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Dorian remained expressionless while listening to the being speak about all he knew.

From the beginning of their little fight till now, only 4 and a half minutes had gone by with Dorian acting mercilessly.

Well, they had only used up the single time that it took to bid 1 or 2 items. 

"That's it! That's all I knew, I swear!" The little thing said while trying to make its voice sound as humble as possible.

Dorian took a medallion from his pocket and slowly lowered it towards the badly squashed, rotting meatball. 


With a click of his fingers, the thing vanished into the talisman mediation.

"You! You! Let me out!"

Bam! Bam! Bam!

The thing suddenly slammed on the green jade stone, feeling choked and weakened after entering the medallion prison. 

Of course, it was even more frightened about something else. 

You know... It was an underworld creature by nature. So... So... Lying was part of its DNA.

And when the bastard exorcist behind it was asking questions, all its answers were lies... Especially after feeling its current prison sent forth an alarming and soul-burning pain into its entire being.

F***! F***! It was ready to talk! Anything to stop the pain.

Forgive it. Forgive it. The light was just too unbearable for a dark creature of its kind.

But where did the damn exorcist have time to sympathize with it?

Dorian gripped the necklace threateningly: "Lead the way."




The medallion levitated, raising Dorian's right hand in the direction they needed to go. 

If it were a chained medallion/necklace, the scene would probably look like Dorian was walking a dog.

Dorian gripped the pentagon stalled medallion hard, feeling which direction they were pointed at. 


Now, his search time would be way lessened than if he had to search this enormous Auction home without any clues. 

Time was of the essence here. So for safety measures, he preferred to solve this issue before the auction event ended.

Or else, once the ridiculously massive crowd started mingling and moving about, he would find it harder to get things done.

And by then, the many creatures might not only successfully flee but target and follow other victims too.

Human life?

Dorian honestly didn't know whether or not he cared for human life deeply.

A person could die before him, and he wouldn't even bat an eyelash to the scene.

Of course, he felt that he might get a certain level of discomfort if people very close to him fell. 

In his last life, he wasn't close to anyone. Even when working with a team, he was a silent and lone person. 

So this was the first time he had people like Butler Sheng that they felt drawn to. 

So, he didn't know how he would react if something happened to him. And again, he didn't want to know. Why not just prevent it from happening?

Dorian hated things that went out of his control. 

As for his current concerns, it wasn't that he felt a sense of justice for human life or something.

For him, it was more or less something to do with perfection and efficiency.

Once he started an assignment, he would always see it to the end, doing an exceptionally good job.

To him, there was no in-between. 

He either did an amazing job, or he didn't pick the job at all. 

If he had chosen to ignore what he saw and still choose to sit in the auction arena, then he wouldn't bother if these things fled or not. 

But now that he was on board with the project, you best believe he would not only complete it but overdo it as well.


Very quickly, his brain began calculating and theorizing on all the possibilities and variables at hand.

With a swift turn, he withdrew his coins around and on the guard's body.

"He'll be up in a minute or so. Someone should stay behind with him and wait for further instructions."

The guy has been marked. So before he left today, he had to clean up or at least tell the guy to visit his home for cleansing. And of course, he wants a saint. So payments were in order. 

Luckily, this guy had been affected by a measly 99-year-old creature. So comparable with his current strength and the fact that he didn't use too many items to take care of it, his fees wouldn't be expensive.

Everything was said and just under the eyes of the heavens!

Stay with him?

Several guards felt very frightened, almost wanting to go on their knees and beg to follow after Dorian. 

Stay back with the fainted guard who was not long ago possessed?

You know, now whenever they see his face, they subconsciously think of that disgusting image earlier.

The Hous were secretly glad that they wouldn't be the ones to stay back. And the head security guard also felt relieved that he had the power to command himself out of the room.

You say he's abusing power? So what?

One of the guards quickly took off his shoe and began poking the passed-out guard fearfully: "Gr-grandmaster... Are you sure that this guy will wake up normal?"

Poke. Poke. 

Zhulyn was suddenly made speechless by the actions of these people.

Why were they now surrounding and poking that guy like savages in the wild?

"If the Grandmaster said he will be alright, then he should be fine. So while you all stay here, make sure to stay on guard and don't allow anyone else in."

"Yes!" They replied like obedient chickens, bobbing their heads seriously... Even though there was a hint of unwillingness in their expression.



Dorian felt the tremors of the medallion in his grip. 

And without a moment to spare, he exited the monitoring room, followed by everyone else. 

In particular, the Hous we're very quick to move, not daring to stand too far from Dorian.

What if something sneaks up from behind to kill or snatch their souls away?

"Grandmaster... Wait for us!!"

In that manner, everyone else tailed faithfully begin the Grandmaster.

But soon enough, they all smelt something stale and thick in the air.


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