Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You?

Chapter 459 Finally Over! Victory For All!

---A few days into the future. ---


Officer Macy and several others are invited one by one for interrogation by several men in black. 

They wore black suits and had black glasses on. 

Every word Macy said was taken seriously. 

Macy rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "What was that moment like, you ask? Well, I can only tell you this... the young should never be underestimated!"

Macy took a deep breath, recalling the entire scene. 

It wasn't just her, but many other officers and even prisoners who also retold the epic scene with wild vivid animation. 

Of course, the townsfolk also gave their statements too.

"Listen closely, I swear, this is how it went down."

"At this point, our saviors were all bloodied up, with their clothes torn and burnt in some places. They looked as if they were about to faint, with heaving breathing and weak strength while they assisted each other to stand against the many enemies."

"Now, you have to know that so far, they had only killed roughly---"




"80 creatures!"

Everyone gave their destination. 

"Out of 200 and 17?... Well, I'm not too sure about the numbers but I tell you, after all the battling they did earlier, they hadn't even taken out half of the monsters."

"Honestly, we all thought hope was lost. Many of us wanted to flee at full speed, but were too chicken to do it."

"Of course, some did have the courage to get a move on things. But the ones guarding us told us not to leave for our safety."

"This made everyone wonder if there was any danger beyond here too. Anyway, we all had no choice but to stay put and become cheerleaders for the fighting bunch."

"Yes, sirs... it's just as I said. Our saviors were losing so badly that we almost peed ourselves... But just then, when all hope was lost, a young--"



"Handsome-looking kid slowly approached from behind us, wearing the same uniform as them. Of course, seeing how young he was, we didn't expect much from him."

Everyone paused in this particular Monet, as their bodies quivered just from remembering what happened next.

"I remember everything... it all happened so fast I just couldn't believe it. The moment the boy entered, the rest all sat on the ground within the battle space."

"That's right. They sat very close to us, very relaxed as if it was a synch for the boy. But that can't be right, you ask? Well, even we asked the same bloody question, wondering if they were insane or had given up on life so soon."

Many shook their heads wryly. 

"How naive we were. I don't know why the many monsters also hesitated, as though trying to make sense of the situation. But I'll tell you this... the boy was like one of my favorite anime characters, "Shanks" in One Piece. He just casually strolled in amid a battle scene, and everyone was just staring at him, wondering whether to attack or not."

"He had his hands in his pockets, a lazy demeanor, and a look that said he couldn't be bothered with whatever jargon was going there."

"But you see, this was the best part!" 


Gregory, Ross, and many others had twinkling eyes, as they no longer sat, but stood and began to display their take on how it went down.

"Reaching a midpoint below the surrounding creatures, the young man only tolerated his head slightly, saying no more than 4 words: let's make it quick."

Ross smashed the table with his fist, wanting to also give sound effects too.

No way. You needed to be there to see it.

From that provocation alone the giant monsters with shadowy cloaks all flew down to him at once. 

They were coming from left, right, front, back, side, and center.

It was like clouds of fairness sensing on the land. 

How can one evade such a ruthless pursuit? Everyone sucked in their breaths, feeling it was just too gruesome to watch. 

"Sirs, do you remember what I said about the young not being underestimated? Well, I learned that from that moment."

Boom! Pah! Boom! Bam! Pah!~

"All we could see were several streaks of light smashing the creatures one by one."

"We never saw what exactly it was, though we wondered why the young man had suddenly vanished."

One of the prisoners, placed his hands and fingers on the table, leaning in closer, to elaborate more. 

"A minute later, almost all the creatures except for 5 were eliminated. It was then that we saw the crazy fighting beam of light slow down... would you believe it if I said the beaming light of speed was the young man?"


"If you don't believe me, you can ask the others too! Just because I'm a prisoner doesn't mean I love all the time! This time, I swear on my father's grave that I'm telling the truth! The boy finally slowed down, and we got to have a first glimpse at his weapon."

"What was it you ask? Well, it was something I've only seen in MMORPG games! It was a double-sided spear-blade that was as huge as a car and as long as 3 couches put together!"

How the boy managed to carry it and also place it on his shoulder was something they would never understand. 

Wasn't it heavy? Shouldn't it bury you into the ground due to gravity like a hammer hitting a nail?

What happened to--

Forget it... Forget it... Science was indeed not very reliable. I think you should take a look at

"Officers, I'm being honest, the battle after the kid... no! After the sage entered, it only lasted for no more than 3 minutes. How to say it? At the start, I was scared for the sage. But before the battle conclude, my fear turned into sympathy for these creatures."

"Officers... you don't understand..."

Everyone's face was distorted, recalling how the fight brutally went down. 

Indeed, these officers will never truly understand.


--Back to presents day--


Dorian stood towering over the many creatures, as he had beaten them so hard they couldn't even move anymore.

It was shocking to see this long human standing above a hill of monster corpses.

And yet his face was still as expressionless as ever, as he stomped and stomped on them, something s using his blade to slice right down to the last body underneath the pile of corpses.

In out, in out. 

This time took out his blade and inserted it back severally, making the creatures aggrieved. 

"Damn you despicable human! How dare you attack us? Don't you know who we are? We are the--"


Dorian inserted the sword again, causing the one talking and all the others to wail in agony.

"You bloody bastard! You're nothing but our food! So how dare you-"


"You-you-you stole doing that now!"


"Hey, hey... we are talking to you he-"


"Wait! What already, dammit! Can't you let us catch our--"


The creatures wanted to cry but had no tears. 

Wasn't this bullying? His human was definitely bullying them!

It was as though he was here to play a game of extraction and insertion. 

What do they look like to him? A place for a sword in a stone? Why do you keep inserting, taking it out and inserting it again?

Just make up your mind already!

Little did they know that Dorian was truly annoyed by their rambling.

For once, why can't he just meet a quote creature?

"You bloody son of a b--"


Dorian suddenly smiled, deciding to hurry things up if it would make the noise go away. 

Holding his double-edged blade high, he then changed it for a giant mallet.

But that wasn't all. 

The giant mallet broke down into 10 smaller mallets. They say "small", but it wasn't small at all! 


Those outside were confused, but the many disciples and academy elders could only sigh, lighting candles in their hearts for the creatures underneath the Grandmaster's feet. 

Bam! Bam! Pah! Boom! Bam!

The creatures who now scattered were struggling to look for places to run to, feeling that wherever they went the mallet was always right behind them, squashing them so hard they flew into the invisible walls, squashing like a bug.

"Ahhhh!!! Run for your lives!"

"Run for your lives! It's a monster! It's a monster out to get us!"

"Good Underworld Abyss! Who can tell us why such evil is allowed to exist?"

"Get out of the way! I have to leave here now!"

[Everyone else watching]: (-_-)


Many wiped their eyes severally in doubt. 

Is it just them or the way these creatures looked at the Sage had changed so much that they, the monsters, had forgotten their identities, calling the boy a monster instead? 

Hello? Aren't you supposed to be menacing and proud? What happened to your dignity?

Everyone closed their hung opened mouths, suspecting they were watching a hologram show just now.

'I suspect you all are fake but have no evidence to prove it.'

Or else what happened to the monsters who made us wet ourselves earlier?

Refund! They wanted a refund for the whole experience!


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