Pah! Pah! Pah! Pah!~

Mr. Killer chicken was fast, twirling in the air to deliver several fierce blows.


It got so bad that Snake stopped looking at it like a pheasant he could strangle, but a true deadly opponent. And in no time, they exchanged blows, with the chicken having the upper hand.

The leader was also facing such a situation.

He sent a quick jab, his fingers flattered and straight as a cobra's plunging head.


The air whistled loudly. The chicken had dodged but didn't end there. It poled its beak on the open wounds the leader already had from dealing with the previous ordeals.

Who am I? What am I?

How can a chicken be so powerful? If all chickens were like this, then does the government still need soldiers?

Pah! Bam! Bam! Pah!~

"You damn fat pheasant! Don't let me catch you, or I'll roast your thighs and eat for dinner!"

"Bastard! If you're really so powerful, then stand still and let me choke you!"

"You vicious chicken! How dare you put your filthy claw feet on my million Vyn-face? A woman's beauty is her greatest treasure. So how care you claw at me?"

"Ahhhh!~... I'll kill you! I'll kill you!"



Everyone received beatings one after another, as the many chickens performed ninjutsu on their asses.


Night Whisperer placed his now-bloodied hands on his face, wishing he could vanish from existence altogether.

How can this be happening? Who can tell him why a chicken would be able to land a kick that pushes him back? Or could this also be robot chickens?

At this stage, what reputation will he have when word gets out?

Veins popped from their leader's sweaty, pale, and bloodied face.


He coughed another mouthful of blood, feeling the burn on his belly from the chicken's kick.

Son of a b**ch!
"Everyone! Escape! Escape! We must find a way out!"

Even if it's the last thing, they did. But how could they have known that the enemy had planned to keep them here till the crack of dawn?

Round 6!

More enemies emerged from the walls, and everyone only had tears in their eyes.


What sort of villa had they tried to infiltrate?

Popcorn. Popcorn.

Ghu Sota and the rest watched the show, sympathizing with these intruders.

They had seen them get painful wedgies, painful bones dislocated, and all sorts of embarrassing attacks done to them, including powerful WWE wrestling attacks that left Ghu Sota and the rest wanting to cheer for the defeat.


Who knew playing with the enemy was so much fun?



Like so, seconds turned to minutes, and minutes turned into hours until the pinkish-golden hues from the sun illuminated the world.

At this point, the previous arrogant intruders were all on the ground, using their hands and elbows to drag their bloodied selves away from their opponents.

Some of them had swollen faces that completely covered their eyesight. Their faces underneath their spy masks were all purplish.

Their foreheads were sweating, and their bodies were numb from pain.

No more... No more...

Many crawled with whatever little strength they had but soon felt their legs being dragged by the evil security robot opponents beside them.

But just then, something miraculous happened... Their luck had turned for the best!


Their robotic opponents froze... And it seemed now, they were free?

Hah... Hahah... Hahahahaha~

Finally, it was over.

They felt like jubilating and dancing around a bonfire in celebration. They knew it should already be the crack of dawn, and escaping was near impossible, given their situation and injuries.

But to killers like themselves, even if their chance of escape was only 5%, it was still a better deal than sitting duck and falling into the enemy's hands willingly.

Gritting their bloodied teeth, no one said a thing but forced themselves to rise and make a run for it.

It's incredible how the human body could react during such periods. Just seconds ago, they were so hurt that they could not even shake their legs or turn their heads slightly.

But now, they were back on their feet. And the previous immeasurable pain they once felt was now numb.

Now, if somebody shoots them with bullets, they might continue running and only realize they were hit once they reach safety.

The human body and mind sure were amazing. Their survival instincts were now at optimum level.


1, 2, 3... RUN!

Everyone made for the hills, with the girl from earlier fiddling with the locks.

Their bodies were trembling, and their senses more alert than ever.


"Come on! Open... Open... OPEN."



The door behind them opened. But they couldn't be excited yet. They were still a far cry from tasting freedom.

Run! Run! Run!

The gang passed through the hallways, taken aback by its sudden change.


So the maze only comes alive from night till the crack of dawn?


Everyone inwardly swore never to come back here, only send others to do the job for them. So of course they took more of this aspect.

The hallways were no longer exaggeratingly long. And in no time, their footsteps, though controlled, could still be heard echoing out.

Their condition wasn't the best, and no matter how much light work they did on their feet, it still left sound.

The air was tense, and their bodies covered in goosebumps.

Freedom... Freedom... That's all they wanted.

Too bad when they made a turn along the hallways, they came face to face with Butler Sheng and several others slowly walking their way.


They wanted to turn around but saw Bewoh and others coming from behind.


Looking outside the window, they could see police vehicles, also stationed outside, with the officers leaning on the vehicles lazily.

But this wasn't all.

They also saw... They also saw their backup team arrested too?

But, but, but, but how can this be?

Everyone felt their world tumbling down.

It's over!

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