Placing the orb in the system's space, Dorian wasn't too surprised the system could handle the dark energy from the orb. 

After all, its master was a being that sent him here without all these powerful underworld princes knowing. Even Loki had been oblivious to this until recently.

This only proved its master was one whose power was unfathomable.

"Good." Dorian smiled slightly. 

The stronger the system's master, the more convenient it was for him to act as he wished. 

ƥ Rumble. Rumble. Rumble.~

The ground began shaking the moment the orb was taken, and Dorian knew it was time to go. 


He appeared next to the others, watching them kill off the last handful of creatures left. 

3 minutes more.

"Endo, the ground will soon collapse. Keep our guests afloat. Everyone else stands in formation!" 

Pointing his weapon at the center, everyone also did the same. They knew the focus wasn't per say on their weapon, but on the talisman papers attached to them. 

"WenDogartium Pletarius!" 


Like a scene from Ghostbusters, they released all carnage and ghoulish voices at the center of the formation. 

The creatures that had been sucked in earlier were now released and squished into the formation's confined space.

"Foolish Mortals! We can never die here!"

"Bahahhahahahahahaha~... Soon we will regenerate. Soon, we will be renewed!"

Dorian increased his chanting power, causing them to wail in agony. 

So noisy. For once, he would like for creatures he took care of to go quietly. Was that too much to ask?

The creatures were all gathered at the center in a matter of seconds, but that wasn't all that got sucked in by the formation.

"Dad, look!" Jenny pointed at the insane tornado above the formation that began sucking in the rotting grounds, soils and everything else.


Even the hills and mountains were not saved either.

How scary. 

Everyone shuddered watching the massive space turn into nothing. 

You don't understand. 

With the purple sky above and the lands below disappearing, they soon found themselves above a dark abyss. 

Imagine yourself floating above an empty space the size of several cities. You cannot see the bottom of the hole, only feeling its eeriness from afloat. 

Luckily, the purple sun did give them some illumination. Or else if the place truly went dark with absolute lights out, they didn't know whether they would freak out to the point of death or faint. 

Ghu Dwo gritted his teeth, trying to calm himself from being distracted. 

Though his son, Ghu Sota was there, he felt he should always lead by example, proving his might as one of the top Academy disciples. 

That's right. According to the last academy showdown, Ghu Dwo ranked 7th among the thousands. 

His son ranked 33rd. It wasn't bad, seeing as there were thousands of disciples present. 

Of course, the inner Academy disciples were roughly 1,300 in number, while everyone else was in the outer Academy. 

Ghu Dwo was the 7th on the Inner sect list, and he intended to maintain his position amongst the top 10, which gave him so many uncountable benefits within the sect. 

Of course, it also made him a bigger celebrity and role model who was always watched by many within the Academy.

To Ghu Dwo, his goal for becoming strong was to always protect his clan, his family and his friends. That's why he gave it his all in everything he did. 

With the monsters he killed all out from his talisman paper, he quickly did away with his weapon, clasping his hands together in deep focus. 


The more he chanted, the thicker the layer of sweat on his forehead. 

Ghu Dwo felt the burden of the greedy formation that struggled to contain the evil massive space using divine heavenly power.I think you should take a look at

As exorcists, they were mediums through which this divine power could flow through. 


Some people dropped to their knees while still floating in the air, but dared not stop their chanting.

Endo was the person responsible for keeping them all afloat.

Gritting his teeth, he too focused on the task, putting extra invisible flooring below those who weaken. 

Tick-tock. Tick-tock. 

Dorian stared at the purple moon that was almost at its pique color, knowing they only had 10 more seconds to get out, but there were still 4 more hills to suck in. 

It seems he would have to use a bit of his reserve power to quicken things up. 


Everyone noticed the formations change, as it sucked in items 3 times faster than before.

Come on. 

8 seconds more... one of the hills vanished. 

6 seconds more... another one went out. 

4 seconds more... the 3rd one got sucked in.

2 seconds... the final one was drawn.


2 seconds left no time to waste!

Dorian swirled his fingers, and a golden tornado enveloped them all. Bianca and the others weren't expecting such a change, placing their hands over their faces in defense. 

However, what surprised them the most, was the feel of grass on their feet. 

What's going on? Opening their eyes, they found themselves in the same graveyard sight they vanished.

For Bassona and the others, although the slight looked slightly different, they still recognized it was the place where all their troubles began.

Free?... Were they truly free?

They had no time to question, as they saw Dorian moving his fingers crazily. 

It looked like the trouble wasn't over yet. 

Hup. Hup. Hup. Hup!

His fingers were so fast they left after images.

1 second more...

Dorian quickly activated the formation he placed around the gravesite earlier.

Everyone only watched the little shed uproot ground and twist itself anti-clockwise with a rapid spin, sucking all underworld energy around the grave sight.

With only 7 seconds left, Dorian and the others began their true exorcism, compressing the creatures and everything else into a tiny ball before watching golden chains from the chains wrap themselves around the ball.

The grounds rumbled, the air grew chillier, and the screams of a thousand creatures made many hunchbacks with their hands on their ears. 

Make it stop! Make it stop!

They felt their eardrums would soon blow. Apart from the disturbing vibrations from the voices, it also gave them ominous feelings in their hearts.


Even Bassano's group felt they would have nightmares after this. 

But luckily for them, Dorian was working on a tight schedule. 

"Be gone!"


The evil ball vanished like a burst bubble, and the earlier purple moon was now as they usually recognized it - pale bluish white. 

So... Was it over?

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