through the shackles of 100 meters, and his strength and demon body skyrocketed again.

In the end, the prison was fixed at a body size of 120 meters, and its strength reached at least 2,500 elephants.

The Yuanyin Spirit Snake gnawed down ten giant beasts and was full, so he sat aside to refine.

Ginseng essence, let go of your belly and gnawed and gnawed, and ate twenty-eight heads before you looked satisfied.

As for the blood vine demon, after eating the thirty-third head, he finally retreated with a wretched expression.

In this short effort, two-thirds of the giant beasts were quickly wiped out, leaving tens of millions of spectators dumbfounded.

Ye Yun counted the experience points, and actually earned more than five million points.

Just when he was about to pick up the baseball bat and wanted to clean up the remaining monsters.



A strange sound sounded at the right time, like a huge thing jumping close to the ground, and also like a strange sound of crawling and burrowing.

Echoing in the huge empty space like this, there is a kind of stinging pain that is unbearable.


The faces of all the monsters were different, they all thought about what was going on, and their nerves couldn't help but tense.

The audience held their breath, their eyes widened, and they all wanted to see clearly the upcoming exciting scene.

Ye Yun was not surprised. From the clues just now, he roughly guessed the other party's identity.

Now, since the real master came over, he instead found a place to sit down and calm down.


After a while, the echo from the different space became louder and louder. Suddenly, there was a pause for a second or two, and the sound decreased instead, and then stopped abruptly.


The audience in the live broadcast room were puzzled, and the blood vine demon was also confused, not knowing what happened.

Ye Yun smiled, swung the hibiscus tree in his hand, and poured his own blood into it.


Suddenly, the baseball bat's divine power exploded, and a treasure-level tyrannical law force suddenly overflowed wildly.


Before Ye Yun could blast the stick heavily, the barrier of the different space exploded suddenly, and a huge red figure rushed in first.

At the same time, a terrifying giant long sword slashed from a distance, sweeping the wind and clouds with momentum, causing the surrounding space to explode heavily.

Ye Yun squinted his eyes, picked up the Fusang God wooden stick and drew it out quickly.


The terrifying moment hit the storm, shaking the void with a huge earthquake, and the energy shock waves that were set off spread like waves of thousands of waves.

This scene frightened all the demons to tremble wildly.

Many of the tens of millions of spectators sat up in shock and shouted loudly.

...ask for flowers...

The collision between the two sides was evenly divided, and neither side took half a step back.


The huge red figure screamed strangely again, but took a big leap back.

At this moment, everyone saw the appearance of the comer clearly, and they were extremely shocked by this.

The colossus is a giant toad with a dark red body!

He lay prone on all fours, his head was as high as 5,000 feet, and the ground was also 5,000 feet in size. His body was wrinkled and wrinkled, like mountains stretching everywhere.

His eyes were squinted, like two heavenly moats, holding the huge sword in his hand tightly, looking out of place.

Especially at the moment of jumping just now, its full height has reached at least 30 kilometers!

Looking at the various data listed in the live broadcast room, people were shocked again.

[Hiss~ my god. 】

[This, this... is at least ten thousand zhang level, and a thousand-meter-long titan is in front of it, like an earthworm and a grasshopper. 】

[Gulu Gulu, it's too scary, this monster is also too big, it's like a holy mountain. 】

【My darling, this big guy, could it be the Toad Immortal that Brother Yun just mentioned? It actually exists, and it is even bigger than the guessed data!】

[A gigantic beast of ten thousand zhang level, my God, although it is not that different from the skeleton of a giant beast, Dao saw it with his own eyes, it is simply abnormal and terrifying. 】

Many viewers feel the creeps, there is a strong chill, from the tailbone, straight to the top of the sky.

Ye Yun still kept an understatement, and interacted: "Actually, the giant beasts were all deceived by this toad spirit. They came here smelling the breath, thinking that they had obtained a great fortune, but they didn't know that this formation The trick is to do it deliberately, and in the end, it was all cheaply given to Ha Mo Jing."

"A year ago, there were not many monsters and spirits who were tricked over, but it also made the toad spirit a lot, and its strength increased greatly."

"This time, it repeats its old tricks, trying to get rid of these monsters in one go, and complete the transformation again."

Ye Yun looked at the big guy with a smile, and began to explain the killing, his eyes began to shine brightly.

the other side,

The toad monster who was furious and mad suddenly turned his head, but his brows suddenly jumped. Unexpectedly, I saw the ginseng essence hanging on the sidelines with a big belly.

"You, you are the emperor?!"

After looking at the little ginseng, the mighty toad spirit showed an anthropomorphic expression, full of nature. .

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