Horror Recovery: I Destroyed The Restricted Area Ahead Of Time During The Live Broadcast

Chapter 117 Blood Vine Demon, Blood Vine Demon Venerable? (4/4) Subscribe

Blood Vine Demon Venerable?

Ye Yun's mouth trembled, and Hua Zi fell to the ground.

The Ginseng Essence, the Yuanyin Spirit Snake, and the Tomb-Suppressing Hybrid Beast were also dumbfounded, and all of them had weird expressions on their faces.

The blood vine demon froze in place, his head buzzing a little.

Is it ecstasy? Or panic? Or is it a blast?

"Ahh~ Momozun, are you really Erli Mozun?!"

"Quack, quack, my mother, blood vine demon, you, you, you are really a demon!"

The toad monster was almost scared to pee, his eyes were full of panic, and his body was trembling with fear, almost shaking the ginseng essence.


"Demon Venerable, please forgive me, the little one is stupid, but the little one is blind and toad-eyed, please forgive me, Demon Venerable..."

The toad monster knelt down directly, begging the little blood vine demon over and over again, begging for mercy incoherently.

Now, it panicked, on the way just now, it was so sloppy, it actually called the Blood Vine Demon Venerable an idiot?

Obviously they are all blood vines, and they already feel familiar.

However, with his stupid head, he didn't recognize it.

The toad was about to cry but had no tears, he really wanted to slap himself a few times.

After confirming again and again, the blood vine demon became more and more arrogant, and he fully realized that it was the blood vine demon that the other party was talking about.

An extremely powerful and ferocious monster, with its vicious name alone, can scare away an unrivaled demon king who is a demon king!

"Little Yunzi, you... Boss, please forgive me!"

The elated blood vine demon was about to brag.

But seeing Ye Yun grab Gatling and point the gun at it, it was so frightened that it returned to its original shape in an instant, and immediately knelt down and begged for mercy.

This funny picture fell in the live broadcast room, making countless viewers silent for a moment, and then roaring with laughter.

【Fuck, hahahaha, this turn of events is too dramatic, hahahaha, which novel dares to write like this?】

[6666, Brother Yun's vision is really venomous, the ginseng essence is the demon king, and the blood vine demon is even more awesome, directly the unrivaled demon king. 】

[Wow ha ha ha ha, watching Brother Yun's live broadcast is exciting, you never know what will appear in the next second, look, Brother Yun can't load b this time, Gatling has to take it back before loading it. 】

[Wow, wow, the little rattan monster is so cute, it's so blue, it's actually a very awesome big monster, I love you to death. 】

【Demon Lord? That's it? What the hell, why do I feel that the blood vine demon was actually mistaken? Does the majestic Unrivaled Demon Lord have such urgency? 】

【Hahaha, upstairs, don’t you see who Brother Yun is? Brother Yun is even more beastly than a beast. Also, now that Gatling is pointing at the blood vine demon, does it dare to bb again?】

Ye Yun had no choice but to take back the platinum version of the Gatling gun.

Originally, he wanted to pretend to be ostentatious, use Gatling toot toot to wipe out the entire beast horde, and take the opportunity to earn a lot of money.

As a result, the blood vine demon frightened them all to the point of rolling and crawling, desperately jumping back.

In this way, he didn't earn a dime of experience points from the ten thousand monsters that were trampled to death.

"If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't pretend anymore. I started playing with a baseball bat in my hands. Wouldn't it be nice..."..."

Ye Yun sighed depressedly, he just missed a good thing.

"Don't worship it, say, why is it the Blood Vine Demon Lord?"

The toad monster trembled. Although it saw the unsightly shame of the blood vine demon, the fear of the blood vine demon seemed to be deeply imprinted in its memory.

"Master asked you to talk, don't worry, Mr. Fuji is very easy to talk."

Ginseng essence makes a round.

With a sound of Lord Vine, the blood vine demon softened a little, and his waist straightened up.

Only then did the toad get up tremblingly, his eyes were still full of shock and a hint of puzzlement.

"Master, the blood vine demon is not the unrivaled demon in our area. Its territory is in Tongsi, Silia. More than two hundred years ago, the demon suddenly descended on Tongsi. (The Tunguska explosion

"The Blood Vine Demon Lord has a withdrawn personality. In the past, he would kill if he disagreed with him. He even wiped out several fierce places in Celia. He also came to Changbai Mountain once. As for the underground world and the Pacific Ocean , it has killed a lot.”

"Until a hundred years ago, human beings gave birth to a super genius, Nila Tesla. With a super nuclear explosion of spherical lightning, he completely blew up Tunguska. Since then, there has been no blood vine demon in the world." Moreover, the current Mozun has a different color, so..."

I go, so dramatic!

Not only the tens of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room ate big melons, Ye Yun's complexion also changed several times.


Ye Yun finally realized why the blood vine demon fell into Kebo Pavilion's hands. It turned out that this product was an authentic imported product.

As for the Tongsi explosion, not to mention the blue star, the earth also has this kind of incident.

And according to Blue Star's super file, the nuclear explosion equivalent of the Tongsi explosion is fully equivalent to two billion tons of TNT!

This is fully twice as high as the current highest level of nuclear deterrence in the world in terms of equivalent.

"..Damn it, the master was blown up like this? No wonder, how the hell can I be blue!"

The blood vine demon had a surprised expression.

He wanted to roll up his sleeves and do something, but Ye Yun glanced at him and immediately scared him away.

In the live broadcast room, everyone was shocked and amused when they heard Toad Monster tell the story of the past.

[Hahahaha, it turns out that Mr. Fuji is really awesome, I am a fan, and I am a fan of Mr. Fuji from now on. 】

[Hiss~ The point is, the Tongsi explosion that Brother Yun said before turned out to be true, and it just happened to blow up our grandfather. 】

[Master Teng is mighty, he even slaughtered several fierce places, and even the underground world was slaughtered by him, no wonder the beast horde was scared back just now. 】

Ye Yun smiled, but he never expected that the blood vine demon with divine power would have such an extraordinary background.

"Let's go, let's go straight to Huanglong this time!"

Ye Yun then (Dede Zhao) turned the camera and continued to go to the destination of Tianchi.

At the same time, Kebo Pavilion completely exploded!

One minute later, in the Curry area of ​​the Far East, the two fierce lands and the underground world went crazy, and a large wave of giant beasts crazily appeared.

More than 100,000 giant beasts crawled out of the ground one after another, wreaking havoc on the Far East of the Great Bear Kingdom.

Because the crusaders in Kebo Pavilion were all behind the second line of defense, the front and rear of the first line of defense were instantly reduced to ruins, with heavy casualties and losses.

"Ah, ah, ah! Nuclear deterrence! Quickly let the country master apply to detonate two 100-million-yield nuclear bombs, quickly!"

"Blood Vine Demon Lord, damn it, how could it be Blood Vine Demon Lord "Ah—"

Gordon yelled in horror!

This self-sufficient catastrophe cost Keboge a huge price.

However, the rebirth of the Blood Vine Demon Lord has completely shocked the true background of Kebo Pavilion!.

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