As soon as he stepped into Jijia Town, a strong aura of death hit him in the face.


How many ghosts gathered here?

Looking at this strong aura of death,

Ye Qin decided to kill all the ghosts here!

The world of the living!

It’s not your turn to run wild yet!


Ye Qin’s face changed, and he walked forward with a smile.

From the moment he stepped into here.

The whole Jijia Town was quiet.

The kind of incomparable silence.

Ye Qin looked up.

It wasn’t dark yet, but it would be soon.

It was probably because these ghosts would wait until dark to come out and play with Ye Qin.


They didn't come out.

Wouldn't Ye Qin go look for them?

He walked to a house.


He kicked the door open.

No one was inside.

Nothing happened.

He searched slowly.

Soon, the movement in the closet caught Ye Qin's attention.

He opened it.

A pretty girl appeared. About 12 or 3 years old.

"Little sister, what are you doing here?"Ye Qin said with a smile

"Dad said there are bad guys outside!"The little girl said pitifully.

"Don’t be afraid, brother will protect you!"

"Let's go outside"、

"No, there are····"

"Damn, why is it so hard to let you get some sun?"

Ye Qin took action directly.

He held its hand.

The evil spirit possessed by the little girl suddenly began to struggle.

However... it couldn't break free from Ye Qin's hand no matter what.

30 points of strength.

Like an iron clamp, it held it firmly.

Suddenly, he swung it. Bang...

The window shattered.

The little girl was thrown out.


The evil ghost was howling!

When Ye Qin touched it, he had already used the golden light of protection to make a hole in the girl's body.

The positive energy of the sun would rush in through this hole.

The evil ghost felt like being roasted by flames.

Ye Qin ignored the crying outside and continued to search.

The golden light of protection gave him a magical eye. He easily found a couple.


Ye Qin slowly approached.

The couple shook their heads and retreated in fear.

""I'm new here and I don't have any gifts, so I'll just let you bask in the sun!" Ye Qin said. The couple were stunned.


Be a human being.

Didn't you hear the crying outside?

Is this a gift?

It's a funeral!

Bang bang······

Finally, the door broke and the two were thrown out.

Then they screamed miserably.

Ye Qin clapped his hands and continued to the next one.

"Sending sunshine from a thousand miles away is a token of love!"

Bang bang bang·····

Several doors opened.

Several people rushed out and turned to flee.

They had already sensed Ye Qin's terror.

If they were possessed, they would not be afraid of sunlight.


Why is this happening?

There is only one possibility.

That is, this person has tampered with it.···

In the sunlight, the power of the evil spirits is greatly reduced, so it is better to escape first and wait until the sun sets to settle accounts.


Fleeing in front of Ye Qin. Do they still have a chance to settle accounts?


A Gatling gun of great mercy.

Dada dada da······

Countless blood mists exploded.

Any ghost that dared to show up would undoubtedly be blasted to pieces!

Blood mist, fishy smell, body parts, wailing····



This was the first time that the living ghosts felt this kind of emotion.

They were like birds in a cage.

They couldn't break free.

They had to face the fate that was about to befall them.

""Hold on!" A fierce ghost whispered in the farthest place;

"That guy is very strong!"

"Not to mention me, even if a ghost comes here, he will die!"

"Aren't we just waiting to die here?" said an evil ghost.

"That's not necessarily true!" said the fierce ghost viciously;

"We still have a trump card!"

"You mean, escaped from the Yellow Springs Dam?···"


So there was no sound.

Ye Qin was still visiting.

One family after another of evil spirits were invited out.

The one in front had become three black marks on the ground.

However... there were more and more leads behind.

It seemed that Ye Qin was using this method to avenge the ghosts' massacre of the village.

"You are simply a demon!"There are evil ghosts crying

"Damn it! Damn it!···!"

"Devil! You are the devil!"

"Why do you do this? I don't dare anymore, I won't dare anymore···"

"You will die, you will definitely die!"

"Eat your heart and liver, peel your skin! Just wait····"


Countless curses and resentful curses kept coming.

But Ye Qin was always loyal to his great cause.

Send them to heaven!

Time passed bit by bit.

The sun gradually set in the west.

The last ray of light finally dissipated in the sky.

Woo woo woo·····

The moment the skylight disappeared, a chilly wind started blowing!

At this moment, this place was the home of ghosts!

"Killed so many of us, this time···See how you die!" an evil ghost said fiercely.·····

As soon as the RPG sounds, it will be sent to hell!

"Come on, all together!" Ye Qin said;

"A family should be together and in good order, right?"

"Arrogant!" a fierce ghost shouted.


But no ghost dared to go up


Suddenly, Ye Qin let out a sigh.

In the deepest part of the village, a bloody light shot up into the sky.

A breath different from that of ghosts, monsters, and evil spirits came towards him.

It was an evil, crazy, and bloodthirsty breath!

PS; Thanks"**"Big monthly ticket···There are also several big votes for urging update, thank you···

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