Horror Recovery: I Destroyed The Restricted Area Ahead Of Time During The Live Broadcast

Chapter 158 The Suona Divine Comedy Of Baishi Is Played (Kneeling To Subscribe)

Evil Buddha Puppet: Take the relic as the root, and infuse it with the evil spirit into the body of the evil Buddha, which can corrode everything about the Buddha of the relic.

Ye Yun found the answer from the encyclopedia of the restricted area.

Good guy, a Buddha bone relic can make such dark giants as Tianlian alligator flock to it.

The one on the opposite side was so arrogant that he used twenty Buddha bone relics to make a puppet of the evil Buddha.

Such an inhumane operation, only Wutian Buddha Realm dared to do it.

Moreover, what was slaughtered was the Bodhisattva of the Western Ultimate Bliss Buddha Realm, the Buddha?

"It turned out to be a puppet of the evil Buddha, so there are many solutions."

Ye Yun grinned, and posted the relevant information about the evil Buddha puppet.


With another smash, the Platinum version of Gatling was raised to "Five Four Three".

"System, exchange for 20 million experience points, upgrade to the black gold version of Gatling, and exchange for 720,000 super bullets!"

After speaking, the system operates immediately.

A full 164 million experience points were deducted to upgrade Gatling's configuration to the black gold version.

beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep

In an instant, Ye Yun held the black and gold version of Gatling, and directly started indiscriminate strafing, blazing blue flames, spitting out for a long time.

Great Mercy Gatling, 72,000 revolutions per second,

Ye Yun mumbled for a full ten seconds before stopping.

Under the noisy eyes of countless spectators, the twenty "resurrected" evil monks were all beaten into sieves, and eight of them even turned into blood mist.


This time, the "corpse" of the evil Buddha and the blood mist, the black and blue light dimmed a lot.

Because the super bullets are used, each bullet is engraved with the Great Mercy and Great Compassion Purification Mantra, which greatly curbs the recovery speed of the evil Buddha puppet.

"The next step is to solve the root cause."

Ye Yun put away the black gold version of Gatling and walked towards Leifeng Pagoda without any haste.


In the next second, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he punched out with a ferocious force like a giant beast, instantly blasting Leifeng Pagoda into powder.

Countless viewers laughed at this violent scene, and then complained about Ye Yun's violent destruction of public property. They have taken screenshots and prepared to report Yunyun.

However, everyone quickly turned their attention to the live camera.

I saw that under the background of Leifeng Pagoda, there was a hole the size of a baby's fist, emitting black smoke.

【Brother Yun, the source of the evil spirit you mentioned is this small hole. Could it be that there is a monster inside?】

【My God, this hole is definitely not unique today. Why didn’t there be any problems in the Leifeng Pagoda tourist attraction before?】

【Eating melons and eating melons, first is Monkey Serre, then Gatlin who is taking the blue fire, next, what kind of tricks will our brother Yun take, let us wait and see!】

The audience took advantage of the excitement and shouted.

Ye Yun explained: "Why didn't there be any problems in the past? The answer is simple. It's a secret that has been planned for thousands of years. The other party definitely doesn't want to expose the traces. Therefore, he didn't bother to make trouble until the spiritual energy recovered."

"After all, what he planned was to break the seal and expose it unnecessarily. He definitely wouldn't do it. The struggle between Buddhism and Taoism is based on the premise of peace in the world. If he jumps out, do you believe in Buddhism and Taoism?" Won't the church work together to melt him first?"

【Hahahaha, that's right, Brother Yun is telling the truth. 】

【Brother Yun, what are you going to do? If you don't solve this problem first, the evil Buddha puppets outside will definitely keep doing it】

"When doing things, we must pursue the minimum cost and obtain the maximum benefit, right?"

Ye Yun smiled mysteriously, and took out a high-power speaker amplifier from behind, and then emptied out an old radio with a battery version.

Finally, turn on the radio, put a cassette in, and click the switch.

Immediately, a strange but familiar suona tick-tock sounded, and under the loudspeaker, it was extraordinarily refreshing and suffocated the audience.

Then, the expressions of countless Xia Guo audiences began to change again and again, and finally "burst out into wild laughter like pigs.

【Wow ha ha ha ha, what the hell, brother Yun is so good at it, isn't this the white thing suona that was only played after the ancestor passed away?】

【Hahahaha, no, I laugh so hard that my stomach hurts, my abdomen is cramped and cramped, not only suona for nothing, but also the Taoist five-party ghost emperor's reincarnation curse..】

[Hahahaha, as expected, there are only things we can't think of, there is nothing Brother Yun can't do, this Divine Comedy is absolutely perfect. 】

Under the camera, Ye Yun calmly lit a Yellow Crane Tower.

Cai Ke said: "As the big guy who created the evil Buddha, he must have done a lot of research and analysis on Buddhist supernatural powers and Buddhist methods, so [the other party has a high probability of being immune to the supernatural power of Buddhism."

"At this time, I should switch to the Taoist Wufang Ghost Emperor's Rebirth Mantra and Baishi Suona to catch people by surprise. Of course, my vocal cords are also the key. Those downloaded from the Internet will definitely not work so well."

Ye Yun's unscientific explanation made the live broadcast room laugh even harder.

As for the major powers in the world, their eyes lit up, and they immediately ordered the technical department to perfectly record this vocal song, for emergencies.

In the barrage area of ​​foreign countries, because of the translation of loyal fans, they reacted and started to laugh.


"Little devil of the human race, you are courting death!"

Suddenly, from the entrance of the small hole, there was a monstrous and angry roar.

In the end, he simply closed the gap in the underground space on his own, so as not to be bombarded by the amplified version of Suona Divine Comedy.

[Hahahahaha, Divine Comedy, Divine Operation 5.8, hahahaha]

This hot-eyed scene once again made the live broadcast room roar with laughter.

Ye Yun was not idle either, turned around, and recited the spell again.

"Liujia on the left, Liuding on the right, there is the Yellow God in front, and Yuezhang in the back. The gods know how to kill, do not avoid the powerful, and are as urgent as the law."

As soon as the spell came out, the wind and fire orders of the Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts became violent.

On the opposite side, the puppet of the evil Buddha, which had not yet been fully "resurrected", was instantly extinguished by the raging flames, and it was burned with crackling noises.

Moments later, twenty fist-sized Buddha bone relics were burnt out.

With a wave of Ye Yun's hand, all of them were collected.

"Ding, 20 Buddha bone relics were detected, and after appraisal, they are worth 300 million experience points."

The system went online and related rewards were broadcast. .

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