Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You?

Chapter 160: Mission Accomplished!

~Whoop. Whoop. Whoop. Whoop~

The choppers finally landed back onto the Tian estate. 

And very swiftly, Ajin and Mina stepped out, giving a firm military salute to Dorian. 

Today, they had seen quite enough.

Mission Accomplished.

"Grandmaster, our mission to escort you to and fro has been accomplished. It was an honor working with you, Grandmaster!"

Some heroes went out on the battlefield publicly, and there were others like Batman fighting crime in the dark. 

Just hearing all the negative comments and information about Dorian and his situation, one would be quick to dismiss his case, thinking him nothing but a brat. 

However, who would've known that he was the real superhero in the dark?

Neither arrogant nor showy. 

Just look at how such a powerful man didn't even bother about his reputation, as though it was only a mandate thing for them, mere mortals to worry about?

With fiery eyes, they stared at Dorian as though he were their heroes. 

The look they gave Butler Sheng was also that of gratitude and awe. After all, he did save them from getting killed too.

Now, they secretly swore that if they heard or caught anyone insulting the Grandmaster again, they would definitely give that person a piece of their minds.

Dare you insult the Grandmaster? Madness!



With firm salutes, they gave Dorian all the respect they could before getting on their choppers and leaving the scene. 

Dorian stood in place, giving Chan-ki and Butler Sheng the impression that he was watching them leave. 

However, because they stood behind him, they didn't see his cold eyes staring at the estate gates afar.

'It looks like my paper puppets were able to scare them away.' He thought, recalling the image of Botan and his men earlier on. 

He recognized those men as the former Tian guards.


It looks like that despicable uncle of his wanted to make a move on him today. 

Analyzing things fast, Dorian turned around, heading onto the main villa with a can expression on his face.

"Sheng... Chan-ki... In 2 hours, we leave."

"Yes, Grandmaster." The duo said calmly. 

Butler Sheng was like a personal secretary to Dorian. So this morning, Dorian's schedule was always known to him. 

If they make plans for any upcoming matters, it would also be in his calendar, planning for the upcoming event.

Anyway, Butler Sheng knew where they were going... And that was to set up their stall! 

Today, those from the Auction home would arrive to buy protective talismans from them. Additionally, they might also have other customers too. 

"Before you 2, go about your business, follow me," Dorian said, leading them into the main hall. 

First, via Pandrol, he gave Chan-ki access to the secret space. 

Everything happened so quickly, leaving Chan-ki shocked and dumbfounded by the fact that this had always been there right under his nose. 

Could it be that even when the other guards used to be around, such a magical place had long existed? 


Finally, with Chan-ki choosing to follow the Tians and be an exorcist, Dorian wasted no time getting him to swear the heavenly oath. 

And from there, he left, leaving Butler Sheng and 

Pandrol to give him a brief rundown of things.

Chan-ki couldn't help swallowing hard after listening to all the startling revelations thrown at him.


Heaven and the underworld were real places? 

Chan-ki's shivered after listening to the punishments any evil exorcists would face if they dared to go astray.


These warnings were now deeply rooted in his heart, as now, he swore to stay on the good path till the day he died.

Of course, what he didn't know was that the punishments he listened to were just the tip of the iceberg.

And by the end of his briefing, Butler Sheng handed him the pendant Dorian had passed on this morning.

With trembling hands, Chan-ki held onto it as though it was as heavy as a mountain.

And even after wearing it around his neck, he would still touch it from time to time, sighing in relief.

He felt like tonight, he would be able to sleep better after everything he saw today.



Dorian's home buzzed vigorously. 

["Grandmaster... Yes, this is Jung Hou. As agreed, I've just taken over the situation at the hospital... Grandmaster, your transfer request has been approved. So when do you want to take the seniors home?"]

"Whenever you can."

["Great, Grandmaster... My team and I will be sure to transfer and transport them back to the Tian home tomorrow before noon... Will that be alright with you?"]

"Hmmm..." Dorian replied, dropping the call. 

Tomorrow, his parents will return.

Good... This was for the best. 

Last night, Dorian had told the Hous about his request.

With the academy opening up, sooner or later, his enemies would be able to know who he is—so having his parents out there wasn't safe.

As for their coma, he would awaken them, but not with his strength.

For the time being, they remain under supervision, using the best and top-notch medical care available.

Of course, the Hous also promised to send a highly trained and specialized team to live with them, taking care of his parents any time of the day, lest something happened when he wasn't around.

All he could do at this stage was foolproof the place, keeping any evil entities away. 

Of course, the problem with his parents didn't only seem to be an accident. 

During their accident, their blood had come into contact with something 'dirty.' And from the looks of things, this dirty entity was a high-ranking one.

Strength... Strength... He had to grow stronger!

With his parents' matters handled, Dorian headed to his private area within the space. 

In a while, they would move out again.

Tonight was bound to be restless.


Meanwhile, far away in a tall-rise building, a chubby man sat with his phone against his ears and a vicious light. 

"Put a request in the darknet... I want him dead!"

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