
Two men stepped out of the vehicles, walking very innocently, towards the gates. 

This was still a gated, wealthy region. And from time to time, guards would patrol or zoom around the area.

Moreover, from time to time, a few vehicles and joggers would pass around too.

Of course, there weren't any worries about the neighbors seeing them from inside the various neighboring estates because just one estate alone could cover several ordinary street blocks. That is, the further one went in, the more ridiculous the sizes of these estates were. And the Tian estate number was 23.

Look left, look right, the streets were now clear and void of any passing cars, patrol officers, or wealthy joggers going out for a run.

The 2 burly men still wrapped scarfs around the bottom halves of their faces while looking into Dorian's estate cautiously. 

As people who used to work in the Tian household, they knew everything about its safety and surroundings.

"Look. The cameras we destroyed before leaving still haven't been fixed yet."

"Good. Then there's no need for us to hide our faces before we step in. The brat probably doesn't even know about it."

"You're right." One of the men replies, still vigilantly darting his eyes maniacally. 


Typically, the many cameras should be able to capture who was approaching. And, from there, someone would speak to the guests through the inbuilt speakers.

But now, with all security systems destroyed, it was impossible to capture any footage of them. 


Now, even if the brat had a hunch that they robbed the place, what proof did he have?

Look left, look right, look up, look down.

The duo went back to the lead vehicle. "Boss, there are no guards on sight."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive, boss."

Botan smiled wickedly: "Hahahahaha~... It seems that the Ghus and the Gias aren't that close to the Tians as we speculated."


One of the men with a terrifying scar around his right eye couldn't help frowning deeply. "Boss, are you saying that the only reason they helped the little imp last night was because they wanted something from him?"

"Hahahaha~" Botan laughed slyly. "If that isn't the case, why would the boy's estate still be in this condition? No guards, no change or security update... Tell me, if the Ghus and Gias truly cared for the little bastard, then why should they let him continue to stay in this big estate without proper protection?"


An invisible light switch clicked on in everyone's head. 

Yes! Yes! What their boss said made sense. 

Thinking about it deeply, they started to lean towards the conclusion that the Ghus and Gias might've only given the bit face because they wanted something from him. 

Maybe after they gig it, they would eventually dump and leave him in the dust.

That is, those big families might've sent those choppers to take Dorian over for that sole purpose. 

They took him over, not caring that his estate was left unprotected.

So if he came back to find the place in a mess with several artifacts, broken or stolen, they probably wouldn't care.

Too smart. Too smart... Everyone felt pleased with themselves after cracking the code.


"Boss! I think you're right."

"Yes. Yes... The boss is a genius!"

"Alright, boss... let's do it!"

Botan chuckled at his confident gang. "Boys... We'll be sure to raise hell in there. After all, this is what they owe us... Come on then, move out! It's time to get to work!"


Immediately, everyone stepped out of the vehicles, with some looking out for Patrol officers.

Meanwhile, Botan and the rest dashed towards the gates like ninjas, with their daggers and hidden weapons around their waists. 

What a joke! 

This place was a wealthy gated community. So before coming, they were checked for any dangerous weapons.

However, thanks to working with the Tian household for a long time, they had long befriended a few of the guards here.

And with the right amount of money in those guards' pockets, they let them better with their weapons.

As they say, connections solve everything.

Everyone stood on the far most sides of the gates, seeking into the estate several more times.

The gate was an automatic one. So they would have to get into the place first if they wanted to open it up.

Botan nodded at a few of his men, who stood close to a pillar next to the golden barred gates, creating a human ladder.

There was no helping it. The estate walls were high and towering. If not for the barred-like gates, and the elevated estate buildings placed on raised terrain, one wouldn't know the beauty of the place within.

1, 2, 3... 3 pyramid layers were formed in a flash.

[First group, head in!]

Botan gave a signal to his men, and instantly, another group quickly ascended the pyramids, making their way to the top.


~Hup. Hup. Hup~

Their breathing thumped the faster they pressed on the backs of their pyramid-stacked colleagues.

According to an, once they got in, they would head towards the security building neck to the entrance and open the barred gates. 

That was the plan which now seemed as simple as saying their A, B & C's... Or so they thought. 

~Hup. Hup. Hup~

The first burly man was on a roll, ascending just as planned.

Adrenaline pumped to his veins the further he went. The danger, vigilance and excitement only made his heart pound wildly.

Bubuum. Bubuum. 

The top was near. The top was near.

The man dawned a very accomplished smirk on his face. And with his hands stretched upwards, holding the edge of the walls firmly.

Now, with the power channelled to his arms, he raised himself and peaked into the estate vigilantly.

Good. Good... So far, so good.

The man looked back, giving Botan the A-OK signal.


Now, it was time for him to jump into enemy territory.

However, how could things be that simple?


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