Approaching the unscientific, sign in the restricted area of ​​life live!

This hot topic quickly dominated the hot search charts, and all the live broadcast platforms also switched to various screen recording broadcasts in a large space. In a short period of time, Ye Yun's popularity was completely ignited.

"I'll go, is there any great god who can show the human flesh of the anchor, Brother Yun, who is wearing a helmet, can only give 99 points, and he can't be proud."

"Damn, suddenly there are a lot of fake account sand sculptures that are popular. The anchor said that the live broadcast will be live at 7 o'clock the day after tomorrow. They come out blindly to join in the fun. I suggest that they be blocked by human flesh."

"These screen recordings are all fake, oh my god, it's unscientific. Are there really monsters and zombies in this world?"

"Tsk tsk, can this be fake? More than 10 million people have witnessed it with their own eyes, and I can see it very clearly. Brother Yun took a baseball bat and cleaned up those monsters into obedience."

"Extraordinary, there is real insider information. The reason why all the live broadcast platforms did not block Brother Yun is because Brother Yun hacked their systems, and now those who shake their hands and Kuaiyin Aiqiqi are still conquering the intrusion data."

The few hours of fermentation not only caused excitement on the Internet, but in reality, Ye Yun's live broadcast in the restricted area was also talked about.

As for the callers who usually yell happily, they all lost their voices collectively this time, and never showed their faces to give a 'scientific explanation' while it was hot.

that night,

Liushui City,

Nanyang Sky Spa,

Well, it's a very formal clubhouse.

At this time, Ye Yun had been in the sauna for more than an hour, sweating profusely, but feeling refreshed and comfortable.

So, after a brief freshening up, he hummed a little tune and walked up to the second floor, ready to reward his belly.

But it was strange to find that along the way, I didn't meet a like-minded male whore, and I didn't even look at a waiter.

Even the large cafeteria on the second floor was empty, only a dazzling array of dishes, cold dishes, hot dishes and fruits, so many.


Ye Yun didn't care that something was wrong that the blind man could hear, and filled two large plates of meat dishes, enjoying himself happily.

However, before he could take a few bites,

In the corner of the line of sight, two figures slowly walked into the cafeteria, and finally walked up to him, standing at a table apart.

One of the young men, with a flat-inch cropped haircut, looked aloof and arrogant like I was young and promising, but he was a bit handsome.

The other is a girl who is as tall as a young man, with a beautiful face, fair skin like fat jade, and an indifference that rejects others thousands of miles away.

Ye Yun still didn't care about this and continued to clean the battlefield.

Five minutes passed, and Ye Yun didn't stop, but brought a bowl of sugar water and a plate of dessert.

Soon, another five or six minutes passed, and Ye Yun finally finished his eight-point full, picked up a toothpick and picked his teeth leisurely.

On the opposite side, the young man's complexion had long since turned ugly, and he half-closed his eyes the whole time. Now, he finally raised a cold smile.


Ye Yun still ignored their intentions, touched the belly of the loose clothes, got up and was about to leave.


This time, the beautiful iceberg girl couldn't help it anymore, her eyes darkened.

"Hehe, you are that Ye Yun, right? Are you challenging our bottom line of patience?"

"Do you really think that with your little ability, you can be defiant?"

The young man opened his mouth first, but was ignored all the time, which filled him with anger.

Ye Yun shrugged lazily, but pretended to be stupid and asked, "Who are you?"

In fact, anyone who can empty a spa so efficiently and easily, guesses with his ass, knows who the other party is.


The young man flew into a rage and was about to lose his temper.

The girl opened her mouth and said: "Mr. Ye, we are all smart people, there is no need to be fooled by each other. I'm afraid you have already guessed our identity and why we found you."

"My name is Qingluan, and my companion is Xu Yong. We come from a special department of Xia Guo, the Psychic Bureau. If you think it's unfamiliar, you can also call us members of Xia Guo's Bureau 739."

Bureau 739, Psionic Bureau? !

Ye Yun was quite surprised. According to the auxiliary information listed by the system, there was no mention of the psychic bureau in Bureau 739.

"Oh, then, are you planning to settle accounts with me when you come here? Because I exposed your existence?"

Ye Yun thought about it, and sat back, crossing his legs, with great interest.

Xu Yong's face darkened with such a lazy and undisciplined posture.

Qingluan shook her head: "That's not the case, but we want to invite you, Mr. Ye, to join our Psychic Bureau."

Next to him, Xu Yong continued to sneer and said, "If you want to enter our Psychic Bureau, you need a rigorous comprehensive assessment, but, based on your performance today, our director agreed, and you can directly become our Psychic Bureau." reserve member."

"Of course, you also need to give a satisfactory answer as a nomination certificate."

Qingluan frowned, slightly dissatisfied with Xu Yong's concealment.

On the contrary, Ye Yun was happy. With this tone, he planned to give himself an upgraded pennant?

"The so-called answer is to let me hand in all the things I got today. Similarly, it also includes the live broadcast technology I have mastered?"

"Well, do you think I'll agree?"


Qingluan still didn't say a word, which meant that she agreed to the answer by default.

Xu Yong was stunned for a moment, then sneered: "Really, we have already guessed your reply, of course, you are not the only one who refused like this."

"It's just that it won't be long before you change your ignorant thoughts. The strength of our Psionic Bureau is beyond your imagination."

Xu Yong pointed his fingers on the marble tabletop, and immediately exerted a little strength.


In an instant, a powerful inch of force exerted force, cut off the marble table top, and shattered it into many pieces scattered all over the ground.

Seeing this, Ye Yun was stunned.

Seeing it, Xu Yong said with even more vigor: "Ye Yun, don't think that the technology you have mastered can allow you to deceive the world, or even think that your strength is the most unique and powerful person in the world."

"Under the big data of our Xia Kingdom's Sky Eye, you have nothing to hide from. As for your power of six phenomena, it is actually just a joke."


In the next second, a terrifying aura like a prehistoric giant beast surged out of Xu Yong's body, and the powerful shock wave overturned the surrounding desktops.

"Oh? The power of six elephants?"

At this moment, Ye Yun was finally astonished.

Unexpectedly, the stunned green in front of him is actually much stronger than the mutated blood stiff!

Judging by the posture, it has at least 50 tons of strength.

Bureau 739, so terrifying?

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