Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You?

Chapter 330 A Bad Feeling Underway

11:22 P.M.

The Tian boy was back in his estate.

And he didn't come back with any of his usual vehicles but an ordinary car instead?

... No wonder none of their men were able to report his emergence and arrival within the Gated Community.

Everyone's eyes shone brightly.

Wait! So did this mean the reason why they couldn't find their target was because he had long changed his vehicle from vigilance?

So the entire day, the target might've been moving under their noses, but they failed to see the future swimming in the populous city.

They hadn't thought of this because since the day they started following their target, their target had never worn ordinary clothes or used everyday vehicles.

He moved and showed his questionable 'wealth' to those around him without a care in the world.

So this switcheroo was just unseen and not predicted at all.

This was a chess move that took them unawares because for close to a month of this cat and mouse chase, their target had always shown himself as a second-generation son of 'wealth.'


Snake chuckled. "It appears we're getting too confident and sloppy."

"It appears so."


Both men smiled at each other cruelly.

They both showed heavy killing intents, realizing their prey might've been playing with them like an owner with a dog on a leash.

Oh? Dare to make them look foolish?

Their revenge was indeed near.

But with the prominent families doing the boy's bidding, their cure et ream sizes weren't enough.

"Old friend, we both need to make some calls, don't we?"

"Of course! I'll be calling in my private teams."

"I, as well."
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Their current unit here indirectly worked for their boss. While their private teams only worked for them.

Of course, only those not out in missions would get called in. And even then, they still planned to enlist the help of a few of their good buddies.

They also had to be careful that those they brought in weren't so greedy or selfish enough to leak the matter out or pull a fast one on them.

Yet... It still had to be done.

Over the last few weeks, they had long realized that just them alone wasn't enough to take down the Tian boy.

They needed more shoppers, tech wizards, gadgets, hackers, spies, and every other thing they could think of.

Make no mistake. Their plans of infiltrating the Tian estate were still a mission they had to complete.

But when Snake thought of the crazy cloning technology that whipped his ass mercilessly, he dared not, without any gadgets to counterattack the bastard clone.

Though its silicone skin was lifelike, he was sure it was a high tech-robot that could change appearances at will.

Yes! Such technology was something one could find only in Sci-Fi movies.

And before that day, he would've sworn it was too futuristic for their current modern times.

If it wasn't robotic, what other possible explanation could there be?

What's more, towards the end, it ran out of juice and went in shut down mode, once again providing his assumptions suitable.

He had been researching countermeasures like finding devices that could electrocute and fry any mechanical device upon contact.

This would finally make the damn robot explode its drive and juice, allowing them to proceed further into the mansion.

All that was left to do concerning his team's research was to find the Goddamned blueprint of the mansion, best they fall into another trap again.

2 weeks... They had but 2 weeks to do it all!!


And just like that, 5 days went by in a flash.

5 Days!

Some people were fearful for their lives, some thrilled, and others agonized from their current predicaments.

But just far off the coast of a massive city, far, far into the massive ocean, a small cruise line ship having no more than 500 passengers was sailing merrily across the waters.

To many, the vessel was not just a ship but a friend, not just for business but for pleasure as well.

Sometimes, she (the ship) made many forget whether there was any difference between the 2 because when aboard her, a business trip becomes a pleasure one.
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Though small compared to those that carry tens of thousands, her little 500 passengers were still thrilled and ecstatic just being on her flamboyant deck.

"A smoothie you?"

"A cocktail for you, madam?"

"Oh my... What great service."

On the decks, some lounged and sunbathed in bikinis by the pool, others hugged along the tracks, some sightseeing outdoors, while others went on adventures indoors instead.

There were indeed 500 pass gets, but over 250 working staff available.

Some celebrated their birthdays, while others played outdoor sports instead.

How wonderful.

The sun was up, and the ship was boisterous.

Yes... Everything seemed as it should.

But for how long?


On the ship, a lady sunbathing with large dark shades soon scrunched her brows in unrest.


Where did the sun go? Why was it suddenly dark and a little chilly?

The lady propped herself up, feeling the weirdness all around her.

And when she opened her eyes, all she could do was scream.

As for what was going on aboard the ship... Who knows...

On land, those connected constantly with the cruise captains and control room center were all baffled by the strange static noises they heard.

"Sir! We just got numerous reports enlisting our help from one of the Cruise lines. It appears they can't reach 'The Pyramid!' We tried intercepting the connections but also got the same results!" Some reported.

Pirates? Sea creature attacks? Killers? Power out?... What could it be?

The burly 37-year-old man with over my short, naturally spiky red hair calmly tapped his fingers on his table.

"Contact again and begin protocol operations!"

"Yes, sir!"

Gia Ming slowly stood from his seat with a deep frown plastered to his face.

He had a bad feeling in his gut.

"Ready the team. We are going in."

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