
The formation of time and space dials is engraved on the sealed gate.

At this time, the golden space-time channel penetrated through, and Ye Yun stepped out one after another.

Immediately after him are the two great demon venerables, the five half-step king lords, and thousands of strong men from the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom.

"People of the Wan Yao Kingdom, follow us to fight to the end, my generation of Yao Clan, why not be afraid to fight!"

Bai Feifei raised his arms and shouted, and immediately transformed into a silvery white fox with a length of three feet and a height of one foot, stepping on fire clouds and lingering arcs, it was incomparably majestic.

"Fight, fight, fight!"

Behind him, the three half-step kings and a group of generals from the demon kingdom also screamed loudly, and the sound of beating shook the sky.


In an instant, the Wan Yao Kingdom cheered majesticly and shouted excitedly.

Shua~ Chishui Mozun and Yan Mo Yaozun sat up in surprise, their faces turned cold.

They were waiting for the self-disintegration of the sealed gate, but they never expected that other strong men from the Wan Yao Kingdom would cross over at this time.

Even the human race man with the armored helmet at the head made them instinctively afraid! 11

Dapeng Wang Zun also squinted his eyes, and finally landed on Ye Yun.

On the opposite side, Ye Yun was also looking at the two sides, and he was stunned when he saw the appearance of the two demon kings.

A golden lion with a blue face and a white elephant with four tusks?

Finally, his eyes fell on the golden-winged roc eagle of the White Snake Dynasty, and a sense of familiarity emerged spontaneously.

6666, this configuration is so familiar!


The white snake's face was frosty, and it took a few steps to land on the White Fox Dynasty Continent at the fastest speed.

After signaling to the demon army to calm down, she turned her head to look at Dapeng Wang Zun.

"Wang Zun Dapeng, don't you need to explain?"

Bai Suzhen's eyes were cold.

"Da Peng Yao, this traitor!"

The white fox roared angrily, and led a group of generals and marshals from the demon kingdom to approach.


At this moment, the hundreds of thousands of monster clans in the Wan Yao Kingdom all looked over with their heads buzzing.

The White Snake King and the White Fox King are both saying that the Dapeng King is a traitor?

Sure enough, Yinpeng Wangzun grinned.

"Oh, I didn't expect that you could come here so quickly, but it's already too late, and the unsealing of the sealed gate is already irreversible."

"White Fox, White Snake, so far, my eldest brother and second brother have also recovered to their peak, do you still think there is a chance of winning?"

Dapeng Wang Zun sneered, full of sarcasm.

Immediately, a beam of divine light shot from the monster cave, enveloped him, and then lifted off the ground, and the monster body slowly floated up.

Boom boom boom!

At the same time, among the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom's army, nearly one-third of the demon emperors and great demon emperors who were above the state of transforming gods roared loudly, rushing into the sky with surging waves of air.

At this moment, he Dapeng Wang Zun no longer needs to hide his identity!

The seal is about to be lifted, and they, the dark chess players in the demon cave, no longer need to lie dormant, and simply have a bloody battle.


Such a picture, in the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom, is undoubtedly a magnitude 20 earthquake!

Dapeng Wangzun is the black hand of the Demon Nest, and one-third of the high-level combat power of the Wan Yao Kingdom is the spies of the Demon Nest?

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Damn it, damn it!"

Hundreds of thousands of monsters roared angrily, and some even had bloodshot eyes.

Over a million years, how many of their relatives and friends died in battle?

How many of them may have died tragically under the sneak attack of these traitors?

"Damn it, Dapeng Yao, I'm going to tear you apart!"

Bai Feifei was furious!

His son and lover, the two former demon kings of the white fox clan, all died in the fierce place of demons.

In particular, his beloved apprentice had just broken through to the half-step Wang Zun realm but was ambushed and killed by a strong man of the same level as Wang Zun in the Demon Cave.

"Old Bai!"

Bai Suzhen stopped her.

She strongly felt that the ray of light was the result of the joint efforts of the two demon lords opposite, if Bai Feifei chased after him without authorization, he might fall into the trap.

Right now, they can only watch the traitors from the demon cave leave.

Just when the demons were angry and angry.

A joking voice came faintly:

"I said, can you go?"


Suddenly, a black divine light pierced through the sky in an instant, carrying an unparalleled aura of extreme terror, and instantly swept across this void continent!

"no no!!"

Wang Zun of Dapeng, who bears the brunt of the blow, instinctively bristles all over his body. Even though he is already a king, he still has an infinite sense of palpitation and horror in this beam of death black light.


He screamed and roared, and the strongest king-level aura surged wildly again and again, shooting a yellow beam of light from his body, rushing towards the black divine light.

At the same time, he opened a pair of golden wings and took off with a flutter.


However, the black divine light easily broke through the yellow beam of light, and the speed did not decrease at all, almost catching up to the golden-winged roc eagle at the same time.


King Dapeng was terrified.


Before all the monsters could react, the golden-winged roc eagle was pierced through the chest by the black divine light, like an arc-shaped cannonball, and the black divine light smashed towards the Rigang Continent along with the Dapeng King Zun. superior.

890 booms———rumble...

The impact of the huge impact cannon set off thousands of layers of surging earth waves, and many palaces of the White Fox Dynasty were smashed into ruins. Finally, a huge deep pit appeared in front of the dumbfounded monsters.

I saw that a black iron crowbar pierced through the monster body of King Dapeng and nailed it to the ground.

At this moment, Dapeng Wang Zun coughed up the blood plasma entrained in the internal organs, and his breath was extremely weak.

The whole space was instantly so quiet that a needle could be heard.

Regardless of the Ten Thousand Monsters Country or the Demon Cave, there are over a million demons and ghosts, all of them lost their voices collectively, and they were all shocked beyond measure!

After several seconds, they suddenly looked back.

I just saw that in front of Ye Yun, there was an extra "human race" strong man at some point.

As if, it was Yuan Mian!

Wang, the puppet of Wang Zunjing?

Thinking of something new, it's not just that the demons and ghosts in the fierce place have dry mouth and tongue, and they are completely petrified on the spot.

Even the tens of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room also dropped their jaws in shock, all of them were swallowing saliva, and their legs were weak.

"The green-faced golden lion demon, the four-tusk white elephant demon, and the golden-winged roc demon, you guys, are these the Shanzhai version of the three demons from Shituoling?"

Ye Yun had a teasing expression. .

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