"Aw, aw - aw!"

The sound of Zhenshi's dragon chant resounded through the sky, and under the rendering of the thunder in the sky, it seemed even more majestic, majestic and domineering.

Nine golden dragons occupying the sky, majestic and sacred eyes, snoring like thunder, beard and hair dancing, even thunder and storms dare not disobey this mighty golden dragon.

Burst, blast!

In the barrage area, a series of exclamation marks in capital letters filled the screen, filled with the shock and excitement in everyone's hearts.

【Fuck, shit, shit! Dawei Tianlong, it's really Dawei Tianlong!】

[Awesome Lagos! Brother Yun really summoned the mighty Tianlong, and it was nine golden dragons, it was so explosive. 】

【Ma De, after watching so many live broadcasts of Brother Yun, I realized that I am still small, mmp, I can even make Fa Hai's Dawei Tianlong, and even have that little dragon tattoo!】

"Four Zero Zero" [6666, really infinite 6 to fly, just now we were joking about Brother Yun's strange appearance? Look, slapping your face, Brother Yun's role-playing is to fully enter the play, the purpose Perfectly summon Fa Hai's Dawei Tianlong, bug. 】

In the foreign area, loyal fans immediately Googled the movie of Dawei Tianlong for more than 20 years and uploaded it to the information area, which also exploded with comments.

【My God, is this the dragon from the east? It's too powerful. The golden dragon is so mighty because of its air. 】

[In comparison, the ones in our west can be called dragons? They are just a bloated and violent lizard. These nine oriental golden dragons are too sacred. 】

[I'm going, the dragon tattoo on the human body can really summon the golden dragon? I'm afraid it's just a dream. Is there such an unscientific thing? In the movie clip, it's monk Fa Hai sealing a golden dragon on his back, but The host's, no matter how you look at it, they are all tattoos carved on the side of the street. 】

Not to mention that the audience was dumbfounded.

On the opposite side, more than 10,000 demons and ghosts above the initial stage of Nascent Soul Realm also felt the super terrifying suppression of the nine golden dragons.

The ultimate aura was locked in, like the level suppression from the blood, which made them tremble instinctively, wanting to kneel down.

How to fight this?

The demon army was completely discouraged and wanted to retreat.

Over there, Ye Yun said that he took off his trousers, so there is no reason not to carry a gun to go into battle.

"Dawei Tianlong, kill, kill! The flying dragon is in the sky, kill, kill!"

So, imitating the appearance of the movie, shirtless and swaying waist, nine-headed golden dragon.


In the next moment, the nine golden dragons roared in unison, the sound was like thunder rolling in the sky, and the mighty coercion bloomed, directly crushing and killing them.

The speed is as fast as a golden thunderbolt.

The torrential dragon's power, even the space is frozen and frozen.

That is, giant beasts and monsters were easily torn apart, bitten off or swallowed by the giant dragon. The scene of the slaughter was bloody.


Feeling the shroud of death, the demons and ghosts crawled out viciously, all of them were terrified, and some were even more sad and desperate.

The giant green-gold crocodile, the red mutated crested ibis, the jigsaw ghost, and other monster kings and beast kings, all terrified, had no choice but to bite the bullet and roar to resist.

However, the Dawei Tianlong produced by the system can be called a demon meat grinder in Ye Yun's current state.

Whether it is the demon king or the demon emperor, in front of the golden dragon, they are weak chicken scum, and they were killed on the spot without even a chance to counter a single move.

"No, no! It can't be like this, our immortal body is gone!"

"Oh, why, why, we have just come out, but we are facing death?"

"No, let me go, please let me go, ah—"

Each of the nine-headed giant dragons has reached the level of the peerless great demon emperor, coupled with the level suppression of the bloodline, the massacre of the army of demons is a unilateral massacre.

As for the inability to die?

Ye Yun placed more than a hundred speakers there, and the evil atmosphere was cut off by the horror below.

run back!

Some powerful demon emperors were so frightened that their livers and gallbladders were torn apart, and they wanted to retreat, wanting to go back to the fierce demons.

"World Honored One Ksitigarbha, the flying dragon is in the sky, kill!"

Ye Yun once again resorted to the ultimate move of Dawei Tianlong.

I saw that the bright golden light rose from his arm again, the swimming dragon came to life, and the second wave of nine peerless golden dragons emerged out of the sky, all blocking the entrance and exit of the monster's fierce place.


At this moment, eighteen golden heavenly dragons continued to crush and kill the army of demons, roaring non-stop, and divine thunder resounding endlessly.

A crushing trend, one-sided crushing!

Since then, the army of monsters was devoured by eighteen golden dragons, and the kings of monsters from all walks of life died tragically on the dragon's claws and teeth.

The picture was still extremely bloody, but it was also very satisfying, and countless people were shocked beyond measure.

[Gulu Gulu, too, it’s too fraudulent. As the founder of the Dawei Tianlong, Fa Hai Shizun can only summon one Dawei Tianlong. As a result, Brother Yun plagiarized eighteen Tianlong without blushing or panting. Is that cheating?]

[Hahahaha, in ancient times, Qiao Feng was invincible with his own speaker, and now Brother Yun is also doing the same, using the speaker to kill the underground horror, classic. 】

【Tsk tsk tsk, if you say that these monsters are weak chickens, Brother Yun is simply a tyrannosaurus, and these monsters are giant beasts, then Brother Yun is definitely an ancient beast, the kind that is even more beast than a beast. 】

[The wife is on fire, she's so angry, Brother Yun is indeed a role model for my generation, oh no, what the upstairs said is right, I recognized Brother Yun at a glance is not a human being. 】

Barrages flew across.

Ye Yun smoked a cigar the whole time and listened to the system's broadcast, feeling very good.

"Ding, kill 200 Nascent Soul Realm monsters and reward 20 million experience points."

"Ding, kill 100 demons in the God Transformation Realm, reward 100 million experience points"

"Ding, kill three hundred and fifty..."

Because it is a puppet half-controlled by evil spirits, the experience points gained from beheading are ten times smaller than those of monsters of the same level. However, in the case of a huge base, he still earns blood.


In less than two minutes, the last 2.8 half-human, half-beast carp demon kings were swallowed by the giant dragon.

Since then, all of Tangda's army of monsters have been wiped out by the golden Tianlong.

In this scene of battle, from the appearance of Dawei Tianlong to the disappearance, the whole process was domineering and invincible.


Finally, the cassock that flew off was put back on his body.

At this moment, in the eyes of countless people, Ye Yun's weird shape is so distinctive, so shocking and sacred.

The Sky Alligator, the Ice Demon Dragon, the Bull Demon King, the Flood Demon King, the Golden Winged Peng Eagle, etc., were also silent.

all around the world,

But after witnessing the terrifying power of Dawei Tianlong, whether it is a legendary powerhouse or a king-level peak existence, they are also shocked.

Big Demon King Ye, so terrifying?! (Please beg for full order!).

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