Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You?

Chapter 150: Arrival: The Academy Grounds

~Whoop. Whoop. Whoop.~

The propellers whipped and turned fiercely in the air.

Chan-ki looked out the window with excitement, feeling more fidgety the further they left the city.

Who could blame him?

He had only gotten brief information from Butler Sheng's mouth concerning the acquisition of the property.

So he was more or less in the dark, the same way those escorting them were only given brief info about Dorian. 

Curious and curiouser...

Chan-ki grew extremely curious, as he suddenly felt the urge to go down the rabbit hole.

But where to begin? No matter how much he asked, Butler Sheng only sealed his mouth, closing his eyes and strangely positioning his hands as though meditating (cultivating).


Since when did this guy meditate?

Chan-ki had no choice but to stay silent, marveling at the scene outside the windows. 

Well, at least he was in a chopper... A very cool one at that. So why not enjoy it?

The other 2 escorting guards sitting opposite them in their chopper, secretly glanced at each other, concluding their observations.

It looked like if they wanted to understand the mystery around this Dorian, then the person they had to seek was Butler Sheng.

Though they would always be at their tip-top best when on a mission, there were always opportunities to find out what they wanted without compromising the mission.

Giving a little nudge on the matter would allow them to know Dorian's limits and boundaries.

Likewise, they had already somewhat understood what Old Gia's lower boundaries are with this mission.

So if they stayed within the grey area, as usual, everything should be fine.

They weren't robots. 

And because of their training, even though they did flow orders, they were also taught to ensure that what they were doing was legal and morally alright, just in case their superiors used them to do dastardly deeds.

So in fact, Old Gia always encouraged others to pick out clues while on missions to confirm if things were as they seemed or not.

For all they knew, maybe the person who sent them on a mission was a double agent. Or maybe there were other factors in the mix that would change things in future.

That's why even though Old Gia sent them out on the mission, he also hinted for them to find things out for themselves without compromising the mission.

They could take it as training or a test if they wanted. 

So yes. They were still gathering clues as to why Old Gia would value this guy so much that he took out these precious choppers.

Not just anyone could deserve such a high honor from old Gia.

Ajin, the team leader, secretly squinted his keys deeply at Dorian seated opposite him. 

Dorian also had his hands crossed over his chest and his eyes closed. But Ajin knew that he was probably awake and alert.

'Interesting... I can't see through him. So it's best to start with his men... Especially the Butler.'


~Whoop. Whoop. Whoop.~

Like so, the choppers moved in formation for a long while, finally crossing over the waters, closing in on the chosen island. 

Chan-ki opened his eyes, shocked at how massively huge the entire island was. 

When Butler Sheng said the young master had bought an island, he thought it was some of those tiny islands scattered around the place. 

However, reality was quick to slap his face.

Too big!

The island was not only huge but full of vegetation too. From a distance, he could already tell how plump the island looked.

"According to the coordinates, this should be the island." The pilot shouted, still keeping his eyes ahead.


The guards and even Butler Sheng couldn't help marveling at the luscious site coming into focus.

Dorian opened his eyes and narrowed his vision with eagle eyes.

No one knew that what he was seeing now was different from what the others could see.

Likewise, Butler Sheng also noticed how far his vision could see.

The most shocking thing was that he concentrated his hearing towards a certain distance, he could also listen to sounds that seemed too far off. 

This... This... This... 

With trembling hands of shock, joy and all sorts of emotions, Butler Sheng would only stare at the scene in a daze.

Of course, everyone else thought he was dazed by the magnificent island outside. 

Well, Butler Sheng was just in the 1st Dan.

So while everyone was only seeing tiny dots of greenery from afar, Butler Sheng could at least see things with a bit more definition.

Of course, if the chopper were further away, he wouldn't be able to even see that definition from afar.

Every Dan had a circumferential range to its powers.

So yes. Though Butler Sheng's ability wasn't great, it was still mind-blowing to someone who wasn't too long ago, was an ordinary mortal.

Damn! Too awesome!



Everyone was only amazed by the size of the very vibrant green island they spotted from afar. 

"Circle the entire island before landing."

"Yes, Grandmaster," Ajin said, carrying Dorian's message to the pilot. 

And without delay, the pilot did as he was told the closer they advanced.

Now, they had a better picture of the place.


The hills and terrains were mighty rugged, with mountains, hills and even cliffs. But maybe the most eye-catching sight was the big divide on the island.


Unlike the other regions around the island, the Northside didn't seem to have sandy beaches surrounding its perimeter.

Instead, the land was raised so high, creating several deadly cliffs. And below the cliffs, an even more dangerous water current flooded through the place, almost beating the center point of the island. 

If this was a mythical world, and ships were to sail through that divide, they would have to worry whether the cliffs would move in and close up on their own, crushing the ships to bits. 

The island had low points, high points, flat regions, caves, waterfalls and several other features that could make one feel its mystery.

Dorian nodded his head in satisfaction for the academy's grounds. 


Now, he just had to find a good spot to place the core in.

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