In the woods separated by the shallow stream, several people stood in pitched tents, anxiously staring at the strange mist on the other side.

The mist came from nowhere, with no warning whatsoever, and the surprising thing was that it only surrounded the forest terrain across the shallow stream. 

Another strange fact was that the stream curved around the mysterious space, as though trying to make the hills an island from the rest of the world. 

The stream was only ankle-deep, but it always looked deeper from a distance. 

However, the situation that kept many worried was that they hadn't heard a word from their superiors and comrades who followed those eastern people into the mist on the other side. 

They tried reaching their Walkie Talkies but everything was static, with no signal at all. 

Damn! If not for their orders instructing them not to go in until 4 PM, they would have already rushed in to check things out. 

Their superiors told them that no matter the situation, they must remain still and await their arrival. Those were their orders. Additionally, they were to prevent anyone from going in too. 

"Hey, Mac." An anxious voice called. "Do you think they're alright? They wouldn't be kidnapped or anything, right?"

"Nonsense!" Mac yelled maybe to hide his anxiety. "Who are our leaders? They aren't children. If something should've gone wrong, they would've released the signals already. Besides, both our military forces and police forces are surrounding corners of the space. Don't forget that the stream curves and divides the space from the outside like an island. I'm sure any moment from now, they'll be out!" 

ƥandasnovel·ƈom Mac looked at his watch, noting that the time was 3:47 PM.

Only 13 minutes more before they can rush in and check the situation for themselves.

The only man hastily ran his fingers through his hair, looking at the mist deep in thought. 

But suddenly, something unscientific happened.


The mist began clearing in a blink of an eye, as though someone was sucking it away. But that would be impossible, right? 

They lived in a Scientific society!

At the same time, they heard the sounds of rowdy people approaching the sight. 

"Dammit! Journalists!" 

"Why the bloody hell are these people out here so early in the morning? Here to catch up with the latest scoop to get secret videos to post online?"


Mac threw his cigarette into a tray, quickly communicating with those closest to the bunch of noisy people. "I want them far away from the sight, do you hear me? There better not be any video or photo leakage from their side or it will be your heads! Get the police on this one too!"

Very quickly, the other side moved, stopping the nosy reporters from coming any closer. 

"Damn you people! We know my rights! We can be here and anywhere in this place for as long as we want!"

"No. No. You can't take our cameras! You all are bullying too much!"

"Damn it! Isn't this police brutality? You pushed me just now!" Yelled someone who intentionally tripped on their own. 

"You scumbags don't have any good news yet, right? Or else why won't you let us go in?"

"That's it! I must write about this incident! Don't think you'll be able to go free after trying to obstruct true justice!"

"Pssst... Hey... hey... okay. I know we started on the wrong foot, but how about we make a deal? All I what is the latest scoop and I'll be out of your way."

"You bastards are trying to stop us from seeing the truth. Yes! You bastards are really working hard to find these groups but are chilling on the scene instead. No. I must report this matter live, let the world judge you all!"

"Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.~"


From threats to bribery, crying, pleading, and cursing, the media personnel who were stopped tried all sorts of methods to get past the group to no avail. I think you should take a look at

The situation was reported to Mac and others in command, who wished to strangle these reporters to death. 

Putting his Walkie Talkie down, Mac cursed under his breath.

"Damn, this country and its freedom of speech policy. They should control who the hell has freedom of speech. Those news-sucking bastards will definitely turn anything they see into a blockbuster movie, only bringing more hate to us."

With no news from his superiors, no signs of the missing people, and more drama from the media, Mac and many others felt they were walking on thin ice here. But when all hope seemed lost, a Miracle happened. 


Mac tilted his head and slowly reached for his gun, seeing several silhouettes appear from the other side.

It could be their leaders or could be an enemy. One must always be prepared.

"Everyone, don't make a move."

Time froze in place as everyone felt their breathing grow heavier. 

The silhouettes grew bolder and bolder, before becoming clearer and clearer with every passing second, and soon, someone's exclamation made their hearts feel at ease. 

"It's them! It's them! They are back!"


3: 59 AM.


Mac slapped his thigh and briskly walked towards the group who were now crossing over the shallow stream. 

But wait! 

Mac's eyes enlarged in disbelief. 

Are his eyes deceiving him? Or was he truly seeing the missing live streamers? 


Mac, a grown man, wanted to cry and kiss them all after thinking of everything they have been through just to find them. 


His house was egged and even his neighbors' children wanted to know why he wasn't doing a good job of finding these very popular live broadcasters. 

The entire nation and even a majority of the world was wondering why their police and military forces were trash. 

These people jumped at them as though they owned them just because their salaries came from taxpayers' money. 

These few days have been a nightmare to Mac, one he never wished to go through again. He never wished for anyone to be kidnapped or missing, lest such a situation repeats itself.

For sure, after today, the country will definitely come down on kidnapped and missing people cases 50 times more. 

Those in the business will definitely be cursing at whoever 'kidnapped' the group of missing live streamers. 

It is because of this incident that their usual trafficking will become almost nonexistent.

The news has been so big for days that no matter what news channel one puts on, they will always report the matter, bringing 'new' information to light, like the thoughts of interviewed passerbys. 

But now it was over. The missing streamers have all returned!

'Take that, media!'


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