Horror Recovery: I Destroyed The Restricted Area Ahead Of Time During The Live Broadcast

Chapter 140 The Truth About Longyin Village (Please Subscribe)

After Qingchengshan and his party were over, Ye Yun went to the headquarters of the Psionic Bureau.

This made Dongfang Haoran, who had been exhausted for three days, suddenly relieved of his tiredness, and his heart rose to his throat.

The two went to the bottom of Panlong Lake together to see the legend of the Psychic Bureau.

In the cave, dripping water ticks into rhythm, the air is thin and cool, and the temperature is even colder and biting.

A candle was gurgling and burning, and the flickering candlelight shone on a skinny old man in thin linen.

"Lady Ye, you are finally here."

The old man in sackcloth opened his mouth, and waited quietly while making tea, using the underground spring water in the cave as a sweet spring, holding it in his palm and using spiritual power to turn it into a fire to make tea.


Dongfang Haoran bowed and bowed.


Ye Yun's eyes narrowed into a line, and he took a deep look at the old man.

The old man in front of him is really on the verge of death, his origin has been exhausted. The number one person in the Psionic Bureau has reached the end of his life, and he will look like he will collapse at any time.

"Master, the Tianji Building in Kunlun Wonderland has given you a letter."

Dongfang Haoran took out a roll of bamboo brocade letters and handed them over.

The old man didn't seem to be surprised, and simply put it aside.

Dongfang Haoran was surprised, but he didn't say anything.

"Lady Ye, please sit down, Haoran, please sit down too."

The old man stretched out his hand, gestured for Ye Yun to sit opposite, and then poured tea.


Ye Yun sat down and took the other party's tea.

Taste one-third of it lightly, the tea is fragrant, and the aura of the tea scent travels all over the body in an instant. Even now, he has a strange feeling of ethereal heart and lungs.

"Ding, a friendly reminder, the host ingests the Wudao tea branch whose aura has collapsed, and the power will increase by ten thousand times the power of the human body."

The system goes live.

"Good tea.

Ye Yun applauded and grinned.

"Lady Ye is indeed among the dragons and phoenixes."

The old man's eyes were shining brightly, and he also smiled.

"Oh, I forgot, my name is Li Ming, and my Taoist name is Xuan Mingzi."

"Old Li praised it highly."

Ye Yun also pushed Tai Chi.

Over there, because there are only two teacups, Dongfang Haoran only has a share for Qianzuo.

"Jushi Ye, what are you doing for the ancient tomb of Longyin Village, the true blood of Nine Yuan Yinglong?"

Xuan Mingzi also drank a sip of Enlightenment tea and tea branch water. I don't know if it was because he had been drinking for a long time, or because the lamp was exhausted, Enlightenment tea had no effect on him.

The other party knows that Nine Yuan Yinglong!


Ye Yun narrowed his eyes again, and finally confirmed the guess in his heart.

"The trip to Changbai Mountain, Jushi Ye should have guessed part of the truth, but I want to ask Jushi Ye, do you believe in the fate of heaven?"

"Or, what do you think of destiny and divine fortune?"

Ye Yun raised his brows and said: "It's credible, but it's unbelievable. It gives me the feeling that I can't see through it, and it's very unscientific."

Xuan Mingzi was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, and said: "Hahahaha, it seems that Jushi Ye has also set foot in it.

"With the current scientific theories, why not regard God's calculations as the acme of probability theory? There is a joke that the end of science is theology, and the end of probability theory, why can't it be God's calculations?"

Xuan Mingzi clenched one hand into a fist, and the other spread out into a palm.

He also said: "It's like in a computer, using the mathematical 0 and 1 as the basis of calculation, the things around us can be judged by "yes or not" to judge the future.

"Computers can use 0 and 1 to calculate infinite combinations. Our magic calculation can also use yes or no to deduce countless possibilities. In the end, we can find the greatest possibility in the shortest time."

Ye Yun teased, this is tied together.

Such an unscientific tone is very similar to his flickering during the live broadcast.

Xuan Mingzi smiled, and continued: "The Changbai Mountain party, Liu Bowen calculated that you, Layman Ye, will come, and also deduced that Layman Ye can cut off the dragon vein of Changbai Mountain."

"In the same way, about the Nine Yuan Yinglong incident in Longyin Village, there was also a supernatural being 1,500 years ago who counted on your appearance, Jushi Ye, so he set up the Dragon Locking Formation

Dragon blood was also sealed. "

Ye Yun recalled that day, after he took off the blood jade, that voice resounded deep in his soul.

"The truth about Longyin Village was caused by Yuan Tiangang?"

Ye Yun looked a little unhappy.

According to the historical records, who could surpass Liu Bowen in deduction and prophecy, and it was precisely in the Tang Dynasty 1,500 years ago, who else could be besides Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng?

Moreover, Yuan Tiangang, like Liu Bowen, also tried to cut the world's dragon veins. After all kinds of coincidences, the answer is ready to come out.

...ask for flowers...

"Yes, he counted the appearance of you, Layman Ye, the recovery of spiritual energy in this era, and even the meeting between you and me today.

Xuan Mingzi pointed to the scroll of bamboo brocade letters beside him.


Ye Yun was confused, but he also smiled.

He said: "You are not from Blue Star, are you? What does this Tianji Building have to do with you?"


On the side, Dongfang Haoran finally understood two sentences of people's words, but at this moment, he was shocked again.

His master, the patron saint of the Psionic Bureau and even the Xia Kingdom, is not a Blue Star?

"Yes, the old man is coming from Tianji Building.

A thousand years ago, I lost my cultivation, came to Blue Star, and witnessed the last Taishan Fengchan. "

Xuan Mingzi came slowly.

At this moment, Dongfang Haoran's head was buzzing, and he couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

Witness Taishan Fengchan?

Ye Yun frowned again.

"Yes, I traveled across Kunlun to Blue Star, watched Feng Chan on Mount Tai, and finally tracked down to Longyin Village, all of which were based on that person's deduction.

"Then why do you help Lanxing? Kunlun is one of the twelve forbidden areas. I'm afraid no one really has no selfishness towards Lanxing."

Ye Yun drank the tea in one gulp, increasing his strength by 20,000 times.

"Lady Ye, what if our Tianji building was founded by the ancestor Yuan Tiangang?"

Xuan Mingzi dipped his hand in the tea and wrote "Yuan Tiangang" on the stone table.


Isn't Yuan Tiangang the same as Yuan Tiangang?!

This time, it was Ye Yun's turn to be shocked. The eyeballs of Dongfang Haoran who was next door had already turned upside down, and he almost fainted from fright.

Xuan Mingzi smiled with satisfaction: "When I came to Blue Star, I learned that Yuan Tiangang in the Tang Dynasty and the person who laid out the Dragon Blood Stone in Longyin Village was Yuan Tiangang, the originator of our Tianji Building. I was shocked. Not younger than you are now.

"So, Jushi Ye thinks, do I and Tianji Building belong to Kunlun, or do they belong to Blue Star?"

Seeing the half-smile of the other party, Ye Yun murmured.

This relationship, he can figure it out.

but do not know,

On the opposite side, Xuan Mingzi once again uttered an astonishing statement:

"By the way, is my ancestor Li Chunfeng?".

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