Horror Recovery: I Destroyed The Restricted Area Ahead Of Time During The Live Broadcast

Chapter 149 Blue Star Is Too Dangerous, I Want To Go Back To Kunlun (Kneeling To Subscribe)

Beyond the Kunlun Mountains

Peng Wen, Zhang Yiming, a group of Tianjilou, Daoyi Holy Land, and more than a dozen other Kunlun children who were ordered to safe.

Everyone is cautiously staring at Kunlun's Valley of Death, ready to fight.

In the past few days, they have all been voted by Mu Yunlong, and each of them has the blood of the intruders in the Kunlun Immortal Territory on their hands.

Now they have been tied to the same boat by Mu Yunlong, and they will both be prosperous and lose.

"Hey, old man Mu, the next batch will be handed over to Mr. Peng. If they all have malicious intentions, I'll chop them up one by one."

After the second strengthening, Peng Zhang's strength was no less than that of Mu Yunlong, and he even clamored to fight the latter for 300 rounds when he was inflated.

In the end, because of the young man's lack of experience, he lost to Mu Yunlong.

However, because of this, Peng Zhang's abnormal talent is obvious to all!

So, he really got bloated.

"It doesn't matter, there is a message from the headquarters that after the second blowout of spiritual energy, the people from Kunlun will probably be even stronger.

"The headquarters also sent over the six old monsters from the Xuanhuang universe, they will be there in about two or three minutes..."

Mu Yunlong murmured.

Their Mu family has a great business in the southwest, and they have accumulated hundreds of years, and there are also two veteran monsters.

Among the eight great backgrounds, Huang Lao is the grandfather of his family, an old antique who has lived for nearly three hundred years.

"Hey, it's the core disciples and ordinary elders of the Nascent Soul Realm who hold the head."

Peng Zhang grabbed the bag of potato chips and stuffed a few pieces into his mouth, with a confident and calm expression.

"Peng Zhang, it's better for you to pay attention. Now, among the core disciples of our Daoyi Holy Land, you are the first one to be arrogant, and you can't afford to lose."

A watery and delicate female disciple, originally she only had the feeling of a bosom friend to Peng Zhang, a humorous and fat man.

However, over the past few days, Peng Zhang's talent is as bright as a rainbow, faintly touching her heart.

"Senior Sister Yun Yun, you say that I am the first-class disciple among the core disciples, who am I afraid of?"

"I have a gut feeling, and I don't think it's very good."

Zhang Yiming frowned.

"Haha, Yiming, you Tianjilou, you even have a sixth sense? Calm down, I'm Peng Wen.

Peng Zhang laughed.

In fact, he is not stupid, if he does not squeeze enough soft persimmons as soon as possible to become stronger, he will not have to kneel when the Taoist monsters come over in the future?

"Hey, I hope that those who come here from the Holy Land are not those old and stubborn ones."

Another disciple sighed.

They didn't have any malicious intentions when they came to a holy place, so they didn't have much resistance to voting for the certificate.

However, there will always be some old and stubborn people in the Taoist sect who are not easy to speak.

In the past few days, Blue Star's drastic changes have frightened them a lot.

The people of Blue Star are not only abnormally talented, but also have to be favored by the heavens. The most terrifying thing is that there are many peerless powerhouses dormant in Blue Star.

Even the Great Demon Emperor, who was at the peak of his transformation into a god, had been killed several times. The Holy Land did not send out old monsters. Surely he would be able to defeat the master Blue Star among the people?

"Here, someone is coming"||!"

A sharp-eyed disciple of Tianji Building took the lead in seeing the changes in the entrances and exits of the two realms.

I saw a group of two hundred people, wearing several kinds of Taoist robes of sects, coming hand in hand.

The leader is exactly the Holy Land of Absolute Beginning and the Ghost Prison Gate, and they are still wearing silver Taoist robes!


Peng Zhang's tongue was tied, and of course he was dumbfounded by the bombing.

It is not scary to come together with the Holy Land of Absolute Beginning and the Gate of Hell.

But the dozen or so people headed by the gods are all existences in the state of transformation, and they are the core elders of the two holy places!

Peng Wen was scared on the spot, not even daring to fart.

Mu Yunlong, Zhang Yiming, Yun Yun and others also looked terrified, their faces full of horror.

"Hiss~ It's Ye Fan, the holy son of the Holy Land of Absolute Beginning, that bastard with a knife hidden in his smile, why did he come here, the holy son of the God Transformation Realm!"

"My god, that's the flame ghost old devil from the ghost prison gate? He's at least in the late stage of transforming gods, how could he come here?!"

"Damn it, there is also Zhuo Sheng from the Holy Land of Absolute Beginning. This guy killed many strong people because he was the law enforcement elder of the Holy Land of Absolute Beginning, but he is also at the late stage of the God Transformation Realm!"

"I bought a watch last year. Didn't the deputy landlord say that only those in the Jindan realm can pass through the boundary wall unharmed? What's more, even the great powers in the Transformation God realm have come, and he will definitely cheat us. My day, Li Landlord, Li Laowei!"

All the weaklings in Daoyi Holy Land and Tianji Building were immediately blown up, cursing secretly in the blue star dialect that they learned and applied.

The first wave is Jindan?

The second wave of bosses who came directly to the God Transformation Realm?

Is there such a polarization?

"Old man Mu, what should we do about this, these people, we can't pile up enough for other people's teeth~"

Peng Zhang gestured in sign language, where there was still the inflated air just now.

"What else should I do? Play dead!"

Mu Yunlong was also quite frightened.

These days, he learned from Peng Zhang and his group that status is very important in the Holy Land, and those in silver Taoist robes are all powerful figures in the Holy Land, at least in the realm of transforming gods.

On the other hand, their pedestrians didn't have a single Shenjing.

Even the six veteran monsters at the headquarters couldn't beat this group of people.

This... is playing with a hammer?

Mu Yunlong's heart was shaken wildly, but he didn't dare to make a sound, and even suppressed the sound of breathing.


Ye Fan, the Holy Son of Absolute Beginning, frowned: "Here, there are indeed traces of fighting."

"Also, the aura of Blue Star is not weaker than the inner realm of our Holy Land of Absolute Beginning?"

Ye Fan was wearing the golden Taoist robe of the Holy Son, his brows were twisted into a river, and he was very puzzled.

"Hehe, Ye Fan, don't make a fuss, okay, since Blue Star can accommodate us, it naturally has its wonders.

"I really want to know who [dare to kill our ghost prison gate's disciples."

Not far away, another majestic man in a golden Taoist robe sneered again and again.

He is one of the three holy sons of the ghost prison gate.

"Holy Son, I'm afraid it won't be easy for Blue Star's spiritual energy to recover, I, I'm going to break through!"

Suddenly, in the team, there was a ghost prison gate disciple whose face turned red and spoke tremblingly.


As he raised his head to the sky and howled, a prehistoric and beast-like aura surged in his body, which was better than a giant barrier lake bursting its embankment.

In an instant, he broke through from Jindan Realm to Great Perfection, to Nascent Soul Great Perfection, and even half-step to transform into a god!


This person didn't compromise, instead he grabbed a lot of pills and tried his best to put them in his mouth.


Afterwards, another loud explosion exploded, as if he had successfully broken through and was promoted to the God Transformation Realm!


A group of more than 200 Kunlun Wonderland powerhouses all watched tremblingly, with expressions of seeing a ghost.

"Could it be, all human beings on Blue Star?!"

In the next second, Ye Fan, Zhuo Sheng, and the holy son of the old devil's prison gate of Yangui all thought of some kind of crazy possibility.

at this very moment


An earth-shattering hiss made their hearts tremble wildly, as if they were hit head-on by the ancient sacred mountain.

Everyone was shocked!

I saw that a huge black shadow that was ten thousand feet in size broke through the sky in an instant, and an extremely terrifying breath of destruction spit out from the black shadow's mouth and shot at them directly.

"Do not--!!"

Whether it is the peerless blue star ghost talent of the ghost prison gate, the holy sons of the two holy places, or even the old devil of the flame ghost and Zhuo Sheng, the two great powers at the peak of the god transformation state, they were instantly strangled by the storm and turned into blood mist.

"Gulu Gulu Gulu~"

In the end, the huge black shadow approached the valley of Kunlun Mountain, swallowing all the blood and blood of more than two hundred strong men into their stomachs in three mouthfuls.

rumble rumble...

In an instant, the giant black shadow beast shrank, (Okay Zhao) was only ten feet in size, and it was a golden-winged roc!

"Oh, a group of little ants!"

The golden-winged roc eagle looked at the direction of Mu Yunlong and the others with contempt, and finally sneered, and spread its wings and flew at a speed of 90,000 miles in an instant.

Mu Yunlong and the others were completely terrified.

Little did he know that the Golden Winged Roc Eagle had long been waiting for its prey to play in secret. In his eyes, the former Gold Core Boundary Realmists were no different from mosquitoes, so he simply ignored them.

This time, seventeen big meats in the state of transformation of gods jumped out, always letting him show up.

So, after devouring the powerhouses of the two holy places and other sects in one go, he hurried back to his lair to refine.

at this very moment,

Mu Yunlong and Peng Zhang were left at the scene, still in deep shock.

Near Kunlun Mountain, there is also a golden-winged roc sculpture above the Great Demon Emperor?

With one bite, seventeen deities of the Transformation God Realm were destroyed, along with more than two hundred Nascent Soul Realm?

Mu Yunlong swallowed wildly, his whole body was trembling and weak, and the communicator fell to the ground.

"Wow! Blue Star is so fucking dangerous, I want to go back, I want to go back to a holy land!"

Some Holy Land disciples were so frightened that they sobbed and completely collapsed on the ground. .

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