Horror Recovery: I Destroyed The Restricted Area Ahead Of Time During The Live Broadcast

Chapter 165 The Second Floor Of The Nine-Story Demon Tower, The Cemetery Of All Races! (Seeking Subs

[Wow, shit, the nine-story demon tower, the gate of the demon world, do they really exist?]

[Gulu Gulu, at this time a handsome boy of Nascent Soul level passed by, trembling. 】

[Hahaha, if it wasn't for the revival of spiritual energy, the fourth uncle would probably have squatted in, anchor, you are roasting Brother Ba Chang on the torch now. 】

[6666, there are a lot of melons, tsk tsk, I have already prepared the materials, this time for the new book, I want Rifei Lu's chrysanthemum, oh no, Ritianbang. 】

In the comment area, the Xia Guo area was in an uproar, but the foreign area was belatedly aware.

"Because the evil place under the Leifeng Pagoda is originally a structure of a nine-story demon tower, so the real monster bosses stay on the lower two floors. In other words, the foundation of the seal is also below.

As for the first layer, it’s just small fish and shrimp. "

Ye Yun added that by implication, he immediately recognized that those monsters were not good monsters.

【Hahaha, let me tell you, Brother Yun, how do you know that this is the Nine-story Demon Tower?】

[Yes, yes, the movies and dramas on the Internet are too exhausting, and the monsters in the devil world are so cowardly? There is not enough one to strengthen the gap between the teeth, I want to see something more exciting. 】

The comment area continues to be active, and I want to dig more.

For this point, Ye Yun wanted to get to the G spot in advance, so Ye Yun didn't reveal it, pretending: "It's that simple.

Countless spectators were choked, and immediately they all started to make noise.

Ye Yun turned a deaf ear to it, and simply stepped aside to enjoy the cigarette.

Soon, ten minutes passed.

All the demons and thirty strong men from all realms returned, and the aura of each body was faintly improved.

As for the experience value contributed, it also reached 100 million map points.

"Grandma is a bear, it's just a little bit close, and if I eat more ten or eight demon emperor-level ones, I will guarantee a successful breakthrough.

The blood vine demon came back cursing, and looked at Ye Yun tens of thousands without forgetting her resentment.

That look seems to say, can you eat more cleanly?

Ye Yun gave it a blank look: "Okay, there will be a situation later, just be the first to go up."

When the blood vine demon heard this, he stood up.

"Well, in front of the boss, how dare I play pompously, don't I?"

Just kidding, the unknown is the most dangerous, isn't it good to hide behind and grow up wretchedly?

Ye Yun felt more and more, whether the blood vine demon's brain was affected by nuclear radiation, a generation of demon kings, would they be such a fool?

In the comment area, many people also felt the same way, leaving messages questioning whether the little rattan demon is a king-level terror.

【Brother Yun, this piece of space is vast, everything is the same and nothing is there, how do you find the entrance to the second floor?】

A fan asked.

Ye Yun shook his head: "Originally, I wanted to sit on the sidelines and wait until the people on the second floor ran out to make trouble, and I would go in after cleaning up. Let's see now, the chance is not great."

"I can only count my fingers."

After speaking, Ye Yun secretly operated in secret, scanning the system for a blanket search.

Moments later, under the anticipation of the audience, the entrance and exit were finally found.

After teleporting for more than a dozen breaths, he finally arrived at the entrance of the second floor.

My day!

At the first moment, Ye Yun rolled his eyes on the spot, and there were countless muddy horses galloping in his heart.

【Fuck, fuck, fuck!】

The sharp-eyed audience also recognized it with a few glances.

What the hell... Another sealing talisman!

At the entrance and exit of the second floor, there is a huge sealing talisman, which seals the passages on both sides. Even visible to the naked eye, the cinnabar characters on the yellow paper are still shining with rhythmic light.

The sealing talisman of the mercury mine, and the sealing talisman of the monster's fierce place, are all written by the same person?

Ye Yun was speechless.

【Hahahaha, look, Brother Yun's face is turning green. First, the formation of the five elements and five viscera was practiced, and now there is a sealing talisman. I predict that after a wave, Brother Yun will be exhausted again. 】

[Hehe, no wonder there is no movement on the second floor. It turns out that there is still a seal here. Judging by the light of the talisman, it seems that there is a terrifying suppression power, so the demons and ghosts on the first floor dare not touch it. 】

【It's time to open. The sealing talisman that day was only the size of a palm. This sealing talisman at least has a ten-story building. How fierce will the guys inside be?】

In the live broadcast room, many people laughed seeing Ye Yun's strange expression.

"Go in and see if you don't know."

Ye Yun had no choice but to continue the live broadcast.

Because the Zhenfeng Talisman is still quite powerful to preserve, Ye Yun simply accepted it with a smile. This aboveboard treasure-hunting made many audience fans laugh.

After removing the sealing talisman, a large number of monsters would come out of it as expected.

Two minutes passed, and there was still no big movement on the other side of the passage.


Ye Yun led a group of thugs and beast pets into the second floor of the evil place.

After a while, I saw a scene that made countless people's scalps tingle and their breaths suffocate:

Massive skeleton group!

What was presented in front of everyone was an endless skeleton skeleton!

There are scary huge ones, small ones like a cat, all kinds of weird skeletons, and human skeletons...

Among them, there is a fossil with the head of the dinosaur Spinosaurus, but the size is too large, so big that the head and tail cannot be seen at a glance, and some bone fossils are shining red, like blood gems.

There are half-human and half-beast, except for the pair of golden horns, everything else is exactly the same as the human skeleton.

Even the bones of the human race, there are quite a few.

[Hiss~ Is this a super cemetery? The endless white bones are really scary. There are corpses and bones everywhere. 】

[Seeing it makes my forehead feel cold, oh my god, this is what I'm most afraid of (getting Zhao's), it hurts too much. 】

【There are not only monsters, monsters, ordinary animals, but even human bones. Is this the cemetery of all races?】

"..Amitabha, God of Blessings and Longevity, I have an anti-curse card, I can't turn back when I bounce back.

No matter whether it is Xia or domestic, many people in the comment area feel their hairs stand on end, and the cold air hits them.

Cemetery of all races?

Ye Yun was also slightly surprised.

But, it's evil!

Such a cemetery, as for being sealed, or what is Fa Hai planning?

Ye Yun wandered around, confirming again and again that these skeletons were beyond death, and felt even more weird.

"Ring ring ring ring ~~"

"Whip, swipe, swipe~~"

* errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr~

Just at the right time, there were one after another cold voices, chilling people, approaching from far away. .

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