The more Beelzebub thought about it the more he felt like burning the planet he was on to ashes. 

He would have probably done so if not for the many high-ranked angels overseeing the place.

Although most angels were weaker than he who was some of the almighty's first creations, it didn't mean he could do as he liked. 

Because each planet was overseen by his former comrades who were also one of the Almighty's first angels. 

Well, at least a being like Gabriel, oversaw tens and thousands of planets and worlds, with some even overseeing millions. 

They left fragments of themselves in these worlds so if something should go wrong, the exorcists and guardian angels would alert him in less than a millisecond.

Time would freeze and he would appear to save the day. 

Beelzebub knew he and Gabriel had similar strengths.

Coupled with the help of the exorcists and other Angels, he would be overwhelmed out here.

Beelzebub stared at the note in his hands that was slowly burning away. 

[ My dear best friend... (^_^) It's me, Loki! Now, now, now... don't get your horns in a pickle. A little birdie told me you lost your cursed finger and have been going crazy looking for it. So as your dear friend, how can I not help you in your time of need? I'll give you a clue... it's with an enemy, one you'll never expect. Welp. Good luck with your hunting, friend.]


The paper caught fire, with its soot vanishing into thin air, with Beelzebub imagining je was blazing Loki instead.

F*** that Trickster. 

Who else would have the balls... the guts to touch his cursed figure if not someone who was hell-bent on annoying him to death? 

Enemy my foot!

Beelzebub's eyes glowed a ferocious red light as he sat at the head of his table, angrily cutting his stake. 

Thinking of the many years Loki has deceived him, Beelzebub wished the Almighty would come out of hiatus and eliminate the bastard once and for all.

Though an angel's soul cannot die so perhaps after another millions and billions of years, Loki would regain all his memories and come for revenge.

Angel'swere different from them, underworld beings.

If he fell from an exorcist or angel's hand, he would go through the cycle of judgment, reincarnating as rocks, stones, and other inanimate objects until all his evil qi and aura is diminished.

As millions of years go by, his soul will also be transformed into a human. He would no longer be a demon, and would never even recall his past.

But heavenly beings were different. Once dead, they will still get reincarnated somewhere in the heavens.

Their reincarnations are strictly controlled, and written in the hanky book of life. 

Only the Almighty and a few others knew where everyone is every time they die and get reincarnated. 

Once dead, their memories might not come to them until after millions of reincarnations.

Well, at least they still get to be heavenly beings unlike him who would be stripped of all his demonic essence should he fall into their hands. 

It wasn't just the heavens who wanted him stripped should he die by their hands. 

For you see, the abyss is also a very mysterious being that gives life to the many underworld creatures and can also take it back when the time is up.

Think of it as Shinigami. It will grant you powers and life. But if the enemy captures and kills you, it will be the one to write your name on its Death Note, taking back all the underworld powers it gave.I think you should take a look at

All evil qi goes back to the abyss. The Abyss was like the heart of the underworld, and the mother of all beings down there.

It is also the one thing Beelzebub truly feared.

No one can destroy the abyss.

Although underworld beings roam free there, the abyss binds them to do duties like ensuring some human souls sent for punishment get their just reward.

After which they would be sent back up for cleansing through multiple reincarnations and so on. 

The zone where humans go through their trials and tribulations was nowhere near the areas they, underworld beings lived. 

The abyss guarded that place heavily, and sent chills down everyone's throats, including his whenever they dared to attempt any attack on the human souls. 

Make no mistake. The abyss was a frightening existence no creature wanted to mess with.

It's said apart from the Almighty and 3 others the Abyss is the strongest being in all resistance.

Son of a b**ch!

In the past, Loki had stolen things from him and sent him on wild goose chases, attacking invisible enemies and making new ones in the process too. 

He knew that there was a possibility for one of the Enemy Underworld princes to have taken his cursed finger

But honestly, his hunch still pointed at Loki.

Now, there is a big war in the underworld that was indirectly triggered by Loki. 

How is it possible that they all lost vital items necessary for the big day when they unleash hell on their hidden human world? 

Lucifer was on a wild goose chase on his own thanks to Loki.

Mammon and Belphegor also lost important items thanks to Loki too. 

And now, Loki tells him an enemy has his cursed finger and he is supposed to believe it? 

You must be joking! 

Did he look like a retarded lesser creature who hasn't even developed their brain yet? 

No way. 

The bastard was the one with his cursed finger. And now he had to spend time searching for places the bastard would have hidden it in.

For sure it should be in one of these most guarded planets.

Tick-tock. Tick-tock. 

Beelzebub knew how important time was right now because if they all don't retrieve their missing/stolen items before the big day, then there will be no war against the heavens!

They would've missed their opportunity and would have to wait for another 10 million years before the agents all align.

Beelzebub's horns almost revealed themselves through his head when thinking of Loki's shenanigans. 

'Trickster! Where the hell are you keeping my cursed finger?'

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