Horror Recovery: I Destroyed The Restricted Area Ahead Of Time During The Live Broadcast

Chapter 190 Corpse Devil? Sand Sculpture It (Kneeling To Subscribe)

Corpse Demonization!

Not only Ye Yun saw it, but also some ancient legendary Buddhist and Taoist powerhouses, and many giants in the restricted area have seen through the changes of the two demon kings.

Even... so strong!

They all looked extremely dignified.

At this time, the strength of the two great Demon Lords is probably much stronger than before, standing at the top of the current Blue Star.

If the giants of darkness do not sublimate to the utmost, perhaps, they will be truly invincible against Blue Star!

Liantian Crocodile's pupils shrank, and immediately began to play with it.

Others don't know the identity of Taoist Wu Huang, but ~he knows.

red-haired purple ghost,

Among the countless ghost races in the heavens and worlds, one of the most top echelons!

In the live broadcast room, after countless people watched the two great Demon Lords who had turned into demons, they instinctively felt a kind of nausea and fear attacking them.

[This, is this a zombie? In Brother Yun's information area, people like science are not human ghosts, ghosts, or monsters. They are corpses, but they are different from zombies?]

【6666, Zombies jump out of the three realms and are not in the five elements, and do not belong to the sentient beings of the six realms, and corpse demons are only half-finished zombies? Let me wait, isn't that what zombies mean?】

[Pfft, hahahaha, the tall corpse demon was defeated by a zombie in an instant, it's too 6, upstairs, I'll give out five packs of spicy strips, you deleted the subtitle comment, let me post it. 】

[Don't talk poorly upstairs, look, after the blood bar is full, the war will start again. 】



Yuan Yi and Taoist Wu Huang were surprised on the spot, their eyes sparkling.


Immediately, both of them laughed unkindly, and even laughed so hard that they patted their stomachs and slapped their thighs.

Ye Yun also had a wonderful teasing expression on his face, he didn't expect that the black hand on the opposite side left two stupid big guys, it was actually a show operation of corpse demonization.

Shaking his head, he ordered: "Clean up quickly."


The live broadcast room was in a daze, and many strong men who didn't know why were also in a daze. They didn't know that the two fierce generals under Ye Yun were laughing.

Bai Suzhen, Bai Feifei and the two demons felt the overwhelming horror of the two demons after the demonization of corpses, and they were so shocked that they were a little desperate.

At this time, I couldn't help being stunned, and my mind was full of doubts.

After the monster transformation, Chishui Demon Lord and Flame Demon Lord have gloomy and cold expressions, with fierce and evil spirits surging, and they are constantly accumulating anger points.

"Hehe, later, I hope you can laugh too."

The Flame Demon Zun grinned grinningly, with a long scarlet tongue that could fully extend to his chest, his face was beyond recognition, the bloody armpit muscles squirmed, very disgusting and ferocious.

"Laugh? Why can't you laugh?"

"Wu Huang, the Lord has spoken, do you want me to share one? Or do you want one to fight two?"

Yuan Yi finally held back his laughter, and pointed a baseball bat at the Balrog Demon Lord not far away.

Taoist Wuhuang curled his lips: "It's up to you, one or two, the difference is not big."

"Hahahaha, okay, I'll deal with the other offal."

After speaking, Yuan Yi burst out billowing black air all over his body.

A layer of extreme demonic breath, like a pure real demon god, almost crushing the vacuum of nothingness.


The expressions of the Flame Demon Lord and Chishui Demon Lord changed suddenly, as if they felt some extreme terrifying crushing, directly hitting the depths of their souls.


Yanmo Yaozun's movements froze for an instant, and a huge baseball bat swung towards him, making it impossible to avoid.

In an instant, the baseball bat hit the former's face head-on, and it flew towards Taoist Wuhuang neatly.

Yuan Yi took a vacant step, crossed a million miles in one step, and went straight to the army tide of the demon cave, and started the mode of chopping melons and vegetables.

"Little ghost, what do you think we are laughing at? What you are laughing at is your arrogance and ignorance."

"The ghost body is coming!"

Taoist Wu Huang bared his teeth and grinned, his body of hundreds of feet grew rapidly, and he passed ten thousand feet in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, the real form of his red-haired purple ghost descended, with a pair of golden horns on top of his head, and on his dark purple skin, there were many circles of golden circles.

At the same time, the extremely pure ghost energy is earth-shattering, like a supreme ghost under the Nine Netherworld, shaking the Three Realms.


Two huge black and purple ghost hands held the two big demons who had demonized ten demons in the palms of their hands extremely quickly.


Immediately, the two hands collided, and the two demons were knocked together by each other, causing the void to be shattered, and the shock waves oscillated around.

bang bang bang bang...

It's just that Taoist Wuhuang didn't intend to stop. He collided his hands again and again, smashing each other in a purely crushing way.


"No, no, roar~~"

·Ask for flowers...

The two demon venerables screamed one after another, and collapsed due to aggrievedness. Their bodies are inexplicably heavy, so they don't have the slightest ability to resist against Taoist Wu Huang.

Such a picture naturally shocked everyone's eyes.


The audience didn't know why, and they were dumbfounded.

The other dark giants sat up in shock, their eyes were full of shock, they stared at Yuan Yi, who was killing all directions, and Taoist Wu Huang, who was like a giant spirit and god.

Nether Race, one of the masters of monsters!

The red-haired purple ghost, one of the supreme ghosts!

"No! Why, why can't I function normally!"

"No, it's impossible. I have already broken through and gained the immortal power of the Holy Lord. Why is this happening?"

The two big demons roared again and again, but they were still powerless to resist.

After the demonization of corpses, they are strictly restricted, and they are even more "dull" than the original state.


What was given to them was the rough and violent beating by Taoist Wuhuang. This time, he clapped his palms together for eleven beats, and blasted the two demons alive, blasting away the blood mist.


Taoist Wuhuang took another shot, and firmly held the two demons in his palm.

"That's it? Dare to shout?"

"I don't even know what a corpse demonization is. It's not a sand sculpture. It's just two Guanggui puppets."

"The fundamental characteristic of corpses is slaves. They are the slave puppets of strong ghosts and demons, and are suppressed by the blood of higher ghosts and demons. So, you two little corpses, jumping in front of my red-haired purple ghosts, Isn’t it just the little ghost showing off his IQ in front of the celestial ghost hunter?”

Taoist Wuhuang sneered.

If other modes were strengthened to such a degree, he would have to spend a lot of energy to kill the opponent.

In the end, the opponent's card turned out to be Demonization of Corpse?

It's a sand sculpture, it's like sending a human head to the door.

"Puppets of ghosts and demons, no, no, no?!"

"No, it's fake, it's fake, the Holy Lord gave us the immortal body, how could it be a puppet?"

The two great Demon Lords collapsed, shouting and roaring hysterically.

"That's the way it is, believe it or not, but there's no chance."

Taoist Wuhuang shrugged.


With a sudden force in his hands, he crushed the two demons to death,

Immediately, blood mist poured out. .

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