Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You?

Chapter 154: F***! What Is That?!!!

Grandmaster! Grandmaster!

Everyone on land gazed at Dorian's silhouette in awe. Of course, their brain cells were still trying to fully understand how any of this was possible. 

Some exclaimed to express themselves, while others began pinching themselves in a trance. 

Of course, some also stared at the scene in silence, wondering whether they were still in the same world anymore. 

Maybe they had just entered a mysterious time portal, taking them to a parallel world instead. 

Shocking!... Too shocking!

~Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.~

Dorian advanced calmly, seeing all the creatures swimming underneath his feet. 

Some giant ones tried to attack him but quickly took to their heels the moment he glanced at them. 

Mommy... They should've already taken the hint that a human who could walk on water wasn't normal.

Dorian walked towards the dangerous and heavy flowing waterfall, stopping directly opposite it. 

It was strange to say that all the water that should've been splashing onto Dorian seemed to bounce right back, leaving him dry. 


[Host, after killing them, you don't have to worry about purifying the place. After you've found a spot to properly burly the Holy core Vein, the entire island will get cleansed of any evil qi hovering around. Provided the root cause (creatures) are destroyed, then leave the rest to this system.]

'Hmmm...' Dorian replied.

And with a single stomping move, he created a role underneath his feet that went straight from to the very, very, far bottom. 


He fell below, leaving those watching alarmed and anxious. 

Something wouldn't have grabbed the Grandmaster, right?

They hadn't seen the hole underneath his feet. So of course they got worried for him... Especially Ajin, whose task was to 'escort' Dorian.

'Bullets! Bullets!... I have to get the bullets in the chopper!'

Old Gia had told them to carry tranquillizers rather than bullets. They only thought that he said that so they wouldn't be killing any protected animals... Which was a crime. 

But how would they have known that Old Gia was saying it because bullets had no effect on whatever Dorian was always up against?

Bullets... Bullets. 

He had to throw these damn tranquillizers away and take out the big guns!

After all, desperate times called for desperate measures, and he was not about to lose a life while on the job!

Thinking like this, the brave Ajin quickly reacted, planning to leap for the choppers speedily.

How ere, why did things, not to the way he thought they would?



He smashed his head on something and fell backwards amidst everyone's confused stares.

"Leader!" Mina cried. "Leader, are you alright? What in science's name happened?"


Everyone saw him fall but didn't see what had attacked him. How very bizarre.

"I'm fine," Ajin said, massaging his forehead freely. 

They couldn't understand what was going on, but he seemed to have guessed it. 

"Mina, everyone, I seemed to have run into a wall. Stretch your hands, move outwards, and you'll understand what I mean."

Everyone was baffled but still did as they were told, leading to an even more shocking scene.


He was right! They were surrounded by invisible walls.

Hands on the invisible walls, many turned speechless with wonder.

Magic. Magic... It was definitely magic!

Chan-ki was the most surprised, trying to determine whether Butler Sheng and the ret were aliens or immortal.

Lying trough. Why was it that the more he saw, the less he understood?


But wait, why would they be trapped here while Butler Sheng and Dorian weren't?


1, 2... Click. 

The light bulbs in their minds went on, and they instantly understood the duo's intentions.

No doubt about it, the duo had done this to protect them. But from what? 


A loud sound suddenly echoed out from the hole that Dorian had descended through. 

And the next thing they knew it, they saw something gigantic Irish out of the water, dashing towards them like crazy.


Everyone, with no exception, had a strong urge to puke. Some people's faces even began turning green from disgust. 


The creature screamed, gliding on top of the water at full speed. 

And the closer it got, the more horrifying it looked.

It was a worm the size of a shark that had over 5 round razor-toothed mouths, 2 long hands with no longs. 

It swam in a zig-zag manner, rating its body from time to time.

~Oow oow... Argh... Grrw... Oow oow~

The forest creatures who had long been hiding and watching, all hastily fled for their dear lives. 

The entire scene happened just like an epic movie!

The birds flew, trees rustled, the ground rumbled from the stomping fleeing creatures, and all sorts of sounds echoed out simultaneously.

Likewise, the creatures within the water weren't slow either.

The money they sensed the evil wi, they took off speedily in all directions. Some who could walk on land also escaped, wanting heartily.

F***! No creature thought of using this opportunity to catch any prey.

Get out, get out!

That was their first instinct.

And it wasn't just them, as even those trapped in the formation wanted to risk it all and make for the hills. 


Monster! Monster! Monster!!

Mina's legs quaked and wobbled in absolute fright, as she now realized how frozen she was.

One step back, one step to the side.

Her legs were so confused, as though both wanted to flee in separate directions. 

She felt cold, yet her palms were warm and sweaty. 

And now, just one thought thundered repeatedly in her mind.

They... They were going to die, weren't they. 


The creature's body emerged from tile to time above the water, moving like a snake and rolling towards them with everything it had.

But while many were too terrified to move, Butler Sheng only moved his head left to right, cracking his bones.

"Well, big fella... you aren't as ugly as the rest."


Everyone who heard him had no tears but wanted to cry. 

Was he trying to say there were uglier things out there than this? 

Several people's eyes rolled to the back of their heads just picturing it.

Fake! Fake! 

How can such a thing be true?

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